Oh definitely- That’s why she’s been so impressive this year. Genius move by Parsons that confused a lot of people at the time and has certainly paid off- She’s locked down a number of excellent attackers 1v1. I was openly wondering who they’d play at CB when Sonnett was traded, and Parsons was like “watch this.”
Oh definitely- That’s why she’s been so impressive this year. Genius move by Parsons that confused a lot of people at the time and has certainly paid off- She’s locked down a number of excellent attackers 1v1. I was openly wondering who they’d play at CB when Sonnett was traded, and Parsons was like “watch this.”
But yeah...Going up against statement game Soph was very much a “welcome to the fire” moment for her.
Oh definitely- That’s why she’s been so impressive this year. Genius move by Parsons that confused a lot of people at the time and has certainly paid off- She’s locked down a number of excellent attackers 1v1. I was openly wondering who they’d play at CB when Sonnett was traded, and Parsons was like “watch this.”
But yeah...Going up against statement game Soph was very much a “welcome to the fire” moment for her.