A possible reason for the almost complete blackout on news about sale of the team: the potential buyers might well be insisting on that silence as a condition for continuation of the process. Let's face it: there will be a segment among the supporters for whom virtually _no_ potential buyer will be sufficiently pristine. That segment is …
A possible reason for the almost complete blackout on news about sale of the team: the potential buyers might well be insisting on that silence as a condition for continuation of the process. Let's face it: there will be a segment among the supporters for whom virtually _no_ potential buyer will be sufficiently pristine. That segment is also likely to be extremely noisy about their objections. That's their perfect right...but the aforementioned less-than-pristine potential buyer may be unwilling to tolerate the social media shitshow until after the sale is a fait accompli.
Just a theory. Hell, there may not BE a potential buyer willing to pony up the asking price. Until recently, the franchise's unprecedented attendance numbers were running at a modest fraction of their former glory. Those numbers, even if they fully return to their peak, won't be best in the league again (although they'll certainly be close). The team's revenue stream might be too small in relation to the price to make the acquisition sufficiently attractive to anyone not willing to look beyond the short-term bottom line (and there aren't a whole lot of Michelle Kangs in this world). Deep pockets folk might be waiting to see what happens in the WoSo world after WWC23: will the rise continue...or will the buzz die down?
A possible reason for the almost complete blackout on news about sale of the team: the potential buyers might well be insisting on that silence as a condition for continuation of the process. Let's face it: there will be a segment among the supporters for whom virtually _no_ potential buyer will be sufficiently pristine. That segment is also likely to be extremely noisy about their objections. That's their perfect right...but the aforementioned less-than-pristine potential buyer may be unwilling to tolerate the social media shitshow until after the sale is a fait accompli.
Just a theory. Hell, there may not BE a potential buyer willing to pony up the asking price. Until recently, the franchise's unprecedented attendance numbers were running at a modest fraction of their former glory. Those numbers, even if they fully return to their peak, won't be best in the league again (although they'll certainly be close). The team's revenue stream might be too small in relation to the price to make the acquisition sufficiently attractive to anyone not willing to look beyond the short-term bottom line (and there aren't a whole lot of Michelle Kangs in this world). Deep pockets folk might be waiting to see what happens in the WoSo world after WWC23: will the rise continue...or will the buzz die down?
Again, just some speculation...