I had the same thought. It’s a lot of change all at once. Moving Sam out of the middle seems to have caused a real loss of continuity. There should be a way to let her play further up without losing her as the QB so to speak.
I had the same thought. It’s a lot of change all at once. Moving Sam out of the middle seems to have caused a real loss of continuity. There should be a way to let her play further up without losing her as the QB so to speak.
We would need a strong single 6 to allow Sam to get forward, but we just don't have that unfortunately. Especially not in the way Norris plays, which demands a ton from the 6. I think it's too important of a position, and would like to see her back in the 6. Maybe try Kling along side her in a 4231, which could allow her to get forward a little more if her and Kling switch off staying home and getting forward.
I had the same thought. It’s a lot of change all at once. Moving Sam out of the middle seems to have caused a real loss of continuity. There should be a way to let her play further up without losing her as the QB so to speak.
We would need a strong single 6 to allow Sam to get forward, but we just don't have that unfortunately. Especially not in the way Norris plays, which demands a ton from the 6. I think it's too important of a position, and would like to see her back in the 6. Maybe try Kling along side her in a 4231, which could allow her to get forward a little more if her and Kling switch off staying home and getting forward.