The MLS Team Of The Matchday little crystal doorstop he'll probably get will fit right in next to his Champions League medal and six Premier League medals on his trophy shelf, and it will be something he looks back on with the most fondness, I'm sure.

In all seriousness, though, he couldn't have asked for a better start here and this is a nice bit of recognition of the start of what's hopefully a whole new chapter of Timbers MLS soccer.

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Yay. I am not a hater of all corporations (I work for one after all) but after dealing with DaBella one time there is NO WAY I would ever wear something with that name on it.

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I was just coming to comment on this. What are the implications of this for the season? Will they go sponsorless? Does it affect dp acquisitions? It seems like a very surprising move, though admittedly I don't know much about the company or the court filing.

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They will almost certainly have to go sponsorless for most if not all of the season. The lead time to find a new sponsor and negotiate a multi-year deal with that entity will take several months, and the lead time to make new jerseys with a new sponsor will be a couple months on top of that.

There are definitely financial implications, although I don't think it will impact DP spending all that much. The step down from Alaska to DaBella was probably significant, and after this, who will want to pay a premium for that ad space at this point? Whoever gets the next sponsor deal will get it at a hugely discounted rate. The team is in no position to get anything resembling top dollar at this point, and they have zero leverage.

The bigger issue: This is just another example of how MP is unfit to own this team. A 5 minute Google search this winter would have turned up multiple examples of how DaBella is a terrible company on many levels, even before today's allegations came to light (https://www.oregonlive.com/timbers/2024/02/portland-timbers-sponsor-dabella-ceo-accused-of-sexual-harassment-unwanted-advances-former-executive-says.html), but MP - and make no mistake, his fingerprints are all over this, despite his claims to have taken a "step back" from day-to-day ops, as he's friends with the CEO of this company - just didn't bother to do a lot of due diligence, because again, friends.

The one thing I will give the Timbers credit for, given that we can't go back in time and undo the signing in the first place, is how fast they acted to disassociate themselves from this shitty company when these allegations came to light. Under the Gavin regime, there would have been endless dithering, "investigations", and inaction for months; this was 24ish hours from revelation to termination of contract.

That still doesn't excuse the deal being done in the first place, but it does show that they've learned how to clean up the messes they make. Which I guess is something.

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Late to this discussion but just wanted to note that there are some folks who would like Tillamook or Dutch Bros as the new sponsor. Disclosure: I am long and hold stock in Dutch Btos. Either company would be fine with me. And as Dee ,emtopmed. gppd tp see the FO be procactive in terminating the deal. That said, I heard the harassment was a well known secret so am wondering if said FO also did any due dilligence.

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Also: I think the new kits will actually look pretty good without a sponsor.

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I'm actually excited to get a sponsorless kit. I have a couple from teams abroad and they are easily my favorites.

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