For the first time in a long time, I'm not dreading going to a game (except for the heat!). Like you, I legit have no idea what to expect, and while that does carry an undercurrent of fright, I'm also mostly curious to see what this unorganized kitchen junk drawer full of bits and pieces might start to look like with a little organization.

I'm not focusing on results for a few weeks; if they go the Timbers' way, that's great, but I'm not gonna be super bummed if they lose right now. I'm mostly just gonna be watching to see how the team gels with the new guys and under a different-ish coach/system.

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At least this thread doesn't have a paywall

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Watching Messi on my way out the door. I know Zivin is our guy. But watching him and Twellman call Messi can only be described as insufferable.

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Sports teams always seem to get a bump after a coaching change. I'm not sure why, but I hope that is the case for the The Timbers tonight. Some of the players are clearly sad and angry at the loss of their coach. I believe they are mad at themselves and each other for lack of effort and execution. Hopefully that will be motivating. Oh and do you think the players really care about Cascadia Cup? Cool if they do, but I'm skeptical. It seems like more of a consolation prize for the fans to hold over each other.

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Players like winning trophies. They may not care about the particulars of the Cascadia Cup or its supporter-driven history, but they'll still celebrate like crazy when they win it.

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Gonna be fascinating to see how the team reacts to the new coach! Effort at home hasn’t been a problem, so we’ll see if just not having Gio there leads to more creative play. I want to be hopeful but I am reminding myself that it will probably get worse before it gets better. Hoping to see Antony for a decent amount of time, I’ve slowly warmed up to his signing, which will of course make me more disappointed. I’m a bit concerned that Miles Joseph said they’d stick with the 4-3-3, I’d rather see Evander as a 10 than an 8, but oh well. Excited for the game!

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