Aug 28, 2023·edited Aug 28, 2023

Disappointing to get a draw when we almost closed out the win, but when I step back a bit and look at this game, a point is all right under the circumstances: A road game against a good opponent, Smith out half the game (please be okay Sophia!), 90 minutes of Nally, 45 of Porter, 60 of Sinclair (ok that's a self-inflicted wound). The Spirit were better - much better - in the first half, we were a bit better in the second, so a draw seems fair or even shows some luck in our favor. I'll take the point and run.

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Aug 28, 2023·edited Aug 28, 2023

Random thoughts:

1) Bixby has gotten a LOT better at playing out of the back. She used to frustrate me by booting long under just minimal pressure, but now she's a lot more calm and controlled. She even takes touches around opponents, which she absolutely never used to do.

2) Weaver's goal shot is one she doesn't do a year ago. She always used to blast her shots hard, often right at the keeper, but today's goal showed a high level of finesse under the fiercest pressure. Well done, Ms. Weaver.

3) The change in the Thorns' play when Sugita subbed on for Sinclair was immediate and massive. Pleeeease take note, Mr. Norris.

4) Kuikka had another good game. It feels like she's rising back up to the level we all know she has in her.

5) Nally isn't the best centerback in the NWSL but I do appreciate that she plays within herself. She doesn't, for instance, attempt the spectacular passes that Coffey is capable of, nor does she try Hubly's long switches, which is good because she wouldn't complete most of them. She's content to do her job and let others do theirs.

6) After Menges's handball, the ball goes out of play at 86:26 and the ref calls for a PK at 90:08. Really, it takes almost four minutes to review that play? It's clear as day that the ball hit Menges's extended arm straight off her boot, so the only question for the ref team is whether that should count as a handball. You'd hope they'd have known before the game - maybe from PRO's or US Soccer's guidelines - whether such an event should count as a handball.

7) In the 54th minute, Menges plays a ball that's about to bounce to Bixby for an easy grab. Bixby has to avoid using her hands and soon has to boot the ball into touch. What happened with the communication there? Isn't Bixby yelling "KEEP!" at the top of her lungs? It could have easily been an own goal!

8) When the other team has a long throw-in specialist, why don't we do our deep clears to touch well upfield from the penalty box? Many times this game we cleared the ball out to the side of the penalty box, giving Sam Staab a chance for a long throw. A bunch of those clears could have been sent out of bounds farther upfield, preventing Staab from doing her thing.

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Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

Nally's performance was superb and the subs all did excellent bringing energy too.

If Hina or Crystal could start on Saturday at Louisville that would be massive.

Sam and Rocky's partnership has been awesome to see too. Coffey enjoys having help back there, especially defensively.

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Aug 28, 2023·edited Aug 28, 2023

It's time for Sinc to go to the bench against speedy opponents, and then come in to see out a win. I would count Louisville among the speedy opponents. I'm really hoping Norris has the nerve to make this adjustment.

Anybody think we hold Washington scoreless for 92 minutes with Hubly back there? I don't.

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Aug 28, 2023·edited Aug 28, 2023Author

Yeah I think she'll start again Saturday. Hina and Crystal are probably going to be at 45-60 minute availability. Worthwhile to consider giving them both a half.

He'll have to decide between Hina, Liv, Rocky, Sam, Crystal, and Sinc for 4 starter positions.

There's no way I'm taking out Rocky who has been excellent next to Sam.

Crystal and Hina press extremely well too so would love to see an all-def team.

Olivia also has great chemistry with the other mids too.

Sinc is still very good against teams who play on the back foot against the Thorns.

Great problem to have for sure.

Louisville definitely has speed to contend with for sure and gave us fits with their on and off again press in the preseason. They play a lot better at home than on the road too.

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Sam and Rocky in a double pivot also provides two really heavy boots to take long, hard, "keep 'em honest" blasts from outside the 18, forcing the opposition to expand their defensive block. Think how useful providing more space to operate could be, especially if we can finally see Hina as a 10.

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Rocky can also tee up volleys, which is a lovely bonus.

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Re #7 this is the second time offhand I can recall specifically Menges and Bixby not being on the same page and getting in each other’s way, I think last time Bixby was having a real shaky game and Menges just might not have had confidence, but now twice? Dunno if Nadine needs to run some extra drills or what but it’s too late in the season and two too veteran players to be having basic communication issues

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Agree on Weaver's advances this year. At the season's start she mentioned having had special training in the offseason for the first time and of we're seeing the fruits of her labors, then I say get more of that this winter! That chip goal was {chef's kiss}. And Sam's service? {same}

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Totally agree on all things here. 4 minutes expired on the handball review was absurd. The penalty was taken in 90+2. Nothing ever dragged out like that during WWC.

And yes, Nally plays within herself, which is mostly what you need from a CB.

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Normally I just like great comments, but that one was especially great and I agree with all your points.

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Well, um, thanks!

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Your point 6 here is the key one: The refs have absolutely no idea how to interpret the law, so they just decide on vibes. I don't think that's a handball, but it should be an obvious call one way or the other if the refs know the rules.

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Moultrie, Coffey, Weaver, and Sugita all had excellent games for the minutes they each played. Moultrie or Coffey WOTM.

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So, I’m typically not one to dwell on refereeing decisions, but I’ll admit that I’m still seething at that call the next day. Here’s why:

The relevant part of the current handball law reads as follows: (it is an offense if the player) “touches the ball with their hand/arm when it has made their body unnaturally bigger. A player is considered to have made their body unnaturally bigger when the position of their hand/arm is not a consequence of, or justifiable by, the player’s body movement for that specific situation. By having their hand/arm in such a position, the player takes a risk of their hand/arm being hit by the ball and being penalised”

Menges unquestionably makes herself bigger by lunging for the ball. She also *clearly* is in a position “justifiable by the player’s body movement for that specific situation.” There’s simply no way to argue otherwise in my opinion. The rule, while no longer containing the provision that exempts handball offenses that are deflected off other body parts, clearly exempts the player in question when the body position is “justifiable.”

Even if the referee does not think her body position is as obviously justifiable as I do, it is *certainly not blatant and obvious enough to change the initial call on the field after a VAR check.* It’s simply horrendous officiating, made worse by the inconsistency shown LESS THAN AN HOUR LATER in the next game where the Reign were denied a stone cold handball pen that the ref wasn’t even asked to look at.

Why am I particularly incensed by this call? Cause the Thorns executed their game plan really well -- yes, despite the tragically ugly first half-- and deserved to walk out of DC with all three points and a relatively commanding lead in the shield race. The Thorns didn’t play well in the first half, but they road the storm with Sinc on the field, limited the Spirit’s chances, and got a goal when they needed it. Because of one piece of refereeing incompetence, they now have 5 games to play likely without their superstar striker, and crucially, a 2 point advantage instead of a 4 point advantage.

(Obviously there are plenty of other avoidable outcomes from early in the season that would put them in a better situation. But that doesn’t make this any more acceptable)

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Aside from me not truly understanding the handball rules (but, kudos for trying to help me out!) I don't understand how the fuzzy videos we saw established WITHOUT A DOUBT that Menges had even committed one enough to overturn the call on the field. At the end of the day it was a home field gift.

I'd never suggest Betfort is a like-for-like substitution for Soph (who is?) but she was a difference-maker coming on and as an example, making plays with her head at both ends of the field. When I gripe at the Thorns' lack of an aerial game, Hannah is an exception to the rule. When Crystal was in she was getting knocked around a lot, by the generally more physical Spirit.

Seldom have I been more disappointed by a road point.

Next-to-final thought: Norris needs a plan for who starts when the opponent on the PTFC right flank is going to be a Rodman? Kling survived her stint but there were scary moments aplenty. I suggest starting Reyes instead, but what do I know?

Final thought: when, if ever, are Norris and Sinc going to have their come to Jesus moment? We played 10 on 11 while she was in. Her boots must weigh twelve pounds each.

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The longer the review went on, the more hostile that crowd was going to get without a PK being awarded. After the way Parsons screamed all day long, and given the way he has behaved toward refs in the past, you can imagine what their post-match interaction would have been like without a PK.

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Unfortunately the written rules aren't what refs go by in soccer. For instance, the rules say a goalkeeper has to release a ball in their hands within six seconds, but this is absolutely never enforced. Keepers routinely hold the ball for 20 seconds, more than three times the limit written into the rules.

Reffing decisions are very much influenced by cultural consensus, which can vary from league to league. What constitutes a foul in La Liga is pretty different from what constitutes a foul in the EPL. The cultural consensus here (and in many other places) on "natural position" for handball is that it means "arms beside or behind the body." This isn't written in any rule but it's what we live by. It's why many defenders hold their arms behind their bodies when in the box. If we didn't have an unwritten rule like this, what exactly would be a handball? Other than deliberate handling, when are a player's arms not in a "natural" position? I mean players are out there the entire 90 minutes doing what's "natural" to them to play soccer as best they can. Refs have to draw the line on "natural position" somewhere, and for better or worse, it's been drawn at "beside/behind the body."

Further, I think we all would have been incensed if a Spirit player had committed Menges's handball and the ref hadn't called it.

This post ended up much more digressive than anticipated, but my main point is that reffing in soccer doesn't necessarily follow the written rules, it follows a cultural consensus.

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Aug 28, 2023·edited Aug 28, 2023

Oh 100%, though I think it’s less “cultural consensus” and more that different feds have the ability to modify the laws of the game to emphasize or de-emphasize specific aspects of the law. For instance, UEFA decided to be more relaxed on foot-hand handballs, but that’s not the case in the U.S.

I get what you’re saying with the 6 seconds rule, but that rule isn’t remotely comparable to the handball rule. One is a time wasting mechanism that can be adjusted for with time added, while the other is a game deciding referee decision that nearly always results in a goal.

Re: natural position- I think the law is actually as clear as you can get for an ultimately subjective call: if the movement is justified, then it’s not a handball. Just because referees have co-opted that wording to mean something different doesn’t negate what it clearly states- There should 100% be fewer hand ball penalty calls, because yeah! Most movements are natural! That said, I do think there are plenty of times a hand is in an “unnatural” position- Alyssa Thompson last night is a good example of a player’s hand being up in the air away from the body for no movement-related reason. I absolutely personally believe that the threshold for a penalty-worthy handball should be much higher...but admittedly have no idea on how to legislate for that.

To your last point- Yeah, I’m sure we all would have been screaming handball if the teams were flipped, but that doesn’t make it the right call in hindsight- I would have wanted it to be called to benefit the Thorns, but I also would have thought it was the wrong call.

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Yeah this was not what the handball rule was meant for, that was always be the issue. By the letter of the law it was right, but should it be? Absolutely not.

What makes it worse though is the fact that it's so inconsistently applied throughout the league.

So my question is, what exactly is a handball?

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Aug 28, 2023·edited Aug 28, 2023

Curious as to what in the wording of the law makes it a handball in your eyes? I saw Rifer post relative agreement on twitter as well, so maybe I'm missing something?

Inconsistency is certainly *a* problem, but this seems like an incorrect application of the law itself. Whether that law is actually applied properly across the league is questionable (it isn't), but that doesn't mean it shouldn't be.........which is the main issue for me.

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They need to use a factor of "I couldn't help it. The ball just hit me."

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Agreed. The ball ricocheting into your arm off of another part of your body, on a clean soccer play, to no adverse effect on the attacking side should not result in a PK.

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But she moves over and clears the ball. That would be an adverse effect on the attacking side.

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Same question. Hate losing the two points, but a lot of angst over this.

The ball did hit her hand. What I saw was the ball coming in with a lot of force. When it hit her foot, the ball should have rebounded out somewhere (stands, end line, goal) with a good amount of force. Instead, the ball hits her hand and kind of plops down. Menges then makes a play on the ball. Possibly the ref thought her ability to play the ball gave an unfair advantage. IDK. Be nice if PRO gave an explanation of the thinking here. Of course that would lead to PRO issuing explanations all week long.

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While I get the disappointment on the late goal, this was a really good game for the Thorns. Washington showed they are a really good team, and the Thorns played them even for the whole game and had a great opportunity to win on the road. I'm back to not knowing what a handball is, because I thought I had learned that when the ball is deflected off the body a handball can't really occur (unless there was intent).

Lets hope the Smith injury isn't bad, because she is so important to the team.

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Some non-handball related thoughts for the last 5 games:

1. This is Morgan Weaver’s team now, barring a miracle Soph recovery. I imagine they’ll stick with the 4-2-2-2, which means Weaver will be the main striker. Betfort’s gonna be important too, but it’ll be Weaver who will need to fill the Soph hole if anyone does.

2. I like the box, especially without Soph. It gets the team’s best players on the field in (mostly) their natural and best positions and provides the much needed stability we didn’t have with the 4-3-3.

3. I’d like to see more Reyes. Thought she really stood out in a positive way in her cameo and is just a better option against most wingers.

4. We have a tough remaining schedule, but the toughest opponents are all at home. Gonna have to make PP a real fortress!

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Change that to Weaver and Coffey, and I agree with you.

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I meant more in terms of goal scoring, but yes, this will be (and probs already is) Sam’s team.

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I hear ya. I was just struck in last night's post-match interview how "in charge" Sam is.

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She’s amazing and I hope she’s doing those post matches for us until her late 30s.

(Also appreciated how close she was to cussing the refs out while also showing restraint. A true gift!)

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Aug 28, 2023·edited Aug 28, 2023

She is me and I am her:


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New meme format just dropped. Wish there was a way to post images here.

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Aug 28, 2023·edited Aug 28, 2023

Agreed. Does Betfort have Weaver's stamina? Weaver seems to run as fast in minute 90 as in minute 1, which is really exceptional in a soccer player (or anyone else). Can Betfort do that? My hunch is "no", that Betfort needs a sub after 60-70 minutes, but I haven't paid close attention.

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Betfort gives me the true jock vibe, but doesn't have enough game logs to tell one way or another. Since she's all of 180 minutes logged, 68 max this season, she's 1. fresh and presumably knock-free and 2. perhaps only now rounding into game shape, given practice minutes and game minutes are very different.

I could see a front three of Weaver, Dunn/Sugita, Betfort going forward. Like everybody, am dying to know Soph's status and for now, presuming she's gone until at least the playoffs if not the rest of the season.

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In a previous presser, Morgan Weaver loved how Betfort can match her energy.

I definitely think Hannah could do it if given the chance.

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I think she can give 60-70 minutes full out, no problem. If you need that kind of speed and aggressiveness up top at the end, you could bring in Reyes for her.

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Reyna can absolutely play anywhere at a high level. I definitely did not have her being a winger/forward on my bingo card this year, but it's awesome.

Izzy also wins a bunch of headers too so could help as well as another option.

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Where is Tegan on the depth chart? I heard Menges say Tegan was killing it in practice. So why do we never see her?

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Aug 28, 2023·edited Aug 28, 2023



Well, we all know Rubiales hasn't been big enough to do the right thing anywhere along the way, but now he's actually going to let his mother martyr herself instead of resign.

Hope you enjoyed your time at the top, Spain!

BTW, this is *exactly* what sexual assault culture looks like.

All that's missing now is the Marzipan Man making some milquetoast statement or telling women "you have the power to help men change, but you have to use it the right way at the right time and with the right men."




We've probably all read the quotes, but have you watched the video of Rubiales's denial and account which reverses who did what? Have you compared his revisionist account with the actual incident video?


Also, the fuller video of Rubiales celebrating and grabbing his crotch includes him thrusting his hips forward a couple of times before that.

Then let's go back to Rubiales's defiant diatribe. Look at who is in the crowd applauding when he repeats over and again "I will not resign!" Yep, that's Vilda.

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None of this would seem to be career-enhancing but in our current climate maybe he becomes Spain's next PM. And wow, is mom ever a weirdo.

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Is Bixby ever going to save a PK? She appears to be going through the motions - her dives are late, not fully extended, and nearly 100% of the time the wrong way. Or course we can't demand that she save PKs, but it seems like she doesn't expect to save them herself.

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I'd say that's true. Either she never really drilled on this (which seems hard to believe) or she has no feel for it and no confidence in herself (which seems very easy to believe).

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She gambled, and lost on which direction Hatch would shoot. Had she guessed right I'll speculate she stops the shot. But, as Hatch is right-footed I'd think her tendency would be to aim inside the left post, as it turned out yesterday.

Weirdly, the league records her goal as run of play and not a PK. Why?


A related question: I assume it's standard practice for coaching staff to communicate to the keeper the shooter's PK history, and given the luxurious time spent awarding yesterday's PK, staff had plenty of time to give this info to Bella. Is that why she defended to her left?

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She's a bad gambler then. Bixby has faced 6 PKs in her three years and saved zero. This is the case of the blind squirrel not finding a nut. Although to be fair, six is a small sample.

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Yeah, during the game I was saying that I don't think I've ever seen her save a PK...and I don't even think I've ever seen her even get close to saving one or going the right way, for that matter. Like you said- she kinda just looks like she goes through the motions. Make a kinda-jump, but never extended or fully committed ever.

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Aug 28, 2023·edited Aug 28, 2023

Bixby should stay away from the roulette and craps tables. Hard to guess wrong that many times in a row.

Then again, this...


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The blind squirrel finds nothing but nuts. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8F9jXYOH2c0

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This is outstanding!

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This is off topic, but I've been following the attendance numbers for the NWSL and the league is having a great year attendance wise. There is a possibility that there will be 5 teams averaging over 10k per game (the only two franchises have been Portland and ACFC in the history of the NWSL). San Diego, KC and Washington deserve some praise here, and even Gotham is showing some life. Portland is on track to have their second best attendance year ever, with 17.9K per game (behind only 2019 at 20K). As a league it is almost at 10K per game. The big disappointment to me is the poor showing of NC, sitting at only 4.8K per game. For a franchise with the historical success they have had having the second lowest attendance numbers is really bad. Only Chicago has a worse number.

All in all the numbers are really encouraging. The Thorns used to carry the attendance numbers, and I'm happy to see other franchises improving to help the league.

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Strangely, the Courage seem little known in NC. My sister-in-law lives there; she was a soccer mom of a female college player and was always up on the latest USWNT news. But she was only dimly aware that the Raleigh area has a pro team, and knew nothing about their record of success, where their games were, who's on the team, anything. For a state with a history of Anson Dorrance's umpteen national titles, you'd think the Courage would be big, but no.

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I thought maybe UNC was snagging the fans but looks like they only get about 2k for home matches.

Is it possible North Carolina is more interested in cars driving counterclockwise?

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Aug 28, 2023·edited Aug 28, 2023

Who doesn't love watching modified sedans and coupes turn left for a couple of hours, with the promise of accidents and trips to Jiffy Lube?

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That is just sad. Ownership has to do a better job getting the information out about the team they have. I'm not a big fan of NCC, but I would think they have a product to sell. And it isn't the case of the toxic coaching, they simply don't draw fans and have approached 6k only once (2019).

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I'm in Eugene. Until the 2015 WWC I had no idea there was ever a women's pro league. Upon it's mention, I looked into and found the Thorns. I never made a game until 2017 against Seattle. And only a handful of games since. Still today, I seldom hear mention of WoSo in Eugene.

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True, but Cary is 15 minutes outside of Raleigh. Raleigh is the second largest city in NC, with a population of 450K, and no professional sports teams to my knowledge. Other than UNC and perhaps Duke, there isn't competition for eyeballs, especially over the summer. One would think you could pull better support in the area.

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In this heat???

Something like that. I remind myself often that this is the good Carolina.

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One midfield is not like the other:


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Aug 28, 2023·edited Aug 28, 2023

I think I might be in the minority here, but I don’t really have a huge problem with the lack of ball retention in this game. The contrast in general stability from the road games against Orlando, Houston, and NCC was noticeable in a good way. They were undeniably poor on the first half -- Sam said as much post game -- but still conceded only .5 xG until the PK. I much prefer this approach to the all-guns-blazing all-gas-no breaks mentality that Norris' 4-3-3 played. Sometimes it’s good to sit and kick on the road against a speedy offense. I'd also say that they did a good job at waiting til Washington was to tired to press before exerting some late game control with Hina, Reyes, and Dunn.

Sinc, however, was a total disaster. Completely useless player. Honestly, the fact that they remained relatively compact with her standing still in the middle of the field for 60+ minutes is a minor miracle.

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Anybody seen player ratings from yesterday?

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Aug 28, 2023·edited Aug 28, 2023

DE-FENSE! *clapclap* DE-FENSE! *clapclap* DE-FENSE! *clapclap*

That feels nice.

Our midfield, though, is a wasteland lmao. God bless Sam Coffey for her service this season. (Btw- she's up for player of the week on twitt, ermmm, X(?) if you have that....)

GO VOTE! https://twitter.com/NWSL/status/1696200397050835308

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Glad to see this is catching on: Twitt....um...X, brought to you by the guy who wants to own and control everything!

(I'm no nativist, but in Musk's case I'm quite glad he can't run for President. Can you imagine?)

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Sinclair had a better match than Rodman? What, is there an age bias +/- built into the ratings?

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Aug 28, 2023·edited Aug 28, 2023

Oh, I don't disagree that we should stick with some version of the double pivot, or at least giving Rocky the 8 role., but Sinc and Liv were both invisible or incompetent (or both.) Kinda kills the point of having 2 10's and a 2 front, and the tactics still don't look right at all.

The midfield problems have just been a feature all season- invisible, and I think we get points despite that glaring issue. Norris threw out what they had been doing (albeit, very poorly defensively) all season and implemented a new system while the WC players were away that has improvements on defense, but the lack of our midfield remains ever-present with just 5 games left. We have so many international quality midfielders on this team! Norris still hasn't figured out how to get them to be outlet passes for one another. That means none of our midfielders had more than 3 passes with each other all game! That's kinda nuts to me, and it just makes for some ugly ass soccer. On paper, if Norris would put the right players on the field, our midfield is pretty pretty superior to most. Why have big name midfielders when you don't use the midfield!?

I'll give the defense their flowers though, it felt a lot more stable for sure, I just get the impression that Norris doesn't know what the hell he's doing so he tinkers and fixes one thing but doesn't know how to fix the hole left by the thing he just fixed. It did look much better with Hina and Dunn, though, so I'm totally open-minded to seeing what he can do with them (if he has the gumption to sit Sinclair.) The two-front isn't my favorite though....but this all might be a moot point if Soph is out, because wth do we do then?

And, if somehow we remain in first place despite questionable coaching, does Norris stay?

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Aug 28, 2023·edited Aug 28, 2023

The difference is that the Norris 4-3-3 is designed to play through the wings, whereas the box necessitates the team playing through the midfield. I don’t think we can connect the lack of midfield connectivity in this game to that of earlier games in the 4-3-3. They’re entirely different systems. Similarly, the defensive improvements are directly linked to the double pivot- It’s not as though Nally just woke up and decided to be competent for two games. Turns out midfield support really helps CBs!

I do think they went into this game intending to stay solid and compact and I think we’ll see a different game plan at home. The only reason I think they won’t have control is if Sinc continues to start....we did just fine once Hina and Dunn subbed on. If we get our preferred midfield 4, I think we’ll be more than fine. If not, I don’t think the problem goes away. Why would the team look to play through the midfield when they have a black hole in one of the two attacking spots? Moultrie doesn’t have the ability to fill the whole field, and she still has a ways to go in terms of asserting herself game to game.

So yeahh...ultimately I agree that it’s a coaching issue from a personnel perspective. I just think a box with the 4 best midfielders on the field solves the problem. I also don't love the front two, but I am excited to see primary goal-scorer Morgan Weaver.

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Aug 28, 2023·edited Aug 28, 2023

But it seems like he's still trying to play through the wings despite changing the whole system to one designed to play through the center. He just seems hellbent on not solving the midfield despite changing formations.

Defensively it's much better. I think tweaks to the way both fullbacks play are a pretty big part of that also. They seem more cautious, and if one gets up high, the other seems to be more cognizant of staying back. Also, because of the double pivot, I've seen Sam drop back and cover that fullback hole multiple times (usually in Kling's absence.) So, it's definitely solved defensive issues, which were obvious to literally everyone. But, he's still being inflexible...now just trying to make his "use the wings at all costs!" plan work despite changing formations.

Like I said though, willing to reserve judgement when we actually have players in there who can execute. The Rocky/Sinc/Kling partnership on the left side was just brutal and Rodman was feasting. If we can go down the stretch with Menges and Broon (provided she's not super rusty), and a midfield of Coffey, Rocky, Dunn, and Sugita, I could be getting what I asked to see back in March. But with Soph potentially out, one of those players are gonna get shoehorned into the 2-front with Weaver. The only player that could make that work well is probably Dunn. I wouldn't be surprised to see Hina get put there, despite that really not being a good fit. And who do we think fills that hole in midfield? Sinclair will probably get that spot over Liv.

What I'd do if we have to stick with this formation (and Soph is out)?

Weaver Dunn

Sugita Liv

Rocky Coffey

Kling Menges Broon Kuikka


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Aug 28, 2023·edited Aug 28, 2023

Yeah it’s gonna be interesting to see how the rest of the season plays out, especially if we get the preferred midfield. I’m optimistic that it works a lot better because I don’t think it’s a case of Norris saying “you must play through the wings” (in the box, at least) so much as a “holy cow Sinc is useless” issue. I could be wrong tho- I just hope we get the chance to see whether a Hina/Dunn attacking midfield fixes the issue...because we haven’t seen it yet. I’d add that for all Liv’s great attributes, she doesn’t cover a lot of ground and is pretty slow herself. That’s fine next to Dunn, but it poses a challenge when she’s next to the dinosaur. It’s hard to find outlets when your two tens are pretty immobile.

I don’t really think Hina or Dunn will get that second striker spot, although I’d be up for seeing if Dunn can recreate her golden boot season for a few games. I think (and hope) Betfort gets the spot, but I think there’s a distinct possibility Sinc does- That would allow Norris to play the midfield 4 we want, but still keep Sinc in the lineup. The hollowest of hollow victories.

I'd have the same lineup you have but put Betfort in for Moultrie and shift Dunn back. Gotta have some pace outside of Weaver.

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Aug 28, 2023·edited Aug 28, 2023

Yeah totally. Liv is usually smarter with her positioning to mitigate her lack of pace, but it's been really inconsistent. I'm betting she'd be a lot better next to Dunn or Hina. Sinc is kind of an albatross around the neck of whoever is playing in midfield with her....whether it's Sam or Liv, they both tend to look worse when Sinc is on the field. Sam at least has help now.

But I'd totally be fine with putting Betfort in for Liv and moving Dunn back, also. Dunn is one of the quicker players we have, but yeah it'd be nice to have that in midfield if we otherwise have a buncha slows lol.

Also think you're right about Sinc as the second striker. I thought that was a distinct possibility as well, but just didn't have the energy to entertain that lol. Poor Weaver...what a mismatch of a strike partner that would be. Sinc should be the last choice midfielder, and the near last choice forward (I'd take Betfort and Vasconcelos over her, not sure yet about D'Aquila.) I think it would lead to the two 10's staying high to help create, leaving a chasm between them and defensive midfield (unless Rocky moves into an 8 in that case), or, poor Weaver gets left on an island and is expected to do everything on her own. Basically Sinc breaks any positive fixes we make when she's on the field.

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If you exclude the penalty, yesterday was the Thorns best defensive performance in the regular season, and the second best to the first Challenge Cup game where San Diego created absolutely nothing.

Beyond that I think it solves an issue: there's really only one wide player in this team (Weaver) and the width that the full backs have to provide combined with two 8s leaves the Thorns far too exposed. It's actually a nice tactical solution. If we, through some miracle, have Smith available for most of the rest of the season, I still think 4231 is ultimately the best system because I don't like Weaver right and Soph is going to attack wide left spaces as a 9, but if it's Weaver and Betfort/D'Aquila then I think it's the best way to lineup.

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Hey Washington, no fair using an extra dimension!

Must say the other Sam--Staab--has rounded into an excellent player. Her throw-in capability is a notable added bonus. (Can that be coached? I'd love to find out.)

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Sam Staab is a great player and one that should get a national team look. If she ever wants to move, she would be a great get.

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I remember Morgan Weaver was used for long throw ins, but not in the same category of good as Staab and McDonald and certainly not as good as Megan Campbell, the Irish National. If Weaver would like to cement herself on the the National team she could develop a long throw-in or improve her heading technique. We have certainly seen how her improvement is almost exponential.

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And they did that DESPITE Parsons screaming at them all match long.

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Looked for Parsons hot mic moments from yesterday. Couldn't find any, but this is pretty close. Just close your eyes and imagine a Surrey accent...


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I’m at 71’ and I’m gonna hope that y’all aren’t pulling my leg and things get better after that, because it’s been an hour of:

1) Thorns loaf about and turn the ball over, while

2) Spirit builds up then is utterly crap in front of goal.

Frankly, I’m not as convinced that the pathetic Spirit xG is Thorn defense or a “water-boat” issue on Washington.

The Weaver goal WAS lovely, but until then it was all Smith hero-ball, and we may have lost Smith for the season, so…now what?

I’ll take the road point and run. But this sure feels like a possible road win lost to a weak penalty and an hour of faffing about…

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"But this sure feels like a possible road win lost to a weak penalty and an hour of faffing about…"

That's the gist of it, yeah.

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I mean…unless Washington was a genuinely dangerous opponent. Chris Rifer is all in on that, insist this as an outstanding defensive showing.

Seemed to me more like the Thorns did okay - the double pivot really does help! - while Washington was utterly incompetent in the final third.

But I can see how Rifer sees a great road point.

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I'm gonna say it's a great road point because Sinc was no help in either direction and Nally had to keep it together. We really should have come away with all 3 and were playing well enough for that to have happened.

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My plus-minus numbers tagged four players as having had a very good match: Dunn, Sugita, Coffey, and Kuikka.

Everyone else was pretty meh; Sinc's +2/-4 wasn't that much worse than Betfort's +1/-3, Porter's +2/-5, Rodriguez's +3/-2, or Menges' +3/-3.

So I'm not sure "we" were playing well. Well enough for a draw? Okay. But when two of your four best performers are final-half-hour subs? Ummm...

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Here's a philosophical question because I think people are quick to forget that the other team can do tactics:

How much of Washington's final third ineptitude is down to their players and how much is down to the Thorns defensive positioning?

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90% on them:

6' - Rodman has 1v0, shoots directly at Bixby

13' Staab hits Sanchez w long throw, Snachez weak shot right @ Bixby

37' Rodman strong run, Rocky good tackle

43' Saar crosses in, weak clearance right to Rodman, her shot is soft and right @ Bixby

56' Rodman skins Kling but shoots right @ Bixby

62' Kling stripped, Rodman turns but her touch is too heavy, Bixby out to take

84' Ricketts lead pass puts Rodman through the backline but too heavy, runs over the byline

So this wasn't a defensive shitshow. Like the game as a whole, it was "okay" from Portland. But a better opponent might have been less merciful

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I think the Thorns played pretty well defensively yesterday. Washington never really had any dangerous moments.

As for Washington's final third.... I'm not sure Rodman has improved since her first year. Hatch has 8 goals on the year but 5 of them are PKs.

And I'm serious about the Parsons situation - he's doing a lot of screaming, and this is a club that's been through Richie Burke and Kris Ward. I don't think Kang will hesitate to cut Parsons loose if Parsons is screaming and the players are tuning him out.

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What's up with that? He was chatty from the sideline here, but that was ridiculous yesterday. You could hear him screaming like someone was going after him with the gelding pliers all game. If I was one of his players I'd have told him to fuck off...

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I kinda think they did. I didn't see anybody looking over to the sideline for instruction no matter how often or how loudly he yelled.

It's not the first time I've heard Parsons go off like that. He did it in 2019 against Sky Blue at Rutgers. It was utterly obvious that day because the mic was right next to him on the sidelines and Yurcak is a college pitch.

Yesterday, in a much bigger, actually professional stadium with 13K in attendance, it was every bit as bad.

It kinda reminded me of watching the Kerr-led Red Stars play out at Merlo in 2018 preseason. Rory was just screaming at players. Not everybody, of course, but he had his targets. Kerr subbed on in the 70th, and I just remember thinking "She's putting up with this guy?" Answer: one more year, yes, and then gone.

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Aug 28, 2023·edited Aug 28, 2023

Hatch looked back at him in irritation when he was screaming "Hatch, move" right before Rocky's yellow. Think he really wanted that game!

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Hina subs in and suddenly it's like finding the missing car keys.

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How about a little nuance? The Thorns set up to defend against a dangerous attack, largely succeeded, and would have both won the game *and had a better xG* if not for a questionable penalty call. Why can’t we give credit to the Thorns for the game plan and for stopping Washington’s attack, and credit Washington’s midfield press for disrupting Portland’s attack? Why is it that Portland’s defensive success simply means Washington was poor?

Idk why there’s this prevailing notion that the Thorns are expected to keep the ball and play through every opponent regardless of situation. Were they particularly good today? No! But they did their job despite missing both their first choice center backs on the road against a shield competitor with a very dangerous attack (and yes- Trinity Rodman and the Ashleys absolutely qualify as a dangerous attack).

If they played like this at home against inferior opposition, I’d be very frustrated. On the road, at Washington, with Meghan Nally, and without Smith, Dunn, and Hina for a half? Totally acceptable.

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Because Washington didn't really HAVE a "dangerous attack". Dangerous buildup? Ohhellyes! If they'd kept that sort of hazard in the final pass or shot, I'd agree that keeping the clean sheet for the whole match was terrific.

But...again, the Spirit had serious issues in front of goal, and had the Thorns put together anything more than a couple of runs at goal I think the opportunity was there to put the Spirit to the sword.

So, road point? Like I said - fine, I'll take it. But still - as Sam Coffey said in the interview at the end; the Thorns themselves thought they'd dropped points, and I agree. This game was there for the taking, and it wasn't.

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Aug 28, 2023·edited Aug 28, 2023

But.... the Spirit didn’t have serious issues in front of goal: That’s what the low xG tells us. They didn’t even get the opportunities, largely because the Thorns kept a compact and organized shape, supported Kling against Rodman, and clogged the midfield. If you wanna blame the lack of good Spirit goal scoring opportunities on ineptitude rather than good defense, fine....but I would disagree.

Again- I’m not saying the Thorns played as well as they could have. I’m happy the team thinks they should have played better going forward in the first half, and they certainly didn’t do enough with the ball. They did, however, put themselves in a position to get the three points by taking one of their few opportunities and limiting Washington to essentially zero good goal scoring chances.

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See my reply to Aiden below. 90% of the low xG was the Spirit taking poor shots rather than Thorns clogging the midfield (we didn't! they moved the ball around pretty much at will to the edge of our 18!) or forcing them into poor looks. They were pretty crap.

The problem with only getting "few opportunities", regradless of keeping a compact and organized shape - if that's what the Thorns did - Washington has a grand total of 20 attacks of some sort over 100 minutes of so - is that it lets someone who's having an off day - I'd argue that BOTH teams weren't at their best - hope for a piece of luck like a freakish handball call to sneak a point or two.

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Aug 28, 2023·edited Aug 28, 2023

I would tend to agree. Last year's starters at CB were Bruun and Hubs. Menges is starting now because Bruun is out, and Nally had to fill in for Hubs. So, we started our #3 and #4 CBs, and Washington's attackers were toothless. Both things are true.

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I think if they have to choose between Menges and Hubly this year, Menges gets the nod, especially with how Hubly has been playing this year. So I'd say they started the #2 and #4 centerbacks.

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An attack with Hatch, Rodman, and Sanchez is dangerous. Yes they didn't shoot well, but it's a sign of a good defense when the opposing attack "has a bad day". Sure we had some luck, but luck is always part of soccer, and most of the shots the Spirit took were pretty low-chance - that is, low xG. We didn't stop them from shooting, but we did stop them from shooting dangerously.

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None of us know more about Soph's injury status, and probably only an MRI will tell us that, but let's look at the timeline:

Remaining Regular Season Matches (days/weeks since injury):

Sept 2 (6 days)

Sept 16 (3 weeks - 1 day)

Sept 30 (5 weeks -1 day)

Oct 7 (6 weeks - 1 day)

October 15 (7 weeks)

Playoffs (days/weeks since injury):

October 22/23 for #3-#6 (8 weeks or 8 weeks - 1 day)

October 29/20 Semifinals (9 weeks or 9 weeks - 1 day)

November 11 Championship (11 weeks - 1 day)

At most optimistic, it could be that Soph returns in time for some round of the playoffs.

Realistically, however, I'd say she's done for 2023 and will set her sights on getting healed up and ready for 2024 season and Olympics.

The swelling, the big knee brace, the crutches, Norris's use of the word "injury," and how gingerly she was walking off the field (with assistance) and shifting the weight to her left hip/leg, make me think it's over.

No, we don't know yet what the extent of her injury is, but even if it's "just" an MCL sprain like Rocky sustained, Rocky didn't play for Thorns for 3 months. She was ready to play for Costa Rica at WWC, yes, but saw only limited action about 10+ weeks after initial injury.

So, time to start devising a new attacking strategy and then go win it for Smitty!

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Our limited experience with Soccer Girl is a 10-week return to play process when there's no tear or obviously, surgery. Plant, pivot, push off are all last steps for rehab, and somebody from the Nats will be assigned to shriek at the Thorns staff to not bring her back early.

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Aug 28, 2023·edited Aug 28, 2023

i mean we really won't know anything until the swelling has gone down and there's a scan. there's a huge range of outcomes with knee injuries all of which involve crutches and swelling from the bad bad ones to Keira Walsh's one week injury at the World Cup.

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Yeah, the counterpoint I see here is someone like Giannis Antetokounmpo (which I like typing just to see if I can spell his last name correctly off the top of my head).

Giannis went down with what looked like a horrific hyperextension of the knee in Game 4 of the 2021 Eastern Conference Finals, but returned about a week later to lead the Bucks to the NBA Championship. The Bucks released a statement that the MRI revealed no structural damage.

However... Giannis actually did play on a damaged knee!

From what he describes, he had either completely torn or severely sprained his PCL, and neither he nor the Bucks let on:


I would not be in favor of Soph doing something so risky and, if it comes to that, I don't think she will.

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Yeah, what Aiden says. Knees are tricky; what can look horrific right after the injury can look minor when the swelling goes down, and what looks a minor knock is a season-ending tear. The ice and crutches are a reasonable precaution, regardless.

IF Smith is out...well, then, yes. It's Plan B.

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Is it too late to bring in an impact forward to replace (not like she could be replaced) Smith? I would imagine any one who is any good is already signed w/ a team, but what about a trade within the league. Is there anyone viable on a bottom of the table team that would be willing to part with a forward for some $?

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Aug 29, 2023·edited Aug 29, 2023

With everything going on (or not?) in this club right now, I’d lean towards very likely no, lol. They can’t even make a decent positional signing in the off-season, I have no hope (or expectation really) for a KK Hail Mary if Soph is out. There’s 5 regular games left, too much happening behind the scenes, and KK is allergic to contract negotiations apparently. Don’t y’all know she’s planning her next vacation?! ;)

If it were Gotham, they might. They’ve got Esther Gonzalez still to come (and should be integrated by the time they come to PP- yay!), but of course they signed her before she won the WC.

My guess…”The NEW Thorns, now with EVEN MORE SINCLAIR!” And probably Betfort…

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You'd need just the right combination of person.

I see it as a short-term loan, from a club that isn't going to miss her because they're not going to compete for top-of-table. Someone playing in an elite league, with NWSL familiarity and toughness, who is an international-level player. Someone with speed, skill, touch, tenacity, a knack for goal, and an ability to pass.

When I think of all of that, I come up with only one answer: Rachel Daly.

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That would be a catch!

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I think she would relish a chance to play in the playoffs, perhaps even for a championship, and there's no one tougher than she is. She also defends.

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Ok, if we get bad news about Soph, everyone go on twitter and start @ karina to get Daly in for a few months.

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Isn’t the transfer window closed for the season now?

Also not a snowball’s chance in hell Rach Daly leaves the WSL rn

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Aug 30, 2023·edited Aug 30, 2023

Short term loan can happen whenever, can't it? That's all I'm talking about. A loan until mid-November.

Looks like a short-term loan can run anywhere from 2 to 6 months, and apparently there's also an "emergency loan" that is "usually for a maximum of 93 days" and done when a team needs to cover for an injured player.

93 days is more than we need. C'mon over, Rachel!

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Yes most likely. I’m being totally facetious, I know nothing like this would ever happen lol.

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She's awesome, and there's no one mentally tougher.

I wonder if Beleza would be interested in a short-term loan of Riko Ueki or Aoba Fujino? Probably not, as I think they're really hot to win the WE League Cup (pre-season tournament, which has just begun its group stage), but either player would be a very good avenue for getting the ball in the back of the net.

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Aug 29, 2023·edited Aug 29, 2023

Yes, please! Just let us borrow for two months! ::)

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There were few players who I would've killed to have on the Thorns from other NWSL teams, and Rachel Daly was at the top of that list. Maybe KK made some worthwhile connections while she was away and will actually do something (but I don't think anything is done.)

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Aug 28, 2023·edited Aug 28, 2023

Again, for the record:

Road points are good

The Thorns in Washington weren't "bad"

That first hour still seems like a lost opportunity.

That's the sum of my take here...

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Something potentially interesting...Hubly appears to be home in Portland (she's posting pics at home.) Do we think she didn't travel at all with the team, or that she just joins them late after she takes a week off? That would seem to mean we have either Becky or Nally for Louisville.

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Becky, please!

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I'd guess she didn't travel for the Spirit game because why would she. And the team got today off except for some recovery work, which K-Hubs wouldn't need. So she'll rejoin the team in time for training on Tuesday.

Just a guess.

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Totally, just seems weird she didn’t just go with the team since they’re staying on the road and will be playing in Louisville on Sat. Unless, Hubs is gonna fly out to meet the team in Louisville….

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