I thought the yellow seemed fair. Millers studs came through the ball and kicked upwards into the opposing players legs endangering his safety. I mean, that's the rule right?

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Had to miss this game, as I'm in enemy territory (sea) and couldn't watch. I'm not sure whether I'm sad to have missed it or not. A point is good, but this defense is going to be the end of my sanity.

Hopefully reinforcements will arrive this winter, because this team is so close to being so damn good, but they're just not a complete team yet.

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The good news is that all we need is for our defense to become average and we'll be a top of the table team (although to be fair I thought our D played well last night after the first 15 minutes or so). One of the major defensive flaws I have seen this year is simply the inability to clear the ball. Frequently our defenders make a good intervention but then fluff the clearance and goals come from the resulting pinball chaos.

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Yeah, they're basically one good defender away from being an elite tier team, I think. I had hopes before the season that that defender would be Kamal Miller, but clearly that didn't go as planned.

Solidify that shaky defense and this could be a pretty special group.

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J Rod and Maxi played their asses off. I'm not so sure I want to see our team make the playoffs bc I don't think it will end well and bc the ticket prices get jacked up. On the other hand, I always want them to win and I'll be there Wed. rooting them on. That's what sport does to one-it makes you irrational...sort of like being in love with someone does 8>)).

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Sep 29·edited 17 hrs ago

Missing the playoffs three years in a row, in a league where 65% of its teams make the playoffs, would be a massive embarrassment for a team that purports to be as big and historically important as the Timbers. Two is bad enough.

Even if they go one and done, they need to be in the playoffs as a building block for next season, when the team celebrates its 50th year of existence. It's gonna be a big year, and I'd love it if the team were coming off at least a decent end to this season heading into it.

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Excellent point.

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max stunk. he nearly cost us two goals - one on that shanked header 40 yards out from his goal and one when he punted the ball off white's back! give me pantemis any day!

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Max is aggressive. The whole team is aggressive. Everybody on the team makes glaring errors because of how fast and aggressive they play. I'll take the bad with the good. So much more fun than the boring Timbers teams of the past.

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Could not disagree more. Pantemis is a good shot stopper sure. So was our previous goalie. Pantemis is also married to his line and has horrible distribution. So the shanked header that ended up being a throw in for us? Pandemis in goal leads to a 1 v 1 with the keeper or a potential card on our defender. I will take a shanked header that ends up being nothing. As last week the same header led to a goal.

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uh...did you actually watch the match last night? max's distributions were horrible...two kicks straight into touch, one punt off the back of an opponent, and at least three kicks straight to the other team! the fact that his botched header ended up as our throw in was simply good fortune...it had "disaster" written all over it.

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Max has been incredible recently as we go down the stretch run and the games get more important. Yes, Pants technically has the better numbers this season, but which one of them gets called up to the Canadian national team? Crepeau sometimes isn’t great in the regular season, but he is a big game player. He consistently performs very well for Canada and was incredible in the playoffs for LAFC. He’s played in MLS cup twice. The bigger the game, the better he is. That is the keeper I want going into the playoffs. Pantemis does not have that track record or experience. That header might’ve been shanked, but it still prevented a quick counter attack that our defense *SUCKS* at defending against. Crepeau is the starter and is very good

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I thought he played well over all and covered for a bad defense. I agree about Pantemis though.

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