Jun 22Liked by Phuoc Nguyen (Fook Win)

This was just wonderful, Phuoc. You happened to express in your introductory sentence a Thorns fan mantra which I've been thinking as long as the franchise has existed: "She's an amazing player but an even better person." I've thought that over and over about dozens of Thorns and that certainly goes for Payton. This was one of the most moving Thorns profiles I've read; many, many thanks.

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Thank you very much - this means so much to me!

Appreciate the kind words and support!

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Jun 20Liked by Phuoc Nguyen (Fook Win)

She has a great story, Phuoc, thanks for sharing it!

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Jun 22·edited Jun 23

Well, y’all. Sure looks like Liv tore her ACL.

Good thing we have dep….oh god. Can Hina play the pivot and the advanced playmaker? Looks like we’re gonna be seeing a lot more of Sinc…again. Obv Fleming is probably gonna be tasked with becoming the most advanced midfielder....but it's just not her strong suit, unfortunately. Or it hasn't been. Can it become so? Let's hope so! Personally think it would otherwise be a perfect time to put Hina there, but she's been so crucial to the more defensive side with Coffey, and Fleming has not...so, I don't think it leaves us with much choice. If Coffey is out? Well things start to look really rough and SInc enters the starting picture and likely plays a lot of minutes.

Silver lining…this would kinda force the club to really go all out with a starting 10/playmaker sooner than later, but def before next season (like I’ve been hoping for forever.) Again…Echegini is leaving Juve and I’d be submitting a solid bid for her…having her and Liv fighting for a start when Liv comes back would be lovely. I mean, I also wouldn't be opposed to Bonmati as well ::)) Regardless, gonna need to bring in a starting 10/advanced midfielder for next season (or sooner!) if we wanna compete.

Anyways, this is pre-info/availability report so just going off of her pictures which appear to show some sort of knee surgery...

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I've always thought Hina, with her genius-tier football mind and fantastic ball skills, woudl thrive as an advanced central playmaker. Said so enough times here to probably become pretty tiresome to a lot of y'all. ;)

But the thing is, she's worked out SO well alongside Sam in that hybrid double-pivot. I hate fixing non-broken stuff. =/

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Okaaaay, another candidate for Coach-Watch: Amandine Miquel has left Stade de Reims (French D1.)

Apparently Leicester in the WSL are interested, but I'm not sure if that's mutual and nothing has been announced there...

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Jun 22·edited Jun 22

Interesting one, Reims have been solidly mid-table until last season where they came fourth, probably unlucky to come up against Lyon in the first round of the playoffs but they did test Paris FC for third - Paris have a far better team - and only lost CL via penalties.

One of those I wouldn’t mind us looking at, but I reckon she’d do really well at Leicester City. I’m just hoping we’re looking at these kinds of managers even if it doesn’t end up working out - I don’t mind Gale at all but because he’s been fine so far, we’ve got the time to get the right candidate. In a rebuild, it wouldn’t be a negative thing at all to get a manager from Europe who is used to working with more inexperienced players and succeeding in a relative sense (as long as they’re not in relationships with them 😭)

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Week 13 Recap! Featuring:

- A deep dive into why it doesn't *feel* like the Thorns midfield is a major aspect of their attack despite generally pretty good on-ball numbers. I spent a few evenings combing through fbRef/ASA data in detail so I'd love to hear people's thoughts!

- Naomi Girma's all-world performance and how the Spirit still have room to improve despite a hot start.

- Vlatko's YOLO six attacker lineup and why we should be patient with Chicago


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Hi Phuoc, you had mentioned having injury updates at the end of the week so was just wondering what Liv and Sam’s statuses are? I saw Sam was in training with the team yesterday, but I didn’t see Liv…

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Jun 23·edited Jun 23Author

Sam is good to go! She may be on a minutes restriction though, but we shall see what trainers and coaches think is best for her.

Liv is week to week. She is not SEI :) We will have a post on Monday.

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Great stuff! Always great to see rookies hit given how hard it is to come in and make an instant impact

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Jun 20·edited Jun 20

Carrying over some convo to this new thread because I don't wanna bury some of the other good convos happening at the top of the other threads. :)

But anyway, I have another coach watch candidate, but one who I think is more a possibility than others: Rita Guarino (formerly of Inter)

She's been linked the the NWSL, WSL, and Serie A....and I don't think that NWSL tie is to anywhere else but here considering the rest of the league is pretty set on their coaches (unless, someone is about to get the boot!) The league seems pretty settled...of the coaches who are underperforming (Tweed, Stoney, Harvey) I'm doubtful any of these would be let go midseason. She's also recently followed NWSL on IG.

I don't watch serie A...except for a few Roma games because at times they've been fun to watch and I watched longer than I intended to lol. She's a former Italian int'l player (striker.) Apparently she was at Juve until she went to Inter. I haven't done much research...I don't know if she was fired from Juve or just left, but I think she won a lot of trophies there? I got that impression just from reading an interview. But apparently she was just let go from Inter? A quick look at twitter and it seems mixed on her quality. Another thing I read from the interview is that she was well known for her "very direct style." Now, what this means from an Italian standpoint, I don't know....but in the convo they were contrasting her with the new coach of Juve, Montemurro, who is more known for his "possession/build outta the back style."

Anyone here have any input on her?

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Jun 20·edited Jun 20

Speaking of Juve...I just saw that Onyi Echegini has requested to leave Juve already. Watched her ball tf out at FSU and would kill to have her playing the 10 behind Sophia. She's so good and I think would be really good in this league. And she's quick!

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PLEAAASSEEE omg. I can see her in the WSL as she was raised in England but she’s an insane talent and if there’s any chance of her coming to the NWSL we better be trying to get her.

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Jun 20·edited Jun 20

100%!! She was incredible at FSU, and one of like maybe 5 attacking FSU players who I truly would love to have on the Thorns (Brown, Dudley, her, and Beatta Olsson just off the top of my head.) She's still really young and would be an incredible player to build with. I prefer my attacking mids to be front-footed, quick, shifty (and obv capable of scoring themselves)...her and Croix were two attacking mids who I'd have loved to get, but I'd have prob put Echegini first. She can rotate up top too, which is nice. I worry Spirit would be trying to get her because Krikorian is the GM (and I know he's tried for other former FSU players, incl one we used to have on our roster)...but honestly, they've got Croix and Leicy Santos now and really don't have space for Echegini positionally.

But you're right...England has probably come calling. She's certainly good enough to be taken up by any larger Euro club. I wonder if she'd be considered an int'l or if she ever got a permanent residence card while in college. Anyone have KK's address so I can write a nice letter? Lol.

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Jun 20·edited Jun 20

I’m pretty sure she’d take an international slot, but her college career may help her get to citizenship quicker in the long run? Either way she’s dynamite. Can play in most attacking areas and I’d be shocked if most top teams regardless of league weren’t in for her. Maybe Nicole can put in a good word for us 👀 (also love the Olsson hype, always thought she was underrated)

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