Did anyone happen to catch this announcement? Pretty cool. "Building out and leading her staff one can see that draw, as the Thorns now boast one of the largest medical staffs, nearly doubling in size from last year to now."
Did anyone happen to catch this announcement? Pretty cool. "Building out and leading her staff one can see that draw, as the Thorns now boast one of the largest medical staffs, nearly doubling in size from last year to now."
(trying to ignore the fact that she came from the Timbers because their injury issues....woof.)
But yes! Doubling the medical staff from last year is exactly the investment I want to see from the Bhathals. Very much what women's soccer absolutely needs and deserves.
Did anyone happen to catch this announcement? Pretty cool. "Building out and leading her staff one can see that draw, as the Thorns now boast one of the largest medical staffs, nearly doubling in size from last year to now."
Protect those knees!
You love to see it.
(trying to ignore the fact that she came from the Timbers because their injury issues....woof.)
But yes! Doubling the medical staff from last year is exactly the investment I want to see from the Bhathals. Very much what women's soccer absolutely needs and deserves.