Jun 25, 2023·edited Jun 25, 2023

"Same as it ever was."

That seems to fit perfect based on the comments section. I didn't watch the game..I took the advice of others in Wednesday comments and did something else. I can't honestly say I was disappointed to miss the match. Until this team fires gio. I have no hope in this team.

We can't say he isn't tactically flexible because......what tactics?! He depended on his team being 3x better ($$$$) than any others with the cosmos to win trophies. He rode the coattails of Valeri and blanco to making things happen. But meow he doesn't have those types of players to bail him out.

Like lefthanded49 said....

" just an observation. Yes, Chicago and NYCFC are bottom dwellers, but they both move the ball fairly quick"


"Chicago is probably less talented than NY, but they have their roles more clearly defined and are more cohesive."

That is literally coaching. It is the difference in "just go out and play" (maybe individual players will make me look good) and a coach that knows what they are doing.

There are two truths that I live by in soccer.

1. A team can be better than the sum of their parts with a good coach. Meaning that I believe you can still win games even if your players arent the greatest. I believe that a system, if properly drilled and mastered, can unlock any team. Even if your players aren't the greatest. Will you beat everyone? .....no. but I do think you can compete with anyone. And that is something I don't think the Timbers can do.

In the last two months:

11 games, 7 home , 4 away

2w, 4L, 5D

11 points out of a possible 33

only one team was in the top 5 in the west. Both eastern competition are 12th and 13th in the east. How does gio still have a job?

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I think the answer is money. Gio signed a multiyear extension just 8 months ago (well, 8 months tomorrow). I would bet that contract has clauses which cost the Timbers a boatload of cash if they dump him before year 3 or at least after 2 years (so end of 2024 or 2025).

Extending Gio was one of Ned's first actions at the helm - happened 3 weeks after GW and MG were canned, but I strongly suspect this was in the works long before Ned had that power and happened largely due to prior momentum and desire by Paulson to do so. What a horrible time to sign anyone to a long extension.

I think Gio is a great guy, seems to keep the locker room happy - but is terrible at tactics or flexibility - so happy locker room but 1 PPG seems more important to Timbers brass than winning.

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Yeah, I don’t know much about a happy locker room. I sure don’t see it on the field. I often wonder if the players hate playing Gio ball as much as I hate watching it (I’ll speak for myself)

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If I was a player, I’d want to win, so yes I’d be unhappy. However, there hasn’t been any real strife other than his mishandling of Fernandez (the other players were pissed and Gio was letting them play). He isn’t a heavy handed manager, but his style doesn’t really demand anything of his team either. Stronger willed HCs can go terribly if the team decides they don’t like it.

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a buttload of cash or a disheartened and disgruntled fan base who can't stand watching their team play.

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I hated the decision then and I continue to hate it now. It's just another "told you so" moment for me.

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Jun 25, 2023·edited Jun 25, 2023

I just don't even know with this team. They have like 5-10 minutes of good play, where they remember that they can actually string passes together, and then someone in the move either passes the ball right back to an opponent or tries to thread a needle that ends up putting the ball in a very difficult spot, or out of bounds. And then there's a long stretch of uninspired sideways passing followed by another short burst of good play.

They're clearly able to play; they're not able to play consistently. And the defensive forehead-slap moments are infuriating in their regularity.

Nothing I saw last night, as encouraging as the play was in bursts, made me think "yep, Gio needs a bit more time". He's done. And the fact that the Timbers are holding on to him tells me they're probably not going to fire him; if and when they miss the playoffs again, he'll probably be given yet another lifeline because reasons.

Honestly the best part about last night was that Kyra Smith got proposed to after she finished the anthem. That was delightful.

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If you look at Gio's best seasons they were complimented by having either Valeri or Blanco having outstanding peak form backed up by Chara.

I've always had a suspicion that Gio has ridden those peaks. That is why the Timbers are so inconsistent under Gio.

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Jun 25, 2023·edited Jun 25, 2023

The good things:

1) What a pretty goal from Evander. Moar please. He also had some super slick dribbles and flicks and tricks.

2) Great to see Mora back on the pitch. I'd written him off for done. Fingers crossed he can return to useful form.

3) Mosquera is currently my favorite player on this roster. He is really kinetic and has an aggression that seems to be lacking across the team.

4) The team played with some energy in the back half of the second 45. Great to see some energy and drive to get three points.

The bad things:

1) I watched Cincinnati v DCU before PTFC. I don't watch many MLS games besides PTFC, so I don't have a great frame of reference for the rest of the league. But boy, the quality of that game and the play seemed leap years better than PTFC v. NYCFS. DC really took it to the league leaders. But I never felt like CIN was out of the game. I obviously didn't have a dog in the fight. But boy, there was some entertaining, cohesive soccer being played. I get that I'm going off a sample size of one match, but the gulf between PTFC and those two teams was obvious. And I don't think it's just raw talent. There was a cohesiveness to the play that we just aren't seeing with this version of PTFC.

2) Yes, there was more energy that we've seen in some of the other games. But "all-energy, no-plan" isn't going to get this team anywhere. I'm coming to accept that GioBAll is just ChaosBall -- lots of frantic running around and putting on pressure while coming across as shapeless and disorganized. It really feels like the players are trying hard, but doing it on their own, versus being bought into a plan.

3) Dropping points against a cellar dweller at home is peak 2023. This should be unacceptable. Gio's post match comments are such BS "I just don't know what's wrong" and passive aggressively throwing players under the bus. Hey Gio -- if the players are underperforming, guess who's fault that is? You're not a victim here.

4) There was a point in towards the end of the second 45 when there was a loose pass from a Timber in their attacking third. It was rolling through wide open space towards the end line. No NYFC player was making a move. All Timbers were just watching it roll, assuming it was going out for a goal kick. But :::37 YEAR OLD DIEGO FUCKING CHARA::: decided to turn on the jets and chase the ball down from a deeper position. He put in a huge sprint, past flat footed attacking players, caught up with the ball, and circulated it back into attacking play. This moment was totally indicative of 2023 Timbers. The baseline is a lack of aggression and stuck-in attitude. Moments of furious play are the exception versus the rule. The default is players giving up on balls. Except for Diego Chara. But he can't do it alone. This whole team -- players and coaching staff and front office -- need a swift smack upside the head to get them to wake the fuck up.

Christian [ahem, I mean Gareth lol] Bale was recently asked how Messi would adjust to MLS. Bale said something like "losing isn't a big deal in MLS, he will have to get used to that." I swear he was talking about PTFC. Gio gives some pouty post-game comments. But where's the anger? Where's the fight? Where's the attitude that what's happening is unacceptable? I just don't see it, and that is the dead opposite of No Pity. And that's a shame.

5) If Gio wants to be a bunker-and-counter, then he better figure out how coach counterattacks. A PTFC counterattack is like the least dangerous thing in MLS right now. Even when they have a numbers advantage. It's fucking flaccid and laughable.

6) Holy Fuck, Parades had better be okay.

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Oh, I forgot to mention -- #GioOut

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" I'm coming to accept that GioBAll is just ChaosBall -- lots of frantic running around and putting on pressure while coming across as shapeless and disorganized."

Don't forget the crosses. So. Damn. Many. Crosses. Loose passing, dumb crosses, disorganization - that's all Gioball to a T. And it SUCKS.

"Christian Bale was recently asked how Messi would adjust to MLS"

His response? A blank stare, then quietly: "I'm an actor, I don't really follow sports. Maybe you meant to ask Gareth Bale?"

" But where's the anger? Where's the fight? Where's the attitude that what's happening is unacceptable?"

Nobody has it. Chara's probably the closest, but as you say, he can't do it alone.

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LMFAO whoops.

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couldn't agree more, every other mls match I watch is entertaining and can identify what teams are trying to offensively and defensively. Then I watch the timbers and am like WTF is going on.

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Got an early video for Moreno this week, and I’ll probably do one for Caliskan as well. Just noticed some differing opinions on Moreno lately given he’s been largely a mixed bag this season, so I wanted to put this together since I thought he had a very solid game. Of course he had the two big moments he didn’t do well in, but whatever, the rest of the game he was largely pretty good I thought. I left out him doing generic winger defending, which is just tracking back and covering space, but he does do that very well.

I did find it interesting that we seemed to use him as the target man for long balls with Asprilla out -- I would’ve thought Boli or even Loria would be better for that, but we went to Moreno on several occasions and he did pretty well. He was key in the buildup for a lot of plays, which I tried to show.

This isn’t about Moreno and it’s a very minor nitpick, but at 3:57 on the video, I really thought Paredes should’ve taken a touch and shot. I like the idea of the give and go but there’s too many defenders there, and Paredes has room. Take a shot! He’s got a great shot and we don’t shoot enough in general. The defense was dropping back to track Moreno, he could’ve taken a touch or just hit it first time. Be more selfish Christhian, I want you to be rewarded for your great play this year!

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I'm curious to see what Caliskan did in the game. I really don't remember seeing him on the ball and noticed he was behind the player who got the header goal. In that one bit I remember he got on Mosquera's case for not tracking the player who scored, and I think he was right to do that.

As for Moreno, I think the critique is based on expectation as opposed to what he has contributed. I am one who believes he is one of our most dynamic players, but is also one of the more disappointing players this year. I expected better from him. That being said, I also want to see him on the ball as much as Evander, and more so because he is willing to assert himself and take chances.

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I agree that we need to get him on the ball more, he can be the man to start a good attacking play and disorganize a defense.

I also noticed Caliskan being very vocal on the field, both with his mouth and his arms. And I love that. He was calling for the ball, pointing to where he wanted it, or telling a teammate to pass to someone else. Ayala did the exact same thing in his first game. I love that from young players, it shows they have confidence in themselves. We also don’t have many players who do that on the team. I thought that was great to see

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It was a strong effort from Caliskan and the best I’ve seen him look in his limited time on the field this season. He played very well in relief of Paredes, providing a boost at our most-depleted position.

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I enjoyed seeing Cali chewing out Mosq, for just standing there and not following his runner.

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Exactly. Mosquera has been really good this year, but I saw him drop off and that lead right to the goal. Caliskan should have given him an earful. Lets hope he can follow it up with solid play going forward.

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Great video! Man, Moreno is fun to watch, and he got a ton of touches in this game. He's much better with Mosquera as a threat coming around the bend and cutting in. I think he's got it all going on except for the final product right now, and I hope he can turn that part around.

A couple specific things:

I didn't realize how deep and bunkered NY was (five in the back) in the first half. I also don't get the narrative that is always around Portland (bunker and counter team) that Gio is known for. Maybe true with Valeri's later years, but I think it's wrong to describe Portland in this way now.

Moreno leading the break is good - he just needs to get some end product going. The one where he tried to pass to Mosquera, but too late, I'll give some credit to the defender, who did well to anticipate touches and passes to make Moreno think twice. If anything, Mosquera and Moreno were too close together and that made it easier to defend.

Agree with the idea that Paredes should shoot that one - other folks are going to have to take on scoring.

My main thing right now is scoring - Gotta have some production (assists and goals) from the wings. I'm pulling for Moreno to do those things and Loria for that matter, but I am also not opposed to putting someone else in to spur some goals. I think the forwards should be getting a crack at it.

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He’s so fun to watch when he’s on his game. Several things he tried didn’t work but as he grew into the game he started cooking. That touch from Evander’s floated pass is godlike.

Sometimes we’re a bunker and counter team, like the first half vs SKC, and I think part of that is intentional but I also think part of it is just not being good enough to possess the ball. How many times in away matches can we simply just not connect passes? Then we end up getting pushed back with no way out. However in home matches, we can dictate a little more, and Gio is having us press more, which I’m really enjoying. A lot of our chances are coming from us forcing mistakes from the opposition.

I also don’t blame Moreno as much for the chance where he’s leading the break, it was well defended. Yeah he probably could’ve played Mosquera earlier, but it is also equally possible the defender intercepts that pass because Mosquera isn’t wide enough.

Gotta have production from anyone not named Boli and Evander lol, and yeah that mostly includes the wingers

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"How many times in away matches can we simply just not connect passes?"

That's a problem at home too! Not quite as bad on Saturday, but it's definitely something I notice on a fairly regular basis. Loose passing, a sometimes complete unawareness as a pass recipient that there's a defender closing in rapidly to take the ball, etc. The Timbers are just not a good passing team.

"Gotta have production from anyone not named Boli and Evander lol,"

I'm fine with those two being the main/top producers, honestly - if we can fix the passing problem and get them regular service, that would be something the Timbers could build on, because they'd have two amazing scorers and also a few other guys banging in goals.

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The last time someone other than Evander or Boli scored in MLS was May 6th when Zuparic and Bravo scored vs Austin... two defenders. The previous game Yimmi scored, but he’s been injured most of the season. The previous MLS game, April 22nd at Cincinnati, is the last time one of our regular attackers scored (Asprilla, who yes is now injured). Over two months since the last time one of our normal attackers scored outside of Boli and Evander. Of course I’m fine with those two being the two main scorers but we need other contributors. Right now they’re the only ones, which is why I thought it was very questionable when I saw some people calling for Evander to be benched after the Chicago match

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Oh, for sure we need more. But considering the other "scoring" options we have, I just mean I'm fine with those two doing the bulk of the work. If, in addition to Boli/Evander, Asprilla can get close to the 10 goals he got last season and Moreno/Niezgoda can get into the 6-7 goal range, this team could be interesting.

"which is why I thought it was very questionable when I saw some people calling for Evander to be benched after the Chicago match"

Those people should be ignored. Evander is rapidly becoming the focal point of a lot of what the Timbers are doing offensively, and he's getting better every game. It's not linear, of course, and he'll have off days just like everyone, but I certainly don't want him on the bench, except in the last 10 min if the Timbers have a 3-0 lead.

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Since there was no coverage of it here (I'm not saying that as a slight! It's just not been talked about yet), it looks like the Timbers have found their CB:


I know nothing about him, but I already can't wait for him to get here so we don't have to deal with the Larrys Mabiala Experience any more.

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Highlight video link: I'm hyped.


Athletic, fearless, technical, and he takes free kicks.

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I watched another of his play on his national team, and he looked pretty solid. 28 means he should be in his prime, so hopefully he can come in and contribute quickly.

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As Lefthanded said, a bad result given all the circumstances. However, a pretty good performance overall. And since I like to be positive, I chose to focus more on the performance. A pretty dominant first half, we controlled most of the game, had more possession, shots, xG, chances, and weren’t threatened at all by NYCFC. Second half we started badly but eventually got control back, even though NY had a few decent chances on the break. We played with energy, passing looked good, pressed very well, and overall barely let NYCFC get out of their own half for large stretches of the game.

That being said, oh my god can we stop crossing the ball so much?? 28 crosses!! That is WAY too much! It seemed like any time we got into a good area we just have the ball to Mosquera or Bravo, and then everyone piled into the box and asked for the cross. Half the time I don’t blame Mosquera or Bravo for crossing it, I blame the players who all gather around the same area in the box and don’t give them any other options. Our goals don’t come from blind crosses, we either need to get into better positions if we want to cross or try to play through the defense a little bit, which is often how our goals come, like yesterday. It was infuriating, especially since we created some good chances when we didn’t just lump a cross in.

Boli was really really good, my MOTM. He’s adapting very well and is a real threat. Loria was a pleasant surprise, he was quite good. Was sharp on the ball and had some really nice plays around the box, like the ball over the top to Boli that ended up with Caliskan attempting a bicycle kick. Moreno looked sharp too, he’s rounding into form nicely. Yeah he had two bonehead plays but that’s nothing really new. It’s his biggest area where he needs to improve. I was really happy with Caliskan! Not that he was great, but he didn’t look overwhelmed or out of place. Tidy on the ball, good passing (21/23 accurate passes), good movement, played smart. I hope Paredes is okay but I’m happy with Caliskan as a #2 option off the bench.

Having Mosquera back is great, and it allows Moreno to tuck inside more as Mosquera bombs down the wing and essentially plays two positions at once. Both players benefitted from that. So much of our play goes through him, we really missed his dynamism. On the other side, I think Bravo has quietly had some rough outings recently. Plenty of good plays but tons of misjudged tackles where he gets spun way too easily. I love him but he needs to clean it up

Disappointing result overall but I found it to be a pretty fun game to watch. The final third is just where it all breaks down, which is frustrating because it feels like we’re so close to figuring it out at times, and yet so far. We need to stop settling for crosses and let Evander, Moreno, Boli, and Mosquera combine. We get too congested in the middle because everyone goes in for the cross, then when we try to play through that there’s just too many bodies in there. Spread out and play

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It's the same old story, just as it has been for the past couple of years. Create chances, watch the pretty misses...and lots of them. PTFC doesn't have a finisher, certainly not one who can stay healthy.

Larrys Mabiala is getting caught in bad positions too often. NYCFC's goal came off his lazily waving at a ball instead of trying to meet the runner. There are too many holes in the roster and too many matches when there's no cohesion, little ability to string together passes, and poor 90-minute effort. I don't feel as if I'm watching a team, more like 11 players trying to make things happen.

Worse, I'm not convinced that the team is adequately prepared for each game. There doesn't seem to be a coherent plan. Playing two of the league's worst teams at home shouldn't be such a struggle, and yet PTFC appeared to be just what they needed to feel better about themselves. It's embarrassing.

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"I don't feel as if I'm watching a team, more like 11 players trying to make things happen."

That's a really good way to put it. And it's yet another indictment of Gio and his staff.

"Worse, I'm not convinced that the team is adequately prepared for each game"

I've had that feeling since mid-2021, and it's only gotten worse since then. We see flashes of good play, but there's no real game plan, as it were, other than "go out there and do your best". At least last night's game was sporadically interesting and fun to watch, which is a rapidly diminishing trait of this Timbers era.

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2021 was largely a fluke (and it felt that way at the time). We had a way better season than we did in 2022 or so far this year, don't get me wrong - but we were mediocre through 20 matches (24 points, 1.2 ppg), caught fire for over a month (7-0-1, 22 points out of a possible 24), briefly fell on our faces with 3 loses in a row but then found our scoring prowess again in the last 3 to go into the playoffs hot.

We were supposed to beat Minnesota, especially at home - and did so convincingly. The best win by far was eeking out a 1-0 road win at Colorado who were favored and #1 west seed but the luck piece was not just winning that game, but that RSL who was the worst team in the league to make the playoffs also had won in 2 playoff upsets giving us a low bar for the conference final. Finally we were lucky that NYC won the East (though we did lose that game) giving us the opportunity to host.

We were effectively not going to the playoffs with almost the exact same point total we currently have at the end of August (different season design then, we didn't play match #20 until 8/21), but then started scoring goals - our worst game was a 3-2 loss at home for the rest of the season. That just isn't going to happen again.

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Exactly. A lot of people think that us making a final means we are the best team. It's not. Which is why I hate the playoffs

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It muddies the water for sure. New England was, by FAR, the best team that year. They proceed to face plant in their first playoff and lost PKs. What does that get you in MLS? A trophy that nobody remembers (well, OK, except all 36 "die hard" Revs fans).

If MLS was a single table league we would have had a respectable 5th place finish. If we had bothered to play well in the first 60% of the season, we might have had a really great season as that 5th place finish was powered completely by going 10-3-1 in the final 14. That same winning percentage over 34 games would have been (rounding DOWN!) 24-8-2 -- 74 point pace which was 1 better than New England that year.

Bale's "losing isn't a big deal in MLS" is a take, but I don't think it captures the full depth of the issue. It really isn't just that the 3 worst teams in the league are insulated from consequences when they lose, but that teams like the Timbers think they can take the first half to 2/3rds of the season off, then step on the gas at the end and call it a success. By the same token, I have to say that there are a lot of teams that do essentially the same thing in single table leagues too, but they are often sheltered from criticism as long as they finish 5-15th with no real risk of being relegated late in the season.

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NYCFC seemed a lot like the Timbers - seemingly talented but not cohesive. When the Timbers worked together they got a goal, but too often they don't work together. Boli does a nice job of running off the ball, and Evander is starting to find him, it's just that someone else needs to run off that too. I think in general the Timbers need to put on scorers, and that would suggest adding forwards to the wing spots. At least theoretically they are trained to score, whereas the Timbers have midfielders as wingers and they just don't have a nose for goal.

BTW - just an observation. Yes, Chicago and NYCFC are bottom dwellers, but they both move the ball fairly quickly. A lot better than say, San Jose or SKC, who will lull you to sleep with a bunch of meaningless passes. Chicago was even better at moving the ball than NY and we had a hard time dispossessing them on Wednesday. Chicago is probably less talented than NY, but they have their roles more clearly defined and are more cohesive. I like that Brian Gutierrez a lot, and Gimenez was really good, too.

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In the big picture it was not a good result. They need wins. But from one game perspective, they played fairly well. Good in possession, fun to watch. It just seems like they are so close and yet so far. So close to scoring, but so far from doing so.

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"so close yet so far"

This is what I feel. With Evander, Moreno, Boli, Paredes, Chara there is five players in attack playing well, its the quality from that next player Asprilla/Loria, where we are missing something.

I also feel that with Mosquera and Bravo, we should be playing 3-5-2 or 3-4-3. Mosquera just offers so much going forward that we aren't utilizing him. That's the whole disconnect with our recruitment the last few years, there's no clear vision on the type of players we need for the system we want to play.

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I have to say, I feel like Moreno, Paredes and Chara are those players "in between". Boli is higher quality and Evander shows flashes but also mostly plays at a Moreno / Paredes level.

Portland fans have long focused on "potential" and are satisfied with flashes, sometimes full games, sometimes multi game runs of really good play from players who always regress to the mean ultimately. We get much to infactuated with role players and what ifs to demand higher quality.

That lack of multiple points of pressure is KILLING us right now offensively - not just that we are not finishing, but that Boli and Evander are really the only threats out there to finish. That makes for easy defending. Asprilla / Loria are great guys - club guys, but talent wise in the larger ecyosystem of MLS - they are bench players. We desperately need more consistent threats from somewhere and there is a long list of guys right now essentially showing they are not that someone/somewhere.

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Even at the start of last season Ive said to play a 3-5-2 and we've looked good the minimal times we've played like that last season. But I don't see it as a realistic option until Mcgraw returns and we get that new Peruvian cb

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That’s a very good description of Saturday’s game and the difficulty the team has experienced turning chances into goals. The game with NYCFC was mostly good but frustrating. The loss to Chicago on Wednesday was just bad (except for Boli and Moreno on the goal).

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Is it unlucky or just not good enough as far as finishing?

The goal last night was great - good build up and ball movement and everyone did their part to make it happen, and it came at the end of a stretch where the Timbers were building a lot of pressure. You would just like to see them be able to carry that over into the second half and ice another one, but they just can't seem to put one away. Unlucky? Selfish? Just not good enough execution?

Moreno in particular. For the most part he played well, but there were two glaring plays that he didn't make that stick out for me: He's leading a 4 on 1 breakaway and doesn't give it to Mosquera early and waits too long and loses it; and then the miss wide left. He's had some misses, unfortunately. Unlucky? Maybe, but at some point, you've got to make those or give way to someone else - because goal scoring is a lot more important than pretty touches.

Nice job by Loria. He's definitely an upgrade from Asprilla on the wing. You notice we had the ball more and we worked it around in the final third, because he's willing to get crosses in or combine. Nice layoff to Evander. The goal happened because of unselfishness.

Boli was working hard in there and made it exciting with good runs and it was unfortunate that he didn't find the back of the net.

MOTM - Zup. The guy was working double time and was fantastic, IMO.

I hope Paredes is OK. He was playing well but I am glad he was able to come off. Caliskan is good, but is not the physical presence Paredes is, which forces Chara to work even harder. But, we didn't lose much when Caliskan came on and seemed to fit in just fine offensively.

I think Gio needs to pretend that the rest of the season is like we are down a goal with 20 minutes left and put more emphasis on offense - not necessarily change anything formation wise or tactically - but with personnel. Put forwards on the field if you want more goals. You've got four forwards now. Take off Moreno or Loria or both and add a forward(s) who can play a wing. You may give up some goals, but at this point in the season, they are chasing.

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Highlight video for Caliskan making his MLS debut, and I thought he was solid. Nothing spectacular and honestly had very little to do defensively, but on the ball he was tidy, distributed well, played one/two touch, etc. There are a few clips of him in there pointing and telling teammates where to pass the ball. Not just any teammates, but Evander and Chara, probably the two players on the team who don’t need that instruction! But it shows that he is communicating on the field and isn’t afraid to talk to the senior/best players on the team, which I really like. I liked that he was showing for the ball consistently too.

Griffith was just signed to a short term contract, so I wonder if that means Paredes is slightly hurt. He wasn’t on the injury report so he’ll be on the bench at least but I wouldn’t be surprised if Caliskan started. Or perhaps Griffith was just called in to cover for Evander’s (very dumb) suspension

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By the way, the picture of Mora and fam at the top of this article is amazing ⚡️❤️⚡️

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Remember when we were lazily linked with radamel falcao? Doesn't seem like a bad idea 2.5 years on. We sure could use someone like him.

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By far to me the best part of the game was the following: Mora looked great. He made a difference immediately (with defensive pressure) and he was all over. I'm biased - he's probably one of my favorite Timbers of all time, but I think he played those 20 minutes looking very sharp.

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I mean, he had 5 touches and only one accurate pass. I liked seeing him out there but he didn’t really do much. Which isn’t his fault, it’s not the type of striker he is, and when he came in we were fully into “pump endless crosses into the box” mode. I shouted when he almost got on the end of that rebound minutes after coming on

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I just thought he looked healthy and mobile. He looked like he can run and still move - within a minute he was causing a turnover by anticipating a back pass in the pressure and he was involved in good places in his time.

We aren't sure if he's even going to be healthy enough to be a contributor, but I thought he looked healthy. That's a huge bonus for us, even though we somehow now have 4 healthy striker-type guys.

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