Sep 16, 2023·edited Sep 16, 2023

No way Moultrie starts over Dunn and Sauerbrunn was said to only be available limited minutes. If she was fully fit, it would be Menges over Hubly. Hubly has been inconsistent at best for the last two seasons now, this one especially.

Btw said this in the other thread- Koroleva is the ref tonight LMAOOO

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OMG- both teams vying for the Shield, mutual dislike, physical players, and intense, probably-the-fullest-PP-in-years energy, and the league, in its seemingly bottomless well of incompetence, assigns Koroleva to preside over what could turn into a WWE match- I just hope nobody on either side gets hurt badly enough to miss the playoffs.

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It would be PRO, not the league, that drew from their well and assigned Koroleva to this game.

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See above - interesting that Brunn isn't even "questionable" on the IR. Hmmm...

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Sep 16, 2023·edited Sep 16, 2023

She hasn’t been on the IR for several games though and we still haven’t even seen her get garbage minutes. Not convinced “limited minutes” (per Norris) means she can do 45-60, but I’d sure love it if so!

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“Forty stitches or a gunshot”? Ouch.

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Yeah gonna be a bloodbath out there…

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Sam Coffey might as well have a Fishlock-boot-sized target on her back...

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Esther Gonzalez with two in two minutes on her debut. Love having more Spanish players in the league........and Gotham might be legit!

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My first comment from the other side of the world...on a game that took place while I was airborne! Gutted to miss this one but pretty dang happy about the result!

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Sep 16, 2023·edited Sep 16, 2023

Looks like Lavelle is hurt again and replaced by Midge on the USWNT roster- Gotta be frustrating for her and Reign fans. This Reign attack has been absolutely tepid even with her. We gotta come out pressing.

As an aside, it’s gonna be *packed* tonight. Tried finding my dad a ticket in the section my season ticket is and couldn’t do it. Minimum non-GA ticket is $70 right now on SeatGeek.

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Yeah, Clarke said is was a near sell-out! Such a bummer Soph doesn’t get to play in this one….

Lavelle is a miss, but they finally have someone to play in the 10 (what they’ve kinda missed all season.) Angelina is an unknown to the Thorns mostly, and I wouldn’t be surprised if she started in place of her. I remember her being pretty good, and she likes to take shots on goal. I bet Fishlock is only healthy for 60-70’. I hope Kuikka is up for the Rapinoe challenge. Just gotta keep her from crossing those balls in. Weaver is gonna have to press on Huerta, because that is their primary deep playmaker.

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If Kuikka isn’t up for 80 year old Megan Rapinoe, Reyes should be starting lol

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Sep 16, 2023·edited Sep 16, 2023

Lol very much agree. She had her totally nerfed in the away Seattle game, hopefully she can repeat that. Worried about the damn fullbacks again, though. Seattle wingers (mostly Rapinoe) or Huerta ——> Balcer or Huitema is how they score. I hope Mike Norris is smarter with their positioning otherwise it’s gonna be a super frustrating night.

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as for predictions: with PTFC's iffy CBs, timid GK, and ineffective zone-marking on set plays, I'll predict Balcer/Huitema-from-Pinoe/Huerta as likely scoresheet contributors.

For the home team, it's Weaver (probably late if Norris lets her play 90) or nothing.

Unless the new Reign GK succumbs to nerves because of the PP atmosphere and has another derp-game in her ... then happiness may prevail.

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I hope they had “new GK” underlined on their scout sheet. Def could be a make or break night for a second keeper (and a very young one, at that.)

Also hope they have SET PIECES bolded, underlined, and circled twice. I saw a stat that said Thorns were worst in the league on set pieces….and Norris was supposedly a “set piece and GK coach.” Hello? Ol Reign are basically set piece miners because they only score off of free kicks, corners, or Huerta—>Pinoe—> Balcer/Huitema headers.

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Shelby Hogan has looked good in limited minutes…

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Sep 16, 2023·edited Sep 17, 2023

Sure, but throwing in the #2 or 3 during the run up to playoffs in the away rivalry match that’s close to sold out means there’s potential for errors. Especially, if it’s Dickey, given the egregious errors that she made in the Angel City game that were directly responsible for 2 goals (and a loss of 3 pts.) It’s an opportunity at the very least…

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My bad; I thought “new GK” was referred to Portland.

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Is Menges out? If she's fit, I think she starts over Hubly. Also it's hard to see Dunn not starting in a big game like this, again assuming she's ready.

Go Thorns!!!

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Will Sinc demand a start to put a bow on her "Eff Seattle" talk?

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Unfortunately I think Sinc starts, period. Nobody in the technical box since Parsons left has shown any ability to talk sense to her.

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Sep 16, 2023·edited Sep 16, 2023

My best guess:





I’d love if Norris tried Dunn in the Betfort spot to let Hina into the team because I don’t see Sinc not starting this one. Doesn’t sound like Becky’s ready yet, somehow.

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You don't think Becky will be ready to start for this game?

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You’d know better than me, but Norris’ quote “she’s available albeit for limited minutes” sounds more like she’s available to come in off the bench to protect a lead than ready to start.

I’ll be very happy to be wrong though!

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I interpreted the quote the same way for sure.

However, she's looked ready in training for a bit now and I do this game she will start or see major minutes off the bench.

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What's interesting is that Sauerbrunn isn't on the IR. McGrady, Smith, and Beckie SEI. Nobody else.

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She hasn’t been for weeks. No idea why it’s taking her so long to ramp back up to fitness unless her injury is still bothering her and they’re not disclosing it.

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Wasn’t it initially reported as some sort of minor foot injury?

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Sep 16, 2023·edited Sep 16, 2023

I will be so so bummed if Hina doesn’t start. I have a Japanese coworker from Japan who is coming to the game as a first-timer, specifically because she wants to see Hina. She doesn’t even know much about soccer but watched the Japanese players on the WC and came to me and had me give her all the info. She’s now SO excited for the game tonight and has no idea what to expect. Devastating in many ways if Hina only gets garbage minutes.

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There’s more than one reason to be pissed off if Sugita-senshu is on the bench….

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Indeed, hence the "devastating in many ways!" Thankfully Mike did what he needed and Hina absolutely killed it!!

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Glad your friend (and the rest of us) got to see some Hina showtime.

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Yes! She went with a Japanese friend who used to play rugby, but had never seen a soccer match. I got a text afterwards with her SO excited and said it was one of the most exciting things she's ever been to in her life. Safe to say, I think they'll both be coming back. She even pointed to the Riveters (I found her at the half) and said "next time I want to be with them!!" She was absolutely floored.

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IIRC Sinclair hasn't started against the Reign this year. If that's correct, maybe we can have some hope this time.

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Yeah but when was the last time Sinc came off the bench back to back matches when available? Don’t think it’s happened this season.

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Sep 16, 2023·edited Sep 16, 2023

Yeah I just looked it up and Sinc came off the bench against Seattle away, in the 67’. At home? I’m not so sure …I wouldn’t be surprised if he put her at F next to Weaver, because…. although that would be a terrible mismatch.

I do wonder if they’re gearing up for a start for her though, I keep seeing “Christine Sinclair stats against Seattle” from all the media folk.

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Not sure if the Dunn-to-forward move is worth losing her in midfield; she was a good forward, but that was half a decade ago. Admittedly we don't have any really good not-Smith options there...but our midfield isn't real pacey now and removing her means "time-with-a-sundial".

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Sep 16, 2023·edited Sep 16, 2023

That’s definitely right and I’d prefer her and Hina/Dunn in midfield with Betfort up top if I was drawing it up myself, but I’d be really, really surprised (and I hope to be!) if Sinc doesn’t start...and I'd rather Hina over Betfort if that's what it comes down to.

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Yeah I kinda wanna keep Dunn in the midfield just because of the lack of speed in the others, and she’s got some bite. I need to see that Dunn v. Fishlock battle all night!

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The Oregonian piece on ‘Pinoe was curious in that I think it totally missed her schtick here; she’s a “heel” in the classic wrestling style.

I think Fishlock is just a jerk who loves being a jerk. But Rapinoe totally gets that it’s a show, and to give the crowd a good show you need good guys and bad guys and she eats up being the bad guy here. Should be a good show.

As for the match itself? I’m not really confident and I’m going to be sacrificing a chicken to the soccer gods we don’t see Sinc until injury time AND our frontline looks more dangerous than they did in Louisville AND the defense stays organized. Could use some Menges-Brunn today as well as a better show from Natu.

We really need three points today.

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I really like the heel and face comparison.

The rivalry couldn't happen without players who are willing to embrace that!

It's been epic.

It feels like Mike Norris has waited for this game to let Becky make her return as well.

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Sep 16, 2023·edited Sep 16, 2023

What’s funny is that the O piece made much of the Timbers-Sounders and how the WoSo meetings were rivalry from Day One. Which totally doesn’t match my memory.

Seattle was just lame in 2013, sad to the point of pitiable, and while I get that Timbers-crossover fans tried to bring the intensity it just never seemed there. Western New York and especially FCKC (with Vlatko’s gang thugging it up) were the hate-objects early on.

As Seattle got better that changed, and I think the real spark that lit the bonfire was the Long trade and her trashing her former team. Plus Rapinoe gleefully playing the heel turn, and a string of brutal defeats at Memorial…so, yeah. Now it’s a genuine rivalry that (for the 2016-2021 period) was equaled only by the Carolina hate that carried over from WNY.

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Interesting that the last time Becky made her “first appearance back” after being out for injury earlier in the season was at Seattle away. It doesn’t sound like she’s ready for more than sub minutes today, though.

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Agree that Rapinoe loves putting on a show here, but Fishlock *really* loves being the villain. She has said (and demonstrated) that she feeds off the negative energy of the PP crowd. I'm always a little disappointed that we continue to give her that energy. Not gonna happen I know, but I would love it if, for once, we met her appearance with dead silence.

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Worthy fucking adversary...

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Yeah, with Fishlock I don’t get the sense she’s playing a part. I think she genuinely dislikes the whole Portland scene and enjoys the hate she gets from the fans here.

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