Coming off a home loss as stoppage was about to end, one would think Gio would have had the team ready to claw its way back. Nope. No fire, lack of hustle, the usual constant giveaways, playing Mabiala instead of Miller, the ceaseless habit of trying pinpoint short passes through defenders crowded in the box instead of taking shots from distance. Five points in five games in May — a relatively easy part of the schedule and with some injured players back.

Has Gio lost the team?

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We actually had a nice run the last few weeks. No Mabs in the lineup. Then Mabs played in the Open CUP. And he played today. And we lost. Lost badly. And the rest of squad also played like theu were in the toilet along with him. Fans don't necessarily know more than coaches and FO. But there's a real obvious pattern...

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SKC had only scored 9 goals all year before this game

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And only 3 in the second half.

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I'm sure they wish they could see Mabiala every week.

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We’ll, at least, Johnny Russell didn’t hurt us to bad today.

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I didn't spend any money and I feel like I'm owed something for my time today.

STOP PLAYING MABIALA!!!! No, it wasn't all his fault, but he does make the back line disjointed.

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Now McGraw doing a Mabiala impersonation. Crappy play is contagious.

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Yes, they're all acting like traffic cones now

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Our central defense is absolute garbage.

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How embarrassing does it have to get before Timber’s management does something?

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Well, at least Moreno and Yimmi aren't match fit, so, you know, silver linings

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last season when things went rough we started playing 3 at the back to steady up, right now we are playing like 2 and half at the back to chase a game with skc...

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Stopped by to say lol. Have a restful and contemplative holiday weekend folks!

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Remember when Gio/Grabavoy said it was important to keep the core together? We've held on to those folks, alright. And given that Mabs still play more than you would expect for a reserve, he's plart of that core. And how is that working out for us?

Btw, Hummels reupped with Dortmund. He's 34. And would kill in the league. That was my dream cb. And I doubt the FO even bothered looking in that direction.

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there's no way we could pay that dude, if we spend big for a defender with experience it would be like english championship level, like a Liam, a good place to look if we are even doing so would be end of contract players somewhere like a Spanish team that is getting relegated.

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maybe some Leeds defenders

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As a Leeds fan, I must say that's pretty funny...

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And SKC made a run at Cristiano. Not saying we could have afforded Hummels though 6 months from eond of contract at Dortmund would have been ok to take that shot. I'm jjust saying that instead of hanging on to an obviously failing cb, we should have been shopping for a quality replacement. And someonone who would have cost more than than bargain basement. We lack imagination in the FO. And yes, Spain would have been a nice place to shop. Hell, ISerie A would have been another. Amd probably cheaper than the Championship.

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It's also a multi-party thing, we have to look like a good option to the player to live and play, have a financially competitive offer, and need it to work with mls because of our weird rules.

I'd say it's hardly an easy thing, but at the same time our FO being underwhelming is increasing the problems of the team.

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Just to add to your point, John - even Serie A would have been an option. Probably cheaper than the Champsionship, too.

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Bravo gave up the play after the turnover

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Oh look, guy who we were all worried about shows us why. Sigh.

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Mabiala basically has a brace - for KC - in less that two minutes.

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hard to call the own goal his fault, McGraw is having a pretty bad game

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McGraw just made your point.

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Oh, Mabs, that's just terrible

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I'm finally on fire Gio train. For starting Mabs over Miller, and everything else

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To be fair, you were trending over the past few weeks. It's the Kubler-Ross scale. You have my permission to mourn. No fan sets out looking to fire a coach; you always wants success cause that means winning and good times.

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Sunk by the defense...yet again. This back line is just like a cd. Utterly predictable. And as I play the stock market, I'd be shorting these guys endlessly. Easy money.

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May 28, 2023
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the worst part is that we're willing to concede possession to the third worst team in our conference! no good can from that and no good did come from that! that's all on gio!

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Season, meet toilet.

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We go from bad to utter tgrash whenever Mabs is playing. Even McGraw's form takes a big dip when he plays with Larrys. The guy is like a boodoo doll.

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Mabs giveaway nearly costs us. Who could have seen that coming?

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Referring to one sloppy pass to Evander that was intercepted and resulted in shot that Ivacic saved. Sure, his other mistakes cost us at least 2 of the goals.

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How could they put Yimmi in if he's not fit? That's either on the training staff or Yimmi for lying.

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Looked like he got stepped on shortly after coming in. Don't know why Moreno went out for Yimmi.

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Moreno got a knock in 1st half. Must not have been able to continue.

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Thanks, didn't see that.

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Training staff cleared him, like gave him a minimum passing grade. And Yiimi looked ok in training. That's my non expert take. The more frustrating part is his inconsistency. For a DP, that's the kiss of death.

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Yes, and his lack of production commensurate with a DP when he does play

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Oh Boli...how did you miss that? Ugh, a lot of good work undone by a bad finish.

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With the heat on that one, I'll give him a pass. Even the replay was coked out looking.

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If anyone was wondering why he was available for us, that non-finish is a perfect example. Seriously, we aven't had a clinical 9 since Adi.

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I wiped him from my memory, lol. Still not encouraging as it's been several seasons. Does Mora even count?

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That was a Niezgoda level miss.

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Have to score that.

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Give an inch - yards? - and SKC equalizes. Real lack of focus by the defense.

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Completely flat defensive play.

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AM announcers saying SKC has 70+% possession but 0.1 xG . That’s insane.

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What's inssane is that Gio probably considers us having 30% or so possession week in and week out as playing "attacking soccer". If you have a guy like Evander, you should be striving for at least 40-45% possession at minimum.

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Even if you’re going to “defend and counter” you gotta counter more than that! No team can play lock-down defense that much, as the Boys just showed…

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Great start to the match! Nice to see that we are starting on the right foot for a change, especially being on the road. And we scored on a set piece. Very encouraging.

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Good start! Let's keep it up!

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Boli! Nice work in the box.

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Expecting a big game from Paredes today

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Johnny Russel is out for SKC, that is huge. I’m concerned for Asprilla starting over Yimmi, I hope Yimmi doesn’t have a knock. Asprilla needs to step up his game, I’ve been disappointed in him this year

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As Mabs is sgarting, fair to say whatever advantage we might have gotten from Russell being out has gone out the window We all know Mabs is good for at least a goal for the opposition. If we're lucky, SKC will fail to accept the gift presented to them.

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"We all know Mabs is good for at least a goal for the opposition." This was unsettlingly prescient.

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Mabs is starting...isn't there a traffic cone we could start instead? Hold on to your butts.

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Just tuned in...dear god. Not a conspiracy theorist but why the hell does our management - coach and FO - have such an addiction to Mabs? Like Paul said, surely Miller can't be worse? There better be an explanation? Pretty please?

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How could Miller possibly be worse?

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Provided PTFC understands how hard SKC will come out in front of their homies and on national TV... and meet fire with fire, press from the opening kick and put the Wiz on their back foot - this can be a really good road win.

OTOH... If they start passive, let SKC work the ball upfield and get Salloi and Russell running at the back line, I fear we'll be in for a bad afternoon.

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May 28, 2023
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It's a crime you aren't in charge

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Guess you have to ask the Gio apologists. The injuries have always been the elephant in the room in assessing Gio. But he's had more folks available to him as of late. Fair to say, he stil can't figure out anything other than "defend and counter". And not only do we not counter enough, we actually don't defend all that well.

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Do you need to play defend and counter against a bad team? WTF

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I haven't been a Gio for years. He likes a style that is too diurect. It made me question the Evander signing. He is too creative for what we do as a counter team and we seem confused about our identity. Are we playing through the 10, bombing wide, balls over the top? What sort of team are we building?

The defense is honestly my greatest concern. I am skeptical of all three CBs while Bravo just gets caught watching, turned too easily, or won't close space (see the first goal where he switched well to pick up the man but the gave him miles). But it's hard to truly find the persons responsible when the unit is so shaky. Not sure how we didn't prioritize a CB with more leadership qualities in the market. I just remember when Ridgy was with Pa, who was good, and then we added Nat. Nat and Ridgy both had that vocal leadership. The whole unit seemed elevated. I see the inexperience of MacGraw and regression of Mabs and DZ as huge issues that will drag us down if not remedied. Was Evander too much? Did we count on winning 5-4 because he was gonna be this huge goal machine.

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