Didn't see yesterday's match, but it sounds like it went exactly as I imagined it would without Smith, Coffey, Weaver, and Moultrie (and Obaze too, though Hubly has mostly played well since her return to the starting XI).

We're at the halfway point of the season, sitting 6 points behind 1st, 5 points behind 3rd, and 1 point behind 4th.

Given that we lost 3 of the first 4 matches, it's good on us that we've made up as much ground as we have.

Alas, Gotham have recovered from their own shaky start --going 6-0-1 after starting 1-2-2. They've better weathered their slew of injuries, and they still have a match in hand.

Although the outcome of a 26-match season does not come down to a single moment, I am going on record here to say that Sophia's actions-on-the-bench at the end of the NC match likely cost us 2 points yesterday, and that 2 points might well be the difference in points between finishing 4th and securing a home playoff match or failing to do so.

I see no reason to think that KC, Orlando, or Washington will come back to the pack.

I see no reason to think that Gotham will falter.

I see no reason to think that we're going to perform even better than we have over the past 9 matches (7-1-1).

However, I do think some club or clubs below us -- probably SD -- are likely to get on a run of good form.

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Jun 22·edited Jun 22

We also don't really have room to improve over the summer window because our roster is maxed (not even including Bella on ML), and we have several int'l slots being used for players that aren't really starting quality (or aren't starting at all.) Whereas, many other clubs have room and/or int'l spots to shop. We also don't have a HC, and that's hard to sell to bigger/better players because they likely wanna know some vision before they come to a club. Hard to sell with an unknown interim (with mid tactics, imo.)

(Also also....Liv looks to be in an ACL sleeve and brace, so....MORE SINC!)

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It’s funny how fast things changed to “defense is fine but we have no attack.”

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Jun 17·edited Jun 17

Often how it goes even with our attackers here…gotta strike the right balance between good offensive positioning and output and solid defensive positioning (last year we were all gas and literally the brakes fell out and we had none lol.) Gotta give up a little bit more in attack from last season to fix our defensive holes (and steady a new/young backline and GK), but I don’t think that was the issue today. Today it was really just personnel (lack of depth), and overall I think it’s just a combo of personnel/coaching (though still way better than Norris.)

Also should be said that Seattle is t e r r i b l e lol. Gotta see more against better teams, still.

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Reign were too anemic on offense to exploit any Thorns mistakes on defense, Thorns had no offensive focus or cohesion to present a threat to a well coached but aging Reign. The stoppable force meets the movable object, blargh, but always fun when the visiting fan section is appreciably more fired up than the home crowd, gotta count for something

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I was only able to watch the 2nd half, and it seemed clear within a few minutes that neither team was going to score unless by accident.

Given the situation not too disappointed, but we’ll have to aim way way higher next week.

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We play KC lol 🙃

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It’s p annoying how everyone mentions we’re out Soph and Sam (and sometimes I’ve heard Liv) but literally no one has acknowledged we’ve also been out Weaver as well. She hasn't produced much of anything this season, but she’s arguably our second best attacker lol.

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Yep, 100%. It's been a huge miss that is starting to catch up with us too.

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Jun 16·edited Jun 16

Yeah her and Soph were the best partnership in the league last season.

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That she was through the end of 2023. For some reason she's reverted to the "run straight/kick hard" stuff she did before that, and, as you point out, it hasn't worked this year.

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Jun 16·edited Jun 16

While I agree that she was pretty poor early on this season, she also was only healthy for 1.5 games of the Gale era so I'm not sure if that was necessarily all on her. And, even given she wasn't playing well, she was still a muuuch better option than her replacements so it's strange people don't talk about her absence as a big loss.

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Jun 16·edited Jun 16

Yeah that’s a good point re: Gale. Would be nice to know how he can turn her skid around…

Literally no one has mentioned her absence once! Her and Soph were the best partnership in the league last year!

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Jun 16·edited Jun 16

Yeah it’s been rough since the end of last season…I’m not sure what’s been up with her. I know she’s capable, but yeah right now all we have is Soph and a hopeful rookie. We don’t even get to have the benefit of Hina’s creativity closer to goal because our other midfielders aren’t all pulling their weight imo. If she’s closer to goal she can at least create (or even score, who knew.) She had, what, 5 or 6 goals in the season prior… gotta score by committee if our attacking power is low sans Soph.

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And now she's coming off a semi-major injury that may impact her pace. That might either re-start her progress (as she has to come up with other means and methods to offset the lack of speed) or hinder it.

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We were having trouble with the good teams. Now we’re having trouble with the bad teams. And, saying,well, we’re missing people, doesn’t really cut it. It doesn’t speak well for the future if you can’t come up with decent replacements for 3 players and beat a team as woeful as those people up north (still can’t say their name).

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I mean, you can have it both ways: Missing 4-5 key starters is absolutely a legitimate excuse, and you can also criticize the depth for not being where it should be.

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It's also where the starters are: 2 in the front line, another attacking midfielder, and our first choice 6 who is key to the speed of our ball progression.

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Jun 16·edited Jun 16

Yeah, I mean we were out huge pieces to our progression and attack, but also I’d say KC or Gotham’s B teams beat this Seattle team very easily…but take Banda out and I’m unsure Orlando does. Spirit out Rodman or Bethune should also still beat them. If we wanna be shield contenders we have to level up our depth. Our B team couldn’t beat Utah honestly and it’s because our attacking depth behind Sophia (and Weaver) is reeeally poor. Defense was fine, but if another team knicks a goal we have no shot of equalizing. Next weekend could be paaaainful if we still have Sam and Liv out…

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tbf, KC didn't manage to beat Seattle in Seattle earlier this season!

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Jun 17·edited Jun 17

It’s true but I very much still worry about our backline and the many healthy weapons KC has…esp with multiple players likely out still. Those players won’t miss their chances…we’ll see though, DiBernardo may be out bc she came out with a poss concussion last game and she’s a huge piece of that attack. I’m glad you’re optimistic though lol. Gonna need Soph on Godmode…

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sure, a lot depends on having Soph back, and at least one of Sam or Liv.

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Said it better than I did.

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Don't get why so little building from the back and instead, Hogan's blasting 50:50 balls to midfield where we remain, shortish.

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I'll add that long throws can be a happy medium between building from the back and long 50:50 punts. They are a lot more accurate, too. I used to throw way more than punt when I was a keeper. I was pretty accurate and could get it to around midfield on a bounce. It also spreads out the opposing defense if they have to track players next to the sidelines awaiting a throw.

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Most of those we just lose possession also…and our team is often outta position when we’re having those crammed back down our throats. So many dangerous transitions come just from those balls from Hogan.

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Fishlock is doing the post-match interview. I could see a teammate walking behind her and touch her on the shoulder and she'd go down immediately.

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Ain’t called Fishflop for nuthin’!!

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Well...that was a thing that happened.

Kinda have the feeling that our attacking depth players suffered a massive failure in terms of seizing their opportunities to become more. Execution in the final third was just flat-out poor.

Not a bad defensive effort against what amounted to basically a full-strength Reign side (albeit one only just returned to that status, and looking pretty "early season" as a result: they weren't on the same page often). Sugita and Fleming didn't contribute much to the attack (not that anyone could have, really...the front line was that toothless), but they didn't allow the Reign a lot of quality stuff, either. Back line did fine on the defensive side of the ball, and kept their shape well, even when Harvey's side finally remembered that both outside thirds of the pitch exist.

So while this was a frustrating and not very pretty game, I'm not much bothered by a road point with a badly depleted team against a side that's a lot better than their current record.

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Yeah, true. Now KC next weekend… cue the fear.

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Jun 16·edited Jun 16

Missing 4-5 starters (ymmv on Moultrie and Obaze), and not having Weaver and Soph meant scoring was always going to be harder. Point in that context is fine but highlights a few depth issues, and a few issues about some of the squad players. Really don't think D'Aquila or Dias are it at all.

And disappointing because this Seattle team are fucking garbage. Truly awful.

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hard to know about d'acquila as Gale not letting have a run at the 9.

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That's the life of a backup striker. Gotta take the chance when you get it. She didn't.

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Jun 16·edited Jun 16

Yeah she had multiple opportunities centrally up top that she just didn’t make the right decision on. You aren’t gonna get a backline much worse than Seattle, and you gotta grab those chances…

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Yep, feels about right. That's a game a shield contender probably needs to win --and they probably do win it with Soph-- but I don't think they're quite there.

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Jun 16·edited Jun 16

Feel like Soph’s red cost us 2 points…unfortunate bc Seattle is dire and this was winnable.

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Seattle is bad...but are playing well below the strength of their roster, and there were signs that won't last. Lost opportunity.

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Idk lol, their roster is prettty bad. Maybe it wouldn't have been three years ago, but it certainly is now compared to the level of the rest of the league.

Lost opportunity mostly because of Soph's red tbh.

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Yep it absolutely did lol

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Meh... at least a point gained.

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Might have to subscribe to the golf channel.

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Looks like this will be one of the more forgettable versions of this rivalry game. I kind of figured it would look like the Houston vs Angel City. Let's just be happy that no one really extended their lead on us and get ready for next week.

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Scoreless draw, and not really much fun to watch. But the road point? Okay.

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Izzy, why are you not chasing that through ball? That's just lazy!

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Same old problem; just lacks the ruthless instincts of a true striker

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But that was her entire thing at college!

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I suspect part of the problem is that, as Clausewitz (drink!) reminds us, everything in soccer is easy, but even the easiest things are very difficult. What works at one level may - often won't - work at the next higher level.

Which is why there's hundreds of thousands of players in rec leagues, tens of thousands in lower-level college programs, thousands in major colleges (or low pro leagues), and hundreds in the top of the pro leagues. Talent is a pyramid, and it looks increasingly like D'Aquila's topped out in the NCAA.

She could still make that jump but, as you note, she has to grab the opportunities when she gets minutes. When she does things like today? She hurts her own case...

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Yep. I think it's pretty simple: she gets less time and space in the pros, and as a result, her game has struggled. Now everyone drafted does to an extent except maybe bar the truly elite talents (Smith, Bethune, Sanchez etc)--I think Linnehan is going through that right now--but the players who have the talent to step up get over it. Reyes did last season and has become a perfectly cromulent player at this level.

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Rec’d x 1000. Yes, that’s exactly it. Sport is an insane way to make a living; you may only get one shot, and if you aren’t ready and seize it? Xin loi, chief; sucks to be you.

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Exactly! That was her one thing!

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if i've learned anything from this, it's not to be fooled by gaudy goal numbers

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Goal poachers without other real traits in college soccer aren't going to translate to the pros very often. There's like one example and it's Balcer....and she wasn't even drafted (and has improved, obviously).

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Which is why her not doing her one thing well is quite surprising, but yes. More and more she looks like a player who had a lot of time to do things in college that she doesn't have at the pros (and maybe why Betfort looked better last season)

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That's just a workrate thing tho

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It's the Full Meal D'Aquila Deal. She's got the basics down, but lacks that final edge, whether it's effort, clinicality, instinct...she just lacks that last little bit she needs...

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I actually think it's the lack of any elite attribute, really.

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Sadly it’s starting to look like that. She hasn’t shown any real quality at this level.

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I'm rooting for you! C'mon!

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Just like…gave up? So frustrating

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Gawd what a mess in the front. No one on the same page…

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Goodness Hina, speaking of giveaways!

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She had way more turnovers than usual today. I think her Olympic snub (and general fall-off in terms of getting game time with the Nadeshiko) has gotten into her head a bit. Not a bad game overall form her (she was doing that deep mid role well, mostly), but for a player with her skillset to be loose in possession is disappointing.

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Can’t believe they let Reign pass up the entire damn field.

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Hate to admit it but that was pretty. Classic little 1-2 diagonal passes. Wish we could do that...

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Just…lol. Chasing shadows a bit

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Yep. Damn but that's pretty soccer. Same problem we had, tho; couldn't put the biscuit in the basket.

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Where the hell is the VAR review of that hand to the face? Defender did _not_ get the ball on that.

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I'll be curious to see the final numbers for attack on both sides. Less the PK neither Portland nor Carolina broke 0.5 xG last weekend (and the post-shot numbers were WY worse...). I'll bet this one is not much better, if that.

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Jun 16·edited Jun 16


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wtf was that!!!

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Or at least hit the layoff pass like you mean it.

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Some of these touches look like they're playing in Houston instead of a beautiful day in Seattle lol

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That Huitema yellow Payne just drew is what could have been happening for 20 minutes

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Payne! But way too late.

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And defense unfortunately…

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Good Reyes game, very under control.

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Gawd we just got nothin’ lol

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Ahhh Dias you gotta play that ball faster!

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If turning the ball over was a positive Fleming would be all world

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I was called a “hater” on the last match thread for pointing out Smith’s lack of passing abilities, but the negative comments for Fleming on here is unreal. Do you dislike Fleming?

Just so I know—it’s okay to comment negatively on Fleming or anyone else, so long as it’s not Sophia? Because that’s not right.

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They play different positions, and for one of them passing is less important - how many elite strikers also complete over 80% of passes, for example - and for the other it's a central tenet of how you play the game.

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I wasn’t commenting on the passing specifically, sorry - I meant it as I pointed out a negative about Smith last game and was called a hater and basically told to stfu. So I’m asking - why is that not allowed, but it is allowed/not remarked on when others bulldoze Fleming in a match thread? Is it because I dared to criticize Smith? I have a problem with that, if that’s the case.

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I mean Soph has 9 goals and 6 assists, so it feels almost churlish. It's not like Fleming is masking some poor giveaways with great defensive positioning or 25 yard goals, she's just playing at an extremely mid level all round.

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It’s churlish to comment on an area someone needs to strengthen, no matter who they are?

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Again, what is Soph's level of passing versus other elite strikers

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She was or is a colossal waste of money. the ROI is pretty negative at this point. Dislike sounds like a personal question. I dislike the lack of ability on the ball, the inability to make a difference on the game, the inability to show any potential based on who she is supposed to be. She should no longer be a starter on this squad when everyone healthy.Chelsea is laughing all the way to the bank.

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Well, considering Coffey is in a boot, Fleming is not a bad backup to have at all. Fleming does have an incredible ability to play make and change the game. It’s about getting the most out of her here - which tbf I’m not sure Gale knows how to do.

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genuine question: does she, at the club level?

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Let's get weird

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Can we get Payne on the field pls?

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Yeah what is this lol. Get her speed on the field we’re dying for it.

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I'd stick Beckie at the 10 and let Payne run the right wing

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Jun 16·edited Jun 16

Yup yup. Or would’ve put Linnehan there…she’s played in midfield also. This game just shows how LOL our roster is.

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Looks like Kling is about to come in lol. Things bout to get weird. Bet she goes to the 6.

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Linnehan is a nice supplemental piece to the front line but this is a lot harder. Need someone to come alive and I'm not sure any of them have the talent to do so

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Not a foul. Come on.

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Maybe a foul (shoulder to shoulder for me), never a DOGSO.

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Jun 16·edited Jun 16

I thought it was a for sure Red from the reverse angle in live action, but the second angle looked pretty clear shoulder to shoulder for me too.

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Very well done by Hubly after doing poorly to miss the initial header

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Well done VAR

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Fleming. Again.

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I mean she had no options at all there.

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She could've gone back which would've been far preferable than losing the ball.

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She’s just been v slow on the ball. Gets her pocket picket too often

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Jun 16·edited Jun 16

I'd say she's been about on par with every other Thorn today tbh, and has been getting grabbed constantly with no whistles.

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Jun 16·edited Jun 16

It’s true, but her pedigree demands more. She needs to be setting the tone not making it worse…

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I think she's been one of the better players on the field today, frankly. She's had one or two bad giveaways, but she's also led the press really well and broke Seattle's lines a few times.

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if someone were to tell we get her on a free transfer I would say meh but foe what we paid for her she is the nwsl equivalent of ryan leaf........

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Well I missed the first 45, to be fair lol

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Jun 16·edited Jun 16

Soooo who is our 10? 424? lol

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Jun 16·edited Jun 16

Sinc misses ANOTHER easy ball through to Linnehan in favor of checking it back. I get her speed is gone, but the biggest problem is that her thinking is slower than it used to be too.

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Fleming is too careless on the ball.

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Jun 16·edited Jun 16

And again wooof. Almost cost a goal. I still haven’t seen this “good on the ball” thing…she’s the sloppiest player we have in midfield.

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I have not seen a full game from her where she's shown any above average attribute.

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Jun 16·edited Jun 16

There are midfielders on NWSL teams who are 1/4 her price and have been more impactful. We’re halfway through the season now…still haven’t seen anything yet unfortunately. Just keep waiting because folks keep telling me she’s good…I’ve seen more from Rocky (at points) honestly.

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So many turnovers ugh

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45 minutes of stoppage time?

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Fleming and Balcer just got their pockets picked in nearly identical ways, neither were fouls, and the ref gave the one on Balcer because she stayed down. Outcome-based reffing is awful.

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Great job by Kelli to step and take the hit on that shot. Defense doesn't read those square balls well enough too often.

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Golf is over with. Thank goodness!

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Jun 16·edited Jun 16

Not a bad last 20 minutes, the press has been working pretty well. I think Payne's gotta be used as a winger in the second half; they've been one pass away on almost every attack. Fleming and Hina doing a good job in the midfield.

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Yeah, both of them cleaned up some looseness in possession. The team in general looked more dangerous.

Best player for the Reign has a yellow shirt on: buying into all the diving and ignored a penalty shout (Dickey jumped right onto Izzy's back to grab a ball out of the air).

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Yeah, midfield not as leaky as I'd anticipated. Mueller and Reyes sealing the edges pretty well.

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Kind of the other way, tho? Great buildup let down by a poor final pass or lack of dangerous shot. This makes the fifth half in a row where the PSxG has been 0.2 or less. Just not creating dangerous opportunities given how crap Seattle's defense is.

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Jun 16·edited Jun 16

Seems like we've been gifted multiple half opportunities in front of goal but we don't have the horses to take advantage or take one extra touch to create that space to take a better shot....which, isn't surprising. This front line for us is prob one of (if not THE) worst in the league honestly. Quality falls off after Soph/Weaver and Payton is still just a rookie. She's a force multiplier when we have our A team on the field, but she's not at the point where she can be the game changer on her own yet...

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She’ll get there. I’m confident of that.

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Jun 17·edited Jun 17

Oh I have no doubt she’ll be an important piece going forward! Just can’t expect her to pull off veteran heroics without much support quite yet!

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I didn’t think the front three was terrible at all. Not my ideal, but In an ideal world, my starting front three mine is Smith, Weaver and Beckie. Which couldn’t happen for obvious reasons lol.

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Injury aside, with the lack of production Weaver has had, I’d love is to get another int’l quality starting winger. Weaver and Beckie should be competing for the last spot…both have been v hot and cold and we need at least one more consistent F to play with Soph so we don’t have to see her trying to do it all herself…I think that would help.

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So true, the consistency hasn't been there from Weaver/Beckie.

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Yeah that's pretty much what I meant: They've been getting into decent positions but they don't have the quality.

Which, not surprised given who is and isn't on the field.

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Worrisome thing about this is that letting a crap team like Seattle hang around like this risks them nicking a crap goal and packing behind the ball...

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I said before the game that I'd take a point and I'm still there. Seattle's bad, but they are also fully healthy, at home, and we don't have four starters.

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If they were better I'd agree more. But a team with championship ambition needs to whip the tomato cans like Seattle.

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Jun 16·edited Jun 16

I agree, but the fact is that we don't have that kind of depth. Same reason we're not really shield contenders at this point.

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If we're counting Obaze, it's 5! Woof

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Halftime, 0-0

No goals

No real good chances for either team

Lots of flopping

More golf

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CBS, the Golf-lazo Channel.

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Those golfers walk Sooo slow

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They finally voted and picked a golf winner.

Next, a 30-minute award ceremony.

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Is the field funky? Both teams slipping in the Reign's final third.

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The final pass/shot just not there. Good buildup...then nothing.

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Seattle's so bad man. Playing into the slowest press in the world time after time. If Soph was playing we'd be ahead.

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On cue, Izzy has a 1v1 with no defenders back and gets stuffed.

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I was yelling for her to slip it through to a streaking Linnehan who would've had an easy shot on net....but, no.

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Beckie with a brilliant pickup and run faffs it by missing a wide open D'Aquila for the tap-in.

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Oh my god Gale is wearing a literal Malfoy costume lmaooo

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I haven't seen it yet! Lol, I just got the game on like 5 mins ago ugh.

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If he pulls out a wand, I'm losin' it.

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