
“I don’t know, I wish I knew the answer” is a fucking INSANE thing to say halfway through the season

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Jun 12, 2023·edited Jun 12, 2023

Also- WHY is it all of a sudden a journalistic faux pas to ask coaches about tactics? Why can someone not ask about why the attackers and FBs are so high? We have the data! Kassouf's question that brought that shitty response was super lame! Obviously it was combination of poor tactics, individual errors, and being outworked, but using buzzwords like "execution" and "intensity" is never going to elicit a real response.

You might (probably will) still get a BS answer, but at least ask a real question! I know Kassouf sees it tactically cause I've heard him talk about it on podcasts!

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"What benefits do you see in having two advanced #8s and the full backs high up? Are you reconsidering based on some of the results this season"

there you go!

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I couldn’t believe reading that. Dude…knowing the answer IS YOUR FUCKING JOB.

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I mean even if you don't know the answer - and sometimes coaches don't, it's part of the deal - you can't fucking say that!

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Hearing your coach say “L don’t know” is like hearing your commander say “I don’t think we can win”. Again…that’s their job. You’re right - they may not know, or there may not be a way to win. But their job is to figure things out as best they can. Not just throw their hands in the air. Go down fighting, forchrissakes…

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Jun 12, 2023·edited Jun 12, 2023

Yeah, are we not surprised Kling was saying just a few weeks ago about the team having lost their way, were lacking confidence, ect, ect....? Seemed like a red flag then, the way she was responding. Sounded deeper than just a few mediocre results. When you have a boss that goes, "I dunno?" *shrug*...I wouldn't be feeling super confident either. He seems like a nice person, which this team needs also...but they need some leadership from outside the players. Makes more sense why he wants to throw Sinc on the field...like he needs a leadership assist when it's his responsibility.

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Here’s the thing; a big part of “leadership” is technical and tactical competence; at some point you have to show you know what you’re doing.

That’s what I mean when I say that’s Norris’ whole job; to craft tactics to suit his roster, or a roster to execute his tactics. If that’s not working he can’t just say he doesn’t know why. He might not know NOW…but his job is to study and learn and figure it out.

Sinc can help her teammates with on-field technical or tactical suggestions, but it’s not her business to set rosters. design formations, or tactics. So if those are flawed, she can’t do more than rearrange deck chairs…

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Yep, you're absolutely correct. Sounds like a rookie coach relying on a damn talented roster and veteran leadership, whether he's doing it consciously or unconsciously. I understand the players wanting continuity after *everything*, but, you get what you pay for...

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It’s called leadership and it is sorely lacking.

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I’m not sure what’s going on, but the turnover’s. Jeeesh. It’s been this way for the last few games too. Just horrible turnovers

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Coach watched *that* and still doesn't have a clue:


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So, I guess this is good news?

"Norris also said that Emily Menges (who had an excused absence for todays match), rejoined the team today but should be back available next weekend"

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I don't know what put me to sleep more. The game. Or the NPR like announcers

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Jun 12, 2023·edited Jun 12, 2023

Pride have now beaten the current top 3 in the table.

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Being CRS got pasted yesterday they will likely want a much needed result and be more focused so next weekend may not be such an easy task either.

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Not if we have Nally back there again and the defense looks like it did today (and the tactics don't change.)

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Mike norris just isn't up to the task imo. Good news is, with new ownership and a bunch of available coaches post-wc, thorns have options. New owners please offer pia sundhagen a blank check!

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Yeah, it's just like, do our new owners have any pull? Will they make hard decisions and say goodbye to folks who aren't cutting it?

Sometimes new ownership is hesitant to come in hot and just clean house. I hope they do what needs to be done, though. Like you said, they really need to take advantage of the post-WC coaching availability. We have multiple expansion teams, (as well as league teams) who are likely CURRENTLY looking for a new HC as well... I hope new owners aren't waiting until November to make that decision, because it's kind of a race to get those folks. I worry that lukewarm-to-decent results from the outside might shield incompetence and thus we'll have no changes until we're SOL on options.

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Norris certainly ain't getting let go this year, which is fine. He's an interim rookie manager, and as you say, we get what we pay for.

The worry for me is that the sale just drags out beyond this seasons and whoever it is doesn't have the time to put their stamp on the club in time for next season....which would mean the same staff and likely no signings.

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Jun 12, 2023·edited Jun 12, 2023

No, I don't think so either...but it would be a miss if they didn't start eyeing candidates, gauging interest, contacting folks, or even holding initial interviews. There's gonna be coaches looking for jobs post-WC, and it would seem like a miss to not capitalize on that. Especially with current league teams desperately in need of help right now who'll be also looking (some in markets that are desirable like LA, some in, well, Kansas City.) Portland has a rep problem (and an unknown FO future), so I think it could be much harder for them to find a good coach willing to come here, despite how good the team is on paper. Just seems like a crucial window that new ownership would be naive to skip out on to at least test the market...

I'm only hoping that this is all taking so long, because behind the scenes new owners are building a major upgrade to what the club is now. Could be absolutely naive of me, but I can't imagine folks with money not wanting to buy this club. Of course they'd wanna have their ducks mostly in a row before news of anything goes public. You kinda only get one big shiny reveal...But, I just hope the soccer side of that is considered as well- if they see problems internally with the FO, or have a good prospect for a more experienced coaching staff, I hope they go in that direction rather than not wanting to hurt feelings....I don't want an Angel City reboot tyvm.

And yes, totally agree....I really hope this doesn't drag out through the offseason. Would be nice to not have all that going on while also managing a college draft, and a double expansion draft. Also would be a miss if new owners didn't try and capitalize on a post-WC boost....make the splashy announcement when folks are paying more attention. It'd be good for the club even if our reputation didn't need to be resuscitated.

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Jun 12, 2023·edited Jun 12, 2023

The rep problem goes away with the ownership, tho. Is it as appealing a job as Angel City? Probably not, but it's hard for me to imagine that this wouldn't instantly become one of the most attractive jobs out there given the history and existing talent once the new owners arrive.

We really need an update on the sale, and the league needs to press Paulson- He's a baby and he doesn't (to my knowledge) have a deadline, which means he has no incentive to sell in a way that benefits the Thorns moving forward. A drawn out sale seriously compromises the franchise in the short and long term- It hurts negotiations with key players like Soph and Weaver, while also stopping the team's ability to get better.

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It's about money at the end of the day.

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Yeah, but Angel City has money and they do fuck-all with it on the soccer side lol.

You need money, but you also need people who know the game of soccer. Will they have those connections and/or relationships? Will they spend the money to hire the people who do? So much remains to be seen...

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You just described everything I’ve ever thought about Gio

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The Thorns have dropped *10* points from a winning position this season. 10!

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Time to switch to the Tony Awards and wash the taste of this stinker away.

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i was deceived. there are no good nwsl teams.

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There are certainly no dominant teams, but there are definitely some bad ones. This is only gonna get worse in the next couple of years, too, with more expansion and the major European leagues being the draw that they are.

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I been on that train for months lol

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The frustrating thing is I think the Thorns are the closest to an elite team because of the offensive prowess. Even an averagely okay defensive set up would make this team pretty hard to get points off of.

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Absolutely. It’s also why I’ve started to train myself never to get to high or low- They’ll be up there barring a catastrophe.

But yes....it’s extremely frustrating. Feels like Parsons would have this team 10 points clear, and that’s coming from someone who wasn’t exactly the biggest fan of his style.

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I'm pretty terrified of what MarPar is going to do this team in two weeks, because it's the exact stuff they're bad at.

But yeah, you're right. And, honestly, they were really up and down a lot last season and ended up being second and winning the Championship, which can happen again (18 points from 11 games versus 19 from 11 now), and ultimately having the most attacking talent is more determining of success in a cup format like the playoffs.

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Jun 12, 2023·edited Jun 12, 2023

Yeah, I wasn't particularly scared of this Orlando front three lol....but, that Spirit top 3 is going to eat our defense alive if Norris doesn't adjust quickly (he won't because he hasn't all season; except for one game.) Just give them the 3 points now...

Just think what this team could be with a coach who knows what they're doing....even a B defense and this team should sweep.

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It’s interesting- You won’t catch me saying that the Orlando front three is the league’s most dangerous.... but they definitely have pace and agility and that’s what gives our painfully slow back line issues consistently. Especially when Natu looks like she forgot how to play soccer lol

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Yeah, it's where I'm at also. With all of the coaching staff upheaval recently, along with multiple expansion teams, no teams look particularly *great*

Def frustrating with the Thorns because we've built an elite roster, and now we have a GK coach with no head coaching experience as our head coach.

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Would love a new coaching staff along with our new ownership, thanks. Maybe a few new defenders, also.

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I think there will be many new things coming.

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Be careful what you wish for…

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Jun 12, 2023·edited Jun 12, 2023

WIll there be? We haven't hear anything from the club for like what, 7 or 8 months now?

I actually worry that if we do "decently" (by outsider standards) this season, we don't see any big changes in personnel, and this will just continue. We have enough individual talent for a bad coach (and maybe even a bad GM) to hide behind. Norris is a first-time head coach (and was a GK coach prior.) We're kinda getting what we paid for here....

Now that we're seeing a decline in certain positions, will KK actually be able to recruit? This is kinda when her tenure as GM begins....

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Meanwhile, if Houston and Gotham went another 15 minutes, I think someone would get hit with brass knuckles. Getting seriously chippy.

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Timbers players high fiving knowing the soccer gods picked them to get the one decent Portland performance of the weekend

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That was a masterclass on how not to play one of the worst teams (though getting better) in the league. I am sure we won't need those later in the summer when everyone is gone to the WCC. Big frustrating sigh...

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Jun 12, 2023·edited Jun 12, 2023

also while we're bemoaning the defensive mess ups the thorns have created essentially fuck all since right after the second Orlando goal. All of which to say is again, I think this is a clear issue of tactics and structure, not of mentality or desire, or individual screw ups.

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Sam the only player still playing soccer apparently.

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Perhaps a result of recency bias, but this may be the sloppiest game I’ve ever seen the Thorns play, and I’ve been a season ticket holder since 2nd season. It’s not the weather -- they were handing the ball over on misdirected and lazy passes from the beginning, with the announcers acting like the Pride were actively anticipating every pass when nothing they were doing would have mattered if the passes didn’t suck to begin with. Defensive situational and spatial mistakes.

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I agree a lot of the passes were just awful. Although with that, though, were more than a few instances where the intended target could have received the ball if they had come to it and/or blocked off the defender from stepping in for an interception. Since everyone on the team knows how to do these things part of the problem seems to be focus and effort. Why that is lacking is not clear to me, although perhaps dissatisfaction with the coaching (maybe at the subconscious level) is partly responsible.

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Yeah, probably the worst, most lethargic game I've seen in a very long time. I watched NC beat us like 6-1 at home, though. THAT was real bad.

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The original "My eyes! The goggles, they do nothing!" game.

I stayed for the entirety of that stinkfest and watched it up close to see how the Thorns would respond when they were down so far at halftime. Answer: they didn't. Checking the energy, body language, facial expressions, and teammate interactions closely. That team just gave up.

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Wow I forgot about that game til now. That was an absolutely brutal one.

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I have never left a game early, and I left before the final whistle was blown. Never seen a team give up the way they did during that one. It was my dad's first game, and he didn't go to another for 3 years lol.

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I was in college out of state at the time and that was one of the few games I was able to go to in-person that season. Put a damper on the weekend home to say the least

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Ouch, apologies on conjuring a bad memory lol.

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I’d like to think it was the price I paid to get to see the thorns win the championship in person last year, so fair trade in the end!

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Idk if I’d go that far (some of our games from the 2015 season still haunt me) but it has been godawful. A combination of every single on and off-field problem we’ve had all season.

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Congrats to everybody here who correctly predicted today's match would be the trap that it was. Please make sure to pick up your free D-Con Gator Trap on your way out of Exploria Stadium.

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Does this even count as a trap game after the last two road games we played in the South?

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Portland needs to figure out how to get Weaver more touches. Lately it seems anything good starts with her

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Gross game, but I freakin love Sam Coffey. She's worked so damn hard tonight to cover up the gaps.

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Jun 12, 2023·edited Jun 12, 2023

She was the only player out there besides Weaver looking like they gave a shit. Soph also, at first.

I'm so frustrated that she may be being looked over at the 6 for the USWNT because she literally can't do her job well because of her coach.

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Don’t think she won’t make the team because of her performances under Norris this year- She’s been excellent after a rough few games, and anyone watching can see it.

It’s because Vlatko is a dumbass.

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Def a Vlatko problem mostly.

I just watch Ertz and am like....she hasn't been that great (if she's even playing.) If Sam had been better set up from the beginning of the season, maybe she'd have had a better shot...but yeah, Vlakto didn't even call her up in January, so...

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I miss Rocky. Hogan should start when Bixby is in bad form.

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This lines up with having the courage to know that Sinc was not going to have a great game in southern Florida. Who has the guts to make these calls? I think Hogan deserves a start or three.

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Jun 12, 2023·edited Jun 12, 2023

My partner called Norris spineless for his decision-making overall and he's not wrong. Players consistently getting minutes who shouldn't be...

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I know this sounds silly, but did the Thorns forget how to play soccer?

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Soccer? What is this "soccer" you speak of?

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D'Aquila for Weaver was a low key awful sub btw. I'm genuinely unsure D'Aquila is a winger.

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And take all the remaining corners short or near post. You just subbed in the best header on the roster. Wasn't Norris a corner kick coach?

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Jun 12, 2023·edited Jun 12, 2023

Yeah, Weaver looked to be the most alive on the team. Not sure why you'd take her out. This coach has literally no idea how to get the best out of his individual players (or how to minimize their weaknesses.)

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Think she was totally gassed

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such promise but as of late has been meh at best almost bad.

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she's not really a winger

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neither was Weaver but she adapted quickly.

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Weaver took like 3 seasons to really adapt honestly, and even still she has things she needs to work on.

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Center-forward in college AFAIK

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Pretty much a pure poacher, fox-in-the-box, rarely-on-the-wing, type of striker too.

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Also, pulling one of the few players not having an individually awful performance was a choice all on its own

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She ain't

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If you're doing this you either have to put Soph wide or go two up front.

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Jun 12, 2023·edited Jun 12, 2023

Norris thoroughly out-coached. Credit to Hines, who has steadily turned this Orlando team --bereft of talent outside of Adriana and 37 year old Marta-- into a team that is pretty well-structured.

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Yeah, much different team than our win at the start of the season

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Pride did this to the Wave also.

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Tactics aside, I just can’t believe how rattled we are, and it started from the first whistle

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Giving up 3 unanswered goals will do that to you.

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Yeah, but this started long before their first goal

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Jun 12, 2023·edited Jun 12, 2023

Yeah, literally one good sequence in which Weaver passed a ball to Soph. Otherwise, it's just been awful soccer. The worst game of the season following their best. It's baffling.

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Pretty similar to the Houston game. The opponents made it an end to end running game in heat and humidity, and the coaching staff can't address it.

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Yea pretty much exactly like the Houston game

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This coach isn't very good, folks.

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Jun 12, 2023·edited Jun 12, 2023

what I cant understand is we are playing our outside backs high up the field..leaving our cbs alone against a team with quality strikers getting free on long balls. Yet we are trying to pound the ball through the middle of the pitch. If we are not going to attack on the wings why push our backs so high. And Smith really needs to be talked to about passing Many open penetrating runs.

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I know there is a lot of Kuikka love, but I preferred Westphal over K back them, and still do. Westphal primarily stays home, makes decent decisions and rarely makes mistakes. The two K’s bomb up the wings and it’s rah, rah, rah. But what do they do when they get up there. Not a whole lot. You end up with little to show for the vulnerabilities you leave on defense. All the firepower Thorns have upfront and we’re sending FB’s up the wings. Doesn’t make a lot of sense.

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He may not be, but every goal has been a direct result of a *disastrous* individual error.

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Can be both. Team tries to execute a bad tactical plan and fails, gets rattled, individuals get tight, start making mistakes.

But it’s cause/effect. The coaching - roster, tactics - is the fundamental flaw.

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Nally an example here. A bunch of turnovers from her trying to pass through the lines. But she's also not a good passer. So if you're starting her, you have to change how you're setting up, because she can't do what Sauerbrunn does, for example.

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I get the sense that Norris isn’t a good judge of how his players fit in his system…or how to craft a system to fit his players…

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Jun 12, 2023·edited Jun 12, 2023

I think it more or less works when the obvious first choice XI are fit. Maybe if Menges is back back it works. The problem is Menges has been a question mark all season and Becky was going to be missed during the World Cup anyway. But he seems completely unable to make adjustments when missing those key personnel.

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Even then I think he gets a fixed idea and can’t adjust. He’s got Dunn, who has pace this season and would be a useful winger but she’s never not an 8 for him, and Sugita who’s got some real 10 skills but is gonna be out at RW. Well, and Sinc…

So I think even with his core group he’s missing things…

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They've given up 15 shots!

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Not arguing they've been good, but the only legit chances on goal have come from the mistakes.

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Tactically about as bad as it can get

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Seems unable to impact the game positively.

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Yeah bad tactics leads to disastrous individual errors.

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All I can hope for at this point is that the Timbers overperform. Very rare that both teams play terribly in the same weekend.

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When do we get our game-changing Brazilian?

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Jun 12, 2023·edited Jun 12, 2023

By "get our game-changing Brazilian," I am guessing you don't mean this...


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Jun 12, 2023·edited Jun 12, 2023

End of First Half Power Rankings: The "It's Not You, It's Me" Edition

1. San Diego

2. Washington

3. OL Reign

4. Gotham

5. Portland

6. NC

7. Houston

8. Louisville

9. Orlando

10. KC


12. Chicago

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Oh mylanta

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Was that Nally or Kling?

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Nally isn't on the field anymore. Kuikka is in her spot and Reyes came in.

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I think it was D'Aquila. Kuikka caught out, Bella...I don't even know why she was there

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I’m less and less thrilled with Bixby. I blame Abby Smith; when she left she left her “at least one disastrous error per match” behind.

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And her shot stopping isn't good enough to make up for the mistakes....I mean, the second goal is on Izzy, but Bella had no idea where she should be. FK should've been saved.

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You know, I watched Nadine work out the #2 and #3 keepers at Thursday's Opening Training, and I watched them do things I'm damn sure Bella cannot do. In fact, Bella didn't train; she watched.

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Thing is…if you bench Bixby for Hogan you better be right. Because you’ve then lost Bixby for the season; soccer isn’t like hockey where you can swap goalies in and out.

I’ve been a Bixby partisan. But the weight of evidence is piling up. I think it’s time to make the change.

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Sadly, I think because we have *so* many issues on the backline, Bella's will be overlooked. She has had a pretty bad season.

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Yea not sure what Bella was doing either

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Didn't even know she was on the field lmao

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Hey, they looked pretty good at Open Training!

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On some days I'd say "I can't believe we did that". Today, it was "why did it take so long?"

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Welp good night all

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Fucking christ

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JChrist would like a word.

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Yikes that was bad

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What’s beyond “embarrassing “?

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About 20 minutes late but better than never

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Jesus wept.

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JChrist is here in the chat. Let's ask him how he's doing with all of this.

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Tears...lots of tears

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Apparently Fucking Christ is here too. You two know each other?

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My favorite alias

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Jun 12, 2023·edited Jun 12, 2023

Ah, so it's one of those holy trinity things. Guessing Jumped Up Jesus is the third leg of the triangle?

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Jumping Jesus on a pogo stick is the third leg

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I don't know how you watch last week's game and decide to revert to what *hadn't* been working the week after in goddamn Florida.

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my working theory is last week wasn't an intentional adjustment but what the game dictated because the Thorns went ahead early and Seattle are a possession heavy team

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How do we go from last week's match against the Reign to this? I naively assumed after last week that we were learning how to adjust to the actual match rather than blind commitment to preplanned moves.

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Seems more like "a broken clock is still right twice a day" type-a situation honestly...

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Jun 12, 2023·edited Jun 12, 2023

Nah, I disagree: I think Norris took the Reign seriously and adapted, and thought he could get away with the old stuff today.

(And, ya know, having Nally on the field + a Natu disasterclass)

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Jun 12, 2023·edited Jun 12, 2023

Maybe he adjusted a little bit for Seattle, but mostly it's been the same old planned shit we've seen every other game. He often gets results because we have a ton of talent, but mostly it's just ugly soccer with some pretty moments.

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What bugs me is that Aiden pointed out the most common problem we’ve seen tonight; no one in midfield has been able to offer an entry pass.

Sinc, I get. But Dunn and Coffey are individually good players. This has to be a system (i.e. coaching) failure. But why? Doesn’t Norris see the problem?

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He's doing the same things most games, so I would guess no. He thinks his tactics are working because sometimes our team has enough talent to overcome his bad tactics. This is his first head coaching gig, I don't think anyone should be surprised that we get what we pay for....

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Fuuuu…Alex Ferguson had a first gig, too. I’m not willing to buy that it’s a noob problem. I think it’s a skills problem .

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Yep. I'd say that's about the crux of the issue.

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Jun 12, 2023·edited Jun 12, 2023

And he can only adapt if it's planned at least a week out, evidently

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Feels more and more like last week was pre planned moves that lucked out, rather than responding to match conditions.

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Fair point. But at least we made adjustments

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Free headers for anyone in a purple shirt who wants 'em!

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Mark Parsons is gonna cook us lol

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God, let that sink in. Parsons the tactical genius.

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I honestly don’t know where to start with this mess. It’s like the mirror-universe team from the one we saw in Seattle.

Except for the turnovers.

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Tbh this is almost what I expected when I saw the lineup. Maybe not this horrific but sadly unsurprised

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It's mostly the same stuff we've seen almost the entire season and the Seattle game is the one game where the Thorns adjusted to play in a deeper mid block

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True, and it helped that the squad was finally set up to start with young and speedy and close out with the veterans. This is murder between the immobile midfield and the backline being a hot mess.

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I mean i think the backline is a mess because they keep dealing with people running straight at them.

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The turnovers have been suicidal.

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How do you keep Sinclair on the field, are you kidding.

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That passage of play completely sums everything up. Square passes because there isn't a good entry pass into midfield and then going long.

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Seriously, pulling Sugita before Sinc!?

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What in the everloving christ is this sub decision? I’m all for the Reyes move but how are we leaving Sinc out there

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