Aug 5, 2023·edited Aug 5, 2023

I can't believe the red card got rescinded on the Monterrey player (per The Oregonian). He clearly sucker punched Diego in the face with his elbow away from the play as he jogged past. Diego immediately took exception and McGraw and Asprilla came to his defense. I thought that player would be out of the tournament after review with a suspension for violent conduct. I also thought Asprilla would be served a red for coming off the bench.

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It was after the final whistle and players and coaches regularly come onto the field after the game.

I feel like the rescinding of the red was a gift by the CR - but apparently Yimmi leaves with a red intact? So confusing.

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What is going on with Mosquera? Everybody complains about Bravo, but Mosquera's game has gone walk about. Just terrible on both ends of the field. He seemed to be the only Timber not playing hard last night. Meanwhile the commentators keep raving about how special he is. We're not getting anything from him on offense and he keeps falling asleep on D. We were really lucky to not give up another goal with him falling asleep on his mark who somehow skied the shot straight up in the air.

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He was not bad at all but he’s nowhere near as great as he was for the first half of the season. Previously Gio was playing him really high up the wing, but he isn’t doing that anymore, so I think he’s been told to stay back. He still has great plays, just less of them, which is okay because our defensive stability has been much better the past three games. But you’re right, he fell asleep again and we could’ve given up another goal

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Thanks for your thoughts. Just some obs: He stabs in on D (Ala Bravo) and that creates break-aways, he also turns the ball over in mid-field which creates break-aways, and lastly his service into the box has been very poor.

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He has regressed for sure. He is generally solid on defense though sometimes gets a little too aggressive and whiffs / gets beat in moments where he doesn't have to (I feel like that is sort of both outside backs and Parades - making ill planned tackles and either getting beat or fouling someone in a dangerous spot who is going away from goal ... that just isn't smart defense).

But offensively he has regressed even more. He looks stiff, like he is injured or something, maybe afraid to make an error. He looked so much more free flowing when he joined the team, even the first few games of this season, but then it looked like he changed up his style and hasn't been nearly as dangerous looking on offense since.

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Regardless of the result, I had an enjoyable night at the Park watching our boys play their hearts out. We, the 2023 Timbers - in the horrible form we've been in, lost to "the" Monterrey of Liga MX 0-1. Not bad. I have thoroughly enjoyed the intensity of these matches. Add to that the results around the rest of the tournament, and I feel the tides are turning and we here are becoming a superior league. Especially feels good in the face of the Monterrey fans in Section C4 that were yelling $#%^@ during our goal kicks. Enjoy your scrappy win. Try and be better humans. And don't let the door hit you on the way out.

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Evander getting a yellow for lightly brushing someone’s hair and the Monterrey player not getting a red for a clear targeted elbow to the back of the head and hands to the face of Ivacic. Ridiculous

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Aug 5, 2023·edited Aug 5, 2023

Evander might have been the difference between defeat and victory tonight. His second yellow was not justified against Tigres. That said, he was careless after getting the first yellow. To lead this team with his obvious strong skills, he needs to improve his mental game.

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I thought that red at the end was for the elbow to Chara's head. It wasn't?

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Was there a red at the end? I thought it was just Romo and Chara getting yellows. I remember the red being shown but I don’t know if it stood

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There was a red after the final whistle. It was not at all clear who it was for given at both teams and benches were all pushing and shoving in the center circle.

Per the Oregonian, it was Yimmi Chara shown the red.

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The final stat lines showed no reds given (according to one football), and only yellows to Diego and Romo

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Yeah, I don't think the referees official match report had been put up when I was posting that about 10-11PM last night. The Oregonian was reporting (and still in their article this AM) that Yimmi Chara was shown a red.


It was very hard to tell because there were probably about 40-50 people pushing and shoving after Romo elbowed D. Chara in the face after the whistle, Chara reacted by stepping back into his face and then some pushing between the 2 ensued, quickly surrounded by both teams/benches/coaching staffs with more pushing and shoving and trying to pull people back. The ref was very quick to show a red before tempers fully calmed and I thought it appeared to be just to a Monterrey player as he held it up and pointed at one person. A couple minutes later he went to the VAR screen and came back and showed 2 yellows, one to D. Chara, one to a Monterrey player (honestly with all of the advertising on their jerseys and numbers not always being prominent, especially in crowds, I couldn't tell which player was shown the red or the yellow for Monterrey but I assume it was Romo. Normally a ref would hold up the red card and make some sort of "waive off signal" and change to a yellow - but the game had been over for 6-7 minutes, so it wasn't at all clear to people in the stands what he was calling.

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I have seen way, way, way less entertaining 1-0 losses, heck even way less entertaining wins.

While the final result was meh for the TImbers, they did play really entertaining soccer and didn't open themselves up horribly to do so. Honestly same issue as most of the season, we just can't manufacture goals. For a team sitting tied 5 places from last in the league with a -7 GD and only 8 teams who have scored fewer goals on the season (most are right there with us, only Colorado and Toronto are way off the pace of those of us in the mid 20s), they really did play some good soccer in this tournament.

Boli looked dangerous, but just could not finish. The triumvirate of Mora, Blanco and Y. Chara also looked really dangerous but just couldn't finish one. This team is a consistent striker and some younger wings away from being competitive for mid playoff positioning if the rest are going to play like this. The problem is that it feels like we played better against LigaMx competition than we typically do against MLS teams - like we are bored against MLS.

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Looking better against MX than MLS, while a small sample size, may have to do with MLS sides knowing us better. MX have much less time to watch film and figure us out, are playing us for the first time, and don't watch us play when they're not playing us, unlike other MLS teams.

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True, but it also felt like we turned it up 3 notches against Tigres and Monterrey. Little good that did us in the scoring department, only getting 1 goal in 180 minutes from a guy who played less than a half. But ignoring the inability to score (which is hard) if we play with that kind of desire against MLS teams we should be a >500 team. We don't.

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I agree. It seems like the Timbers play way harder in this tournament. Usually we count count on the Timbers to switch off for large portions of any match, but that tendency has vanished in Leagues Cup.

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I thought we played well enough to win the last two matches against really quality Mexican league teams. They took their chance better than us tonight but I really liked the toughness and desire we showed. Would have been easy to roll-over in the second half after the late first half concession. Tells me that the guys haven't bailed on the club, the coaching staff, and each other.

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Great effort by the guys. They showed real heart and fight which tells me they haven't necessarily given up on this season, which is more than I can say for the people on this thread. Thankfully the players matter more than all of us! The will and desire to win is still there, whether we have the talent to win is another question but I have been encouraged by what I've seen the last few outings.

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Agreed they showed a lot of heart. Evander, on the other hand, showed not a lot of head (as in keeping it cool) last game, which majorly contributed to this loss. They're paid not to give up on the season, so I would hope that's the least they would do. I and other "negative" commenters on this site on the other hand, are not paid to not give up.

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It was a good game. Now let's see if we can play like this going into the rest of the season.

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It was absolutely a good performance from the guys. Better than usual. Bravo got burned as usual but that's par for the course. We seemed engaged even after going down. Boli is going to want that first shot back. Maybe the later ones, too. If we had Evander, who know what the result would have been. We were again let down by the lack of finishing and poor defense but at least there was energy. Now we have a few weeks off so might as well get the newcomers integrated. Maybe Gio will finally figure out that Bravo is a wingback and not a fullback so he can work on a 352.

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If your referencing bravo getting burned on the goal? He was in an impossible choice. Was 2 on 1 because Zupric went on a hike.

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Bravo was the left back and should have made sure that someone was covering the farthest outside attacker. Still, as you say, he had no help and two players to guard.

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Very few defenders in the world are going to win a 2v1, usually only because the offense blows the advantage.

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Aug 5, 2023·edited Aug 5, 2023

Post-game VAR...lol. And also post0game yellow.

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Fox cut the feed after showing Chara get elbowed in the back of the head. What happened after the red card was shown!

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Aug 5, 2023·edited Aug 5, 2023

Both benches cleared, a bit of scrum at midfield and a lot of jawing, ultimately teams separated.

VAR once everyone was separated and Chara and a Monterey player shown a yellow card (was a red card to the Monterrey player who presumably elbowed Chara in the back of the head as the scrum started).

Edit: Apparently it was Yimmi Chara garnering the red and the Monterrey player's red was rescinded, changed to a yellow. Not sure that red matters since we are out of the tournament (but leave it to MLS to decide to enforce it for league play or something).

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The suspension would apply to next year's tournament.

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Assuming one happens the same way. I am sure that will be a financial decision.

And apparently there was no actual red card per the match report, though watching the highlights one was clearly shown to Y. Chara.

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My son, who was with me at the match, said the red card was rescinded by VAR. Yellow only.

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Still really confusing though. From my vantage point it looked like the red was to a Monterrey player (but the ref was on the other side of a huge cluster of people, mostly Monterrey players and coaches trying to talk to him, so I couldn't tell who was actually shown the card). The highlights and video from a higher vantage point that make it look like guys are more spread out looks like it was Y Chara who was shown the red. Yes, I did see the ref come back after VAR and show yellows to D. Chara and Romo.

Y. Chara got no card at all - I think the CR was totally confused about what he was doing at the end.

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I was on apple. Will say that there was quite a bit of jawing on the pitch. I think Chara (?) might have tried appealing to the ref but he wasn't really listening.

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Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!

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Ya gotta be kidding me! Am I right that we just got Concacaf''ed?

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OFC. Fuuuudge. Drops right to the wrong guy.

Oh cool, a fight.

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Our play - especially our shooting - around the box - ugh.

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Where can I contribute to the Seba Blanco retirement celebration?

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A little respect, please.

He deserves better.

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What's not respectful? I want to watch the celebration. I just don't want him back on the Timbers next year, along with a number of other players. It's no reflection on his quality as a person or past performance; he's just clearly jumped the shark as a professional soccer player. I just don't want the Timbers to suck any more, and the only way to achieve that is for players past their useful playing days (or who never were useful) to be replaced. Well, that and a new, better coach.

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Blanco, for all that he has contributed to the Timbers, won't have his contract renewed at year's end. Either will Niezgoda and Mabiala.

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Yeah, that was weak!

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And his crosses have been garbage too.

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Wow! This is classic Timbers.

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Waiting for the classic Porter post game comment “we were the better team tonight”...

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Well, Goda is in so let’s just call it a night.

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