Apr 13, 2023·edited Apr 13, 2023

"I think everyone in the organization took last season personally"

I desperately wish the Timbers organization, from top to bottom, had this same mentality. We need the front office, and the coaching staff, to have that chip on their shoulder, and the drive to never see a season like last season again.

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Instead we have a bunch of injured players, no sign of leadership, no plan, no style, and no effort. I'm afraid that Saturday is going to be a bloodbath

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Don’t think it will be a bloodbath. Savarese will be desperate to prevent that from happening in front of the home crowd. He remembers the beat down from two years ago. Look for a Gio special 7-3 and maybe one pass over midfield.

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and look for the speed on Seattle's wings to shred that like a fork through a crock pot roast. I really don't want to think about how ugly this game could get.

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Based on recent form, the Sounders should win this one and fairly easily. However, this is a rivalry game and that means anything can happen. I'm actually going to be there and hope the Timbers can conjure up some magic that night. Lets hope for some players to return to the Pitch (Hello Evander!) and some solid play. If players are ready, I'm hoping for the following:

Mosquera - Zup - McGraw - Bravo

Chara - Ayala

Asprilla - Evander - Moreno


That isn't a bad lineup, and if Paredes is ready to go he can take the place of Ayala. Not much on the Bench, but that is nothing new this year.

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That's a decent lineup. I wish I had more faith in Asprilla, which I should because he is a Seattle slayer. I'd switch him out, move up Mosquera and put in Miller. I'm also not too high on Ayala. I'd love to see him breakout, though. Paredes probably will see the field, but probably won't start. So, I'd leave Ayala on the bench, and go with a 4-4-2 or 3-5-2.

4-4-2 or 4-4-1-1 (boli underneath Fogaca)

Boli - Fogaca

Moreno - Evander - Chara - Mosquera

Bravo - McGraw - Zup - Miller

or 3-5-2

Boli - Fogaca

Evander - Moreno

Bravo - Chara - Mosquera

McGraw - Zup - Miller

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If the Timbers need a piece of motivation for this weekend, how about this:

If the Timbers somehow win, they will tie the MLS series regular season record with the Sounders. It's currently at 13 wins, 14 losses, 7 draws.

The Timbers are also 3 wins 1 loss vs. the Sounders in the playoffs (2 series wins).

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I am predicting a Timbers win and a Galaxy win over LAFC. The two worst teams in the league beating the two best teams in the league

This is MLS, crazier things happen. This is exactly the kind of thing the MLS script writers would write. Bring on the chaos

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No logic here, just vibes

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I sure hope so. Everyone is talking the talk.

It's a good sign to see Paredes available to play, and perhaps Boli can go the distance, or at least start, along with Evander. I'd really like to see that. Just get the best 11 out there and see what they can do against a really good Seattle team. Portland won't see much of the ball, so I hope they are able to take advantage of any chances they create.

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I do not want to risk Evander. We need to be careful, him re-injuring himself will cripple us even more. I would start Boli and for the love of god keep Niezgoda off the field for the entire match. Paredes shouldn’t play more than 10-15 minutes imo, he’s way too injury prone and we will desperately need him this year. I think we’ll keep the 4-3-3 but start Ayala, move Gutierrez out to the wing and put Mosquera down to RB. Everything else the same but Boli up top. Evander could maybe come on at half for Ayala.

You know what I would love to see? Go out and blitz them like we did last year. We completely threw them off their game and practically dominated the first half. If we could recreate that then we may have a chance

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Yes- I’m a proud follower of the Sounders since 74 and the Timbers since 76 (and a few others).

This will not be a “blowout” or bloodbath. This is going to be a very difficult game for SSFC. They are off to a good start because it seems everyone has bought into the vision and mission of the org. But this SSFC vs PTFC. Nothing is easy in this rivalry.

MLS will do MLS things. I think this will be a close game, but have no idea who will win.

Hope for a good game free of thuggery and “unnecessary fouls” on both sides.

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have you seen the Timbers this season? They, are very bad. I wish I had your optimism and I hope I'm wrong, but I don't see Portland coming out of this game on top, and I also don't think it will be particularly hard for Seattle.

I don't think it'll be, like, 6 or 7 nil or whatever, but Portland just doesn't have the manpower to compete with the Sounders right now, unfortunately.



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I'm just hoping we get out of the game without another player having an end-of-season (or significant time out) knee injury.

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Like I said, I have no idea who will win. Rivalry games are a different animal.

Let’s all hope for a good game!

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I think that the timbers media team is knocking it out of the park to hype up the game. It has made me almost excited for the game!

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I can't believe gios seat isn't even warm. Spencer was 5-4-8 when they fires him in 2012. Gio is 1-2-4 right now and about to be 1-2-5. He is doing worse than Spencer with way more talent. Like wtf is mp doing. If he isn't going to hold anyone accountable than he needs to be forced to sell the club, instead of letting it go into the toilet

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His seat isn't hot because nobody seems to really be running this club. Who's in charge? Grabavoy? Heather Davis? Paulson?

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I can't find a pic of it now, but at the end of the mess that was 2012, the Timbers' final lap of honor of the season saw a few of the players carrying a banner that said something like 'WE'RE SORRY PORTLAND WE WILL DO BETTER'.

Inasmuch as I don't believe that is a necessary thing to ever do (it's sports: don't apologize, just get better), this season is heading in that direction, and if it doesn't get better and Gio is still the coach at the end of this season, we'll know the answer to the "Does MP actually care about improving the Timbers" question.

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I don't really buy MP not caring about improving the Timbers or letting this whole thing implode just to prove a point. His ego would never allow that. I honestly think he has no idea what to do to improve the situation. He probably leaned way too much on GW over the years.

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"honestly think he has no idea what to do to improve the situation."

I'm sorry, but if that's true, that's inexcusable and would be a fireable offense if he were in a position to be fired. He's the damn owner and boss of everything - if he doesn't know what to do, he needs to hire people who do, and if he can't hire good people, or if he refuses to, he needs to sell up and go away.

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Apr 16, 2023·edited Apr 16, 2023

You're not wrong about any of this. My only point was that I'm not convinced he doesn't care. I still remember that story from the John Spencer era where MP brought him a lineup and asked why he wasn't using it and Spencer said, "Because there's 12 players in that lineup." I'd like to think MP has a better grasp on things a decade later, but who knows?

And where is the accountability from the new CEO? Has Heather Davis had anything to say since the season started?

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Facts. It infuriates the hell out of me that fans just don't care either. They are ok with shit soccer on the field and constantly being poor for most of the year. I feel like 2011-2015 fans would never have allowed this to be acceptable year after year. Like what happened to the passion of the regular Fandom. 😕

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Apr 15, 2023·edited Apr 15, 2023

I don't want to get in to gatekeeping - people can fan how they choose - but as a person who has been to every home game except about five since 2009, I have definitely noticed a change of energy in the stadium in the last 2-3 seasons.

The passion is still there, for the most part; it's just that there's just also a lot of resignation, like "this is who we are now", that has crept in, at least in my section and the next one over.

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I have seen and felt the same thing. The intensity of 2011 to 2015 or so is not there anymore. By and large the fans there now seem to be there for each other's entertainment and not about the team on the field.

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