Sam Coffey scored for the USWNT, helping the USA beat China 2-1 in a friendly. She did a perfect "placement" shot into the upper corner for what I think is her first international goal. I also think Sophia Smith assisted on the other goal, scored by Jaedyn Shaw, so our Thorns showed well.

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Video is a must-see, beginning with Sonny pickpocketing PRC right through Sam's chip, a shot that looks pure instinct. Beautiful and welcome to the squad Sam, I do not foresee you being snubbed in the future.

Also, a Liv sighting!

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Sometimes it's hard for us as fans to connect the players we cheer for on the pitch with the people they are with larger lives and dreams. It's a little sad to read this knowing that Beckman is now pounding the pavement looking for work.

From #17 overall at Top Drawer Soccer in the 2022 NCAA draft to 48th pick to 161 minutes in 5 games in 2022 (1 shot off target, plus 156 minutes in four Cup ties, 1 shot off-target, 1 assist)

To 12 minutes in the away loss to Gotham in 2023 (plus 102 minutes across four Cup ties, no shots, no assists).

Now? Gone. Surely not what she envisioned as a star forward out of Denver when she was picked up by the Thorns in January of '22.

Sport is a damn cruel way to try and make a living.

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No lie told. Tip of the very large pyramid comprising all players is exceedingly tiny.

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Throw in the horrifying randomness of the career-ending ACL that could explode at any moment and sometimes I think it must feel like juggling live grenades.

No wonder that to be great you have to have an almost suoerhuman drive and confidence in your own skills. We give Sinc a lot of stick for hanging on long past the time to retire. But her fighting spirit is a huge part of what made her great, and not every great athlete can turn that off when it becomes a liability instead of an asset…

Hope for her sake that Beckman finds what she needs, whether it’s on another team, or peace with the end of her career…

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Brother, what in THE HELL are you talking about with this “deepest roster in the league” nonsense? YOU COVER THE TEAM!!

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That, is a BONKERS take. Like, AM I THE CRAZY ONE?! Our protection list was one of the easiest in the league to write.

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Again; like i said - lazy journo = zombie trope.

The meme that Portland is a magic box full of great players started in 2013 with the allocations and was reinforced by the monster 2015-16 deals that brought the Shield and star in the next two seasons.

It hasn’t been true since (by my estimate) 2018/9. But by that time it was the conventional wisdom and if you’re a busy journalist who’s in a hurry to generate content the easy, lazy way is to regenerate the CW.

You hear the TV announcers spout it. Clarke being local should know better…but he’s mostly focused on the Blazers now so I’m guessing this is just lack of actual thought.

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I expect that from east coast journos who don't cover the team closely and just cover the league broadly, but Ryan is showin' his whole ass with this take. He's a local "beat writer" with a damn podcast on the team lol...I'd expect a bit better insight from him...

This is why I'd love it if the Thorns actually had their own beat writer....like many woso clubs have. This is just irresponsible and incorrect lol.

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Yes, but Clarke hosts a weekly Thorns podcast and was on the Thorns beat all year....so he should know wayyy better. I'd say this is just him being overly homery (and not overly knowledgeable) more than anything else.

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Thorns general manager Karina LeBlanc said in a press release that Menges "expressed her desire for a change" and the team collaborated with Bay FC to give the 31-year-old veteran her fresh start.

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ok, that trade looked stupid on its face, but if that press release is true, then, in light of last year's shenanigans, good riddance...

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Yeah, I imagine after kinda blowing it for your team with the new coach (who just won a championship), when it was the second one in 2 years might have been enough for her to feel uncomfortable or have weird interactions with players on the team. Personally, that would've really made me angry as a teammate. I would've been a pro about things, but I still would've have bad feelings about her going forward...especially considering all of the other shit the team had been going through for years...It's prob for the best for the club and Menges to part ways given the recent past with all of that.

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I honestly thought she'd either be shipped or retire after last season. The way the backline (and Menges herself) played in 2023 makes me think that there were some issues there, and possibly related to that mess surrounding the affair.

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Yeah, I'm honestly not too sad to see her go, more for the off field reasons, and the potential for team cohesion problems with her sticking around. We know that a group of players had to go to KK to get her to make a move re: Rhian, because it was reported that they were uncomfortable...I imagine that discomfort didn't just vanish when Rhian left. And yes, as you say, I was pretty surprised she even stuck around last season...

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Probably a good time for her to leave from an era-shifting perspective as well. That said, there better be a young CB signing coming.

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Thornado has said he had word several weeks ago that they were looking at a "young/tall int'l CB" after the Sevecke news. No word on the status of that, but I'm happy they realize it's needed.

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if i remember correctly how the story came out, to make things worse, that group of players went to the league with their concerns because they weren't comfortable taking them to LeBlanc (or, they did, and LeBlanc didn't do anything about it, i can't remember which). So, a reminder in the Menges story that the Thorns have a bad GM.

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Her play and the backline’s play with her make me think there were problems. She led a terrific backline in 2016-2018, and only injury slowed her down between then and ‘22.

But she was healthy last season and you’d think she’d have been ready to step in when ‘Brunn went down. That didn’t happen, and i wonder if that was related to the mess in 2022.

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Vanessa Gilles staying on at Lyon through 2025. Angel City now saying that was always "part of a long-term plan. " Ah yes, it's the Horan Plan.

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Came here to say that ACFC fans are learning how we felt about Horan lolol

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This relevant meme made me laugh out loud.


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Here's our impending new representative to the NWSL Board of Governors


Chief Impact Maker? Does she know Chief People Officer?

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"investing in workforce housing..."

I foresee a Thorns training complex and corporate offices with condos and a lifestyle village in one of Portland's Qualified Opportunity Zones. The only question I have is what part of town.

She also comes across as smart, articulate, and who she is. I think she's gonna be good.

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Again...the issue I see is the mismatch between these "opportunity zones" as defined in the 2017 law and the sort of property this facility will require (lots of open space for playing/practice fields. Take a look at the map; most of these OZs are jam-packed with little 50x100 CoP tracts and city streets.

The only realistic option I see is "Tract 73", which is way the hell out Marine Drive over by 205. Most of it is already commercial properties, though. It'd still probably be hard to to work the OZ gimmick there, despite all the lovely tax giveaways on offer.

My guess? Somewhere out on the Sunset Highway. Hillsboro or North Plains.

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Here's a listing from the Guv's office of Oregon's QOZs, as designated in 2018.


There are 3 spots in Clackamas (one off 212, one near Clackamas Town Center), 1 in Wilsonville, 1 in Oregon City, 1 in Willamette Falls, 7 in Portland (Innovation Quadrant, Pearl District, Lower Albina, Inner East Side, PSU, Downtown, South Waterfront), 1 in Port of Portland, 3 in Rockwood, 1 in Rosewood, 2 in Fairview, 2 in Tigard (1 near Washington Square), 2 in Beaverton, 2 in Tualatin, 1 in Hillsboro.

I haven't taken a look to see how much land is available at any of these sites, be it open or already having some structures on it.

I liked Bhatal Merage's answer on this - the QOZ program was created by one of the very few bipartisan pieces of legislation in 2017 (Tim Scott and Cory Booker), and that was part of what made her enthusiastic about it.

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Having working for a soils engineer in Portland (i.e. providing services to developers, principally…) I’m VERY familiar with the OZ gimmick and, yes, these areas as well.

So places like the Albina and Tigard ones are probably impractical; already heavily developed, urban or dense-sub-urban, plus lots of brownfields that will require cleanup.

Plus Portland Bureau of Development Services, a notorious Skinnerbox for permitting slow-walking (don’t get me started on the Urban Forestry people!)

Same-same for places like Oregon City or the 212 Corridor.

I’d look further out; Wilsonville has a fair bit of open space, as does Hillsboro. That Port tract (73) is a possible, as noted.

That said, these QOZs are kind of a boondoggle. Bipartisan because both parties have elements eager to cater to wealthy VC types, the enthusiasm of the VCs for OZs shouldn’t be confused with some sort of philanthropy. It’s enthusiasm for sweet, sweet tax giveaways. They’re not doing good. They’re doing well.

But if they do well for the club? Fine! My expectations for wealthy-owner-goodness are subterranean. Provided we’re not talking actively evil? Yay, RAJ Enterprises!

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Well, I think there's a chance to do both. Among politicos, I think Cory Booker is a decent guy. That doesn't mean folks won't take advantage of the program, however.

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The program is too new to really evaluate, tho the one study I've seen suggests that 1) the only immediate benefit is, as you'd expect, in construction spending (which is purely by the nature of the trades typically directed to guys with Ford F350s living in Clackamas) and 2) tends to show little or no benefit to the actual residents.

I tend to be suspicious of these tax-break gimmicks just because they're so ripe for grift. But there' always hope...

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I hadn't looked closely at this list before. PSU is one of the areas. Definite boondoggle for developers . They'll come in and build student housing.

I could definitely see Wilsonville or Hillsboro as development sites.

Honestly, the Marine Drive area probably does make the most sense. Tons of land, great MAX service, and lots of shopping and restaurants already out there by the airport. Easy for road trip travel too.

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That'd be my thought. Plus a soccer pitch is easy when your groundwater is four feet below the surface; deep foundations (and that South Shore ground is SHIT; tens of feet of deep liquifiable sand and silt; you gotta do some serious engineering like stone columns to build anything on it that humans can survive and earthquake in...) are a real nightmare.

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I haven’t watched that video you posted yet, but I’ll definitely do so. I posted this link elsewhere, but here it is again: https://opportunitydb.com/cities/portland-oregon/

This is a map of the opportunity zones in the greater Portland area (zoom out to see surrounding counties.) It’s helpful to see the highlighted zones overlaid onto a map with streets. I set up another Google map next to it with a terrain layer which it allows you to kinda compare/contrast either map to see where those OZ boundaries lie. I LOVE maps though, so maybe it’s just a me thing lol.

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PSU is one of the Qualified Opportunity Zones. So too is South Waterfront.

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Yeah and I work at PSU...they have very recently announced several major building projects getting approval to move forward, and I think one still waiting for city approval. One of the companies Revitate has collaborated with for one of their Portland properties has been connected to one of these new PSU buildings, I've seen...not that it means anything for a training facility, but I wouldn't be surprised if they tried to get in on several of these urban revitalization projects...

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I had been thinking that way too, but then I'm not sure I see how that fits with Revitate's orientation to QOZ's and how she described what they did with the Kings.

Beyond the training facility/corporate offices, I can see where Revitate could help do some good things and have some positive social impact here in town.

I have to say that I was prepared not to like her -- Orange County Republican family and all that I imagined that that would entail (given the political donations their family members have made) -- but in watching that sit-down and listening to her talk, I found I liked her a lot. She seems pretty well adjusted, comfortable, smart. Not a micromanager or someone who needs spotlight -- not an Uhrman or a Kang. Also not someone who comes across like she's been given every advantage all along the way; she MIGHT have been, but she doesn't come across that way. I can see players liking her. She seems emotionally intelligent and eager to learn.

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thanks for finding/posting- she seems an impressive businesswoman- if she's as good as she seems in that interview, the best-case scenario could be that not only do the Thorns benefit, but also the NWSL, because now they have someone sitting on their Board of Governors who also co-owns an NBA team and knows how their board of governors works (she had good things to say about NBA marketing) maybe she can start to bring a level of professionalism to what's otherwise been a pretty amateurish, seat-of-your-pants league to date.

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I'm actually feeling pretty good about things these days. For all his faults, and they are many, Merritt loved/loves the Thorns and I think he (and Hank) wanted to do right by them, and they seem to have found a good match -- people who are already involved here in real estate development and putting in nice properties rather than cash-grab garbage. Ultimately, the new owners are not that different from Merritt insofar as they're the kid(s) of people who made a lot of money, and the relationship Hank had with Raj Bhathal surely played a role here. Also, this wasn't an easy deal to put together -- working out the stadium situation and doing a real estate development deal for club offices, a training facility, and likely an attractive nearby living option for players. And, just as importantly, we are getting a businesswoman who has seen the NBA business a lot closer than most people.

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I, for one, am sad we never got to see much of a "Becky Beckie Beckman" unit out on the pitch.

I hope Nat finds a new gig in footy if she wants to continue. That's one of the good things about expansion and free agency - there are more opportunities.

I noticed at this year's Open Training that Beckman was the first person out on the pitch LONG before anybody else, was smiling and engaged just as she is in that photo, and has some pretty nice ball skills.

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This is very accurate. Extremely hard worker and deserved more opportunities.

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Beckman was another example of something I've been seeing for quite a while here; a seemingly-decent player who is drafted/traded for/signed who the then-gaffer seems unable to find a good use for.

That went all the way back to Parsons, with his struggles to figure out what to do with players like AMC and Foord, the way Dunn couldn't find a role in 2021, Wilkinson's weird positional gimmicks with Kuikka, the way Sugita, a painfully-obviously-good #10, goes everywhere BUT the ten, and even role-players like Beckman.

Both Wilkinson and Norris had a benchful of players who never got minutes, like Beckman, or seemed to come in at random, like Betfort. If they're that useless, why not sell or trade them?

So I'm not sure it's hopeless for Beckman. Look at the number of Thorns cast-offs who played for Gotham in this year's Final! Seems to me that suggests we've got some player-assessment issues here, but...

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I think it's more an NWSL thing in general. There are tons of solid-if-unspectacular college players who just don't stick in the league. It's partially a function of the small amount of total roster spots that can get minutes and partially that college and pro soccer are totally different ballgames (literally) both technically and physically. Scouting is also an imperfect science, so it's not surprising there's a ton of draft picks that don't pan out.

Beckman is a good example- You watch her college tape and it's clear she has talent, but she seemed totally overmatched physically every time she got a hint of a chance. I would have preferred they try her at wing fwiw, but it's a tough game.

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The plethora of potential wingers didn’t help her there, either.

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Is....Seattle going to do anything?

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Wouldn't it be hilarious if both Utah and BFC decided not to pick *anyone* from Chicago?

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I couldn’t even put together a nine for them to protect, so I don’t think they will quite honestly....especially if Seattle don’t do anything.

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Lol poor Chicago. They said "have at what you want, we're already dead."

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They *have* a new owner and still don't have a GM or coach lmao

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Thorns would have lost Betfort and ??Hubly?? in expansion.

Instead they made trades to lose more.

LeBlanc is like one of those GM's in our fantasy leagues where the commissioner has to step in to void trades when the other GMs start lining up to take advantage...

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Being able to pick your losses (including a player who was griping for a move and might have been locker room poison…), a junkball pick and picking up a spare $65K?

That might not be brilliant, but how the hell is that a tire fire?

I mean…if she does another Nasello/D’Aquila in January? Fire at will! But I don’t see how this is, say, worse than KC’s derp…

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KC's outcome sounds like a shitshow, so yes, I guess if that's where we are as a nation: Yes, LeBlanc is better than this other incompetent person.

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Maybe Menges was ready to move on, maybe she learned that she wasn't going to be protected and asked to be moved to BFC.

But overall I think you're right - we were going to lose Betfort and either Menges or Hubly. Moreover, as soon as one of those players was selected, we could have protected an additional player.

So, in the end we got $65K and gave up the #33 pick, and we lost the ability to protect one of those three players -- Menges, Betfort, or Hubly -- from selection.

Not sure that's great dealmaking.

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I'd bet that an underrated perk for KK was that if she got full protection, she doesn't have to release a protected list. This means that she doesn't have to publicly reveal to anyone (not even players) who she wanted to protect (I'd bet Beckie and possibly Bixby) or make a choice between those two and a player who SHOULD be protected, like Hubly.

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It's not great. It's also not terrible. If Menges wanted to leave, this was a good way to do it. She also doesn't have to release a list now, which is nice. It also allowed her to (presumably) consult with the players instead of leaving them open to the whims of the expansion draft.

It's really about what they do the rest of the offseason now, specifically at CB and striker.

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Wonder what Santa is going to bring us tomorrow?

Here is the situation:

Chicago: Alyssa Naeher, Mackenzie Wood (Loan), Samantha Feller, Amanda Kowalski, Tatumn Milazzo, Arin Wright, Taylor Malham, Cari Roccaro, Jill Aguilera, Julia Bianchi, Samantha Fisher, Sophie Jones, Addie McCain, Jenna Bike, Ava Cook, Sarah Griffith, Penelope Hocking, Ally Schlegel

Houston: Emily Alvarado, Jane Campbell, Savannah Madden, Alysha Chapman (maternity leave), Madelyn Desiano, Jyllissa Harris, Natalie Jacobs, Katie Lind, Courtney Petersen, Ally Prisock, Andressa Alves, Sophie Hirst, Barbara Olivieri, Sarah Puntigam, Sophie Schmidt, Havana Solaun, Michelle Alozie, Ryan Gareis, Paulina Gramaglia (on loan), Diana Ordóñez, Nichelle Prince, Cameron Tucker

Louisville: Hillary Beall, Jordyn Bloomer, Katie Lund, Olivia Sekany, Abby Erceg, Julia Lester, Lauren Milliet, Elli Pikkujämsä, Carson Pickett, Jordan Baggett, Ary Borges, Savannah DeMelo, Kayla Fischer, Jaelin Howell, Maddie Pokorny, Kirsten Davis, Parker Goins, Uchenna Kanu, Thembi Kgatlana, Paige Monaghan

North Carolina: Marisa Bova, Hensley Hancuff (ON LOAN), Casey Murphy, Katelyn Rowland, Malia Berkely, Sydney Collins, Kaleigh Kurz, Estelle Johnson, Ryan Williams, Tess Boade, Rikako Kobayashi (INT), Manaka Matsukubo (LOAN, INT), Narumi Miura (INT), Denise O’Sullivan, Victoria Pickett, Brianna Pinto, Clara Robbins, Meredith Speck, Mille Gejl (INT), Haley Hopkins, Tyler Lussi, Kerolin Nicoli (INT), Olivia Wingate

OL Reign: Claudia Dickey, Lauren Barnes, Alana Cook, Sam Hiatt, Sofia Huerta, Jimena López (LOAN), Phoebe McClernon, Jess Fishlock, Luany (LOAN), Quinn, Olivia Van der Jagt, Maia Perez, Ryanne Brown, Bethany Balcer, Elyse Bennett, Jordyn Huitema, Veronica Latsko

San Diego: Lauren Brzykcy, Kailen Sheridan, Shae Yanez, Abby Dahlkemper, Naomi Girma, Kristen McNabb, Danielle Colaprico, Meggie Dougherty Howard, Taylor Kornieck, Jaedyn Shaw, Kelsey Turnbow, Amirah Ali, Rachel Hill, Sofia Jakobsson, Alex Morgan, Sierra Enge

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This, I’m very good with. Hope Hannah can show out in Utah.

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Yeah, now knowing Menges wanted to leave, this was about what we were gonna lose in the draft anyways. I assumed it'd be Beckie/Bixby/Hubly plus Betfort. Plus we got $75K extra allocation from the Menges trade, and didn't lose any draft picks (which we can hopefully bundle for more value later.) Also now have the 33rd overall pick in the draft (we now have 7 or 8 picks!), and $10,000 in allocation money for Hannah. I just hope to god we aren't hoping to use all of those picks for our depth.

Still though, losing two more players (on top of Crystal and Michele, and likely more FA's imo) means that KK needs to have that Bhathal credit card out burnin' holes and whatnot. We need a LOT of players.

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Honestly, good! The club needed some new blood and a kick in the ass. Losing all these players should, in theory, force their hand. They literally don’t have enough NWSL players to field an entire roster, so we’re gonna have to see some signings (or a shit ton of rookies) before next season. Exciting times!

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Oh I know! I'm saying this from a positive perspective! I think we needed a better backup 9 anyways. Both trades I'm not that sad about, and we walk away with more assets to build from with $$ and draft picks. We got something more for a player who was likely to get taken in the draft anyways for free. And now, they don't even have to release a draft protection list. Just, KK needs to get the next part right lol....

Marissa Sheva to Portland when...

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Friday is now free agency signing day instead of expansion draft day lol.

But yeah. If they replace Menges with a young, well-regarded CB....I’m fine with these moves given she asked to leave. Would have liked to get a little more for Menges, but I’m not too broken up about losing Betfort. Hopefully we get another attacking sub and some real striker minutes for Izzy.

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In actuality, we could start announcing FA signings tomorrow, is that right? We have protection, so it’s not like it matters who we need to protect anymore. That was the holdup. I’m not sure if FA’s have to adhere to any specific window to be announced…everyone just assumed Dec 16th after the draft would be when those all drop because of protection implications. Let’s hope they don’t trickle out one a day. Just give us all the news tomorrow! Then, wipe your hands clean, put your head down, and get started spending $$$ on other signings and the draft (and a new HC pretty plz, I’m gonna say it until I manifest it lol.)

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Ohhhh, I actually misread that. WE gave away a draft pick and $10K in allocation money, along with Hannah.

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#31 and 10K, so practically nothing tbf

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wait, the announcement says PTFC sent Betfort, the draft pick and allocation money TO Utah in return for protection.

So, LeBlanc (predictably) got fleeced twice today.

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Seriously? We’re talking about the same Betfort, right? 11 games, 4 starts, 2 goals, no assists?

I know you despise LeBlanc, but there’s gotta be a limit. How much did you think she’d get for Betfort?

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I'm trying, Chief, but i can't find the limit. In this case, I'm just saying, if KK had done literally nothing, the team would have been better off.

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We were going to lose Betfort and either Menges or Hubly. Moreover, as soon as one of those players was selected, we could have protected an additional player.

So, in the end we got $65K and gave up the #33 pick and the ability to protect one of those three players -- Menges, Betfort, or Hubly -- from selection.

Not sure that's great dealmaking. It's sorta meh. But given the way KC got worked over, KK looks a lot better than Cami!

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Yeah, I misread that..

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Sorry to see Menges go, but honestly I thought she would have been moved last offseason. I have to believe Karina told her she wouldn't be protected over Hubly and/or that there was no guarantee who would be starting next season, so that makes for an opportunity, if you're Menges, to control your own destiny - aka "Send me to San Jose, not Sandy."

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Well, I don't think KC need another high draft pick. That said, though, that's a sweet deal for Utah. Del Fava and the #4 pick for $75k and protection? But KC was in pretty deep merd and looking at the prospect of losing maybe Kizer or Mace.

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Possibly, but compared to what other teams gave up.....it's a LOT. I'd also personally trade Kizer for the opportunity to draft for need at 4.

Great deal for Utah.

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We have some wonderful pieces in the attack and midfield, but we're REALLY shaky in the backfield. Hoo Boy!

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Potentially, PTFC have the future of LB locked up with Reyes, and if Kuikka re-signs, then RB is covered for a while still. But CB? yikes. Fingers crossed for Sauerbrunn, else it's hold our breath and cross our fingers that Smith stays healthy and happy until the new owners fire LeBlanc and Norris and rebuild- and maybe 2024 needs to be that kind of sacrificial year to allow that change to happen.

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I think Reyes will be a decent LB, but I'm still not sure she's quite up to par for who I'd want to see at LB. Ideally, for me, we'd have Kling and Reyes as the two FB subs, and we'd be getting a starting quality LB. I'm curious what everyone else thinks about Reyes' role next season? Kling def should be a sub next season...

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I agree; she’s starting quality, and we now need help at CB more desperately.

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I think Reyes absolutely showed enough last year (as a rookie!) for me to believe in her as an above average starting LB going forward. Really impressive physical traits, better than I thought she'd be mentally and on-ball. One of the primary bright spots in a tough year imo.

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Ok, that's good to hear. I still think she makes some rookie mental mistakes and can get caught up field too often..she doesn't seem to quite have the experience to know what she can and can't get away with as an attacking fullback. I'd love another year of her developing as a sub, but I trust y'alls judgement also. I think a lot of my issues with our fullbacks are a Norris problem, but it's hard to know for her specifically when I haven't seen her outside of Norris' tactics, and I tend to err on the side of caution.

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I’ve always said we don’t need any CBs anyways

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She was probably our best CB behind Becky. But she will be 32 this year. Now what? Irrationally angry already thinking about what we're gonna give up to Utah. Seems to indicate to me that we are very likely keeping Becky in FA, and are getting a new CB (word from Thornando is that we're trying for a young int'l CB.) Hopefully that goes through, because Hubly isn't a starter, and Nally certainly ain't a 3rd CB.

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A few things here....

Our FO must have liked the Hubly-Becky pairing better than the Menges-Becky and definitely better than the Hubly-Menges pairing.

Menges is a solid vet, culture builder, and involved in the NWSLPA. I think it's a good get for BFC, especially since the price was so low.

Sinc just lost one of her best friends here. This is going to be a very odd final year for the Captain.

We don't yet know for sure (unless we do) that Becky is returning.

They're all pros here, but it had to be weird after L'Affaire Wilkinson.

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Yep, gonna be a wait and see type of offseason. If they pull off a nice international signing, it’s a fine deal. If it’s Hubly-Becky with Nally behind them going into the season, I’ll be much less pleased.

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It's still so dumb because they just could've protected her lol. If KK's getting rid of a starter to protect 1-2 non-starters....oof. Knowing KK has entered the dual protection sweepstakes means she overvalues our roster and that sucks. Hope we're not gonna lose more than if we just didn't do anything...

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it really was too good to be true to think LeBlanc was smart enough to avoid trading for protection this off-season. I tried giving her kudos when it looked otherwise, but now'm back to presuming she is really bad at her job.

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There might still be another trade in the offing. Utah said they had lots of news. The Haught deal is a biggie, but two trades -- when one is for a pair of 2nd round picks -- isn't "lots." We'll see.

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I don't particularly love it from a purely soccer perspective without any additional context about future signings, but I'll also give KK a little grace on this because I think a bunch of NWSL FOs are trading for protection in order to keep players out of the uncertainty of an expansion draft.

Now that they've made one deal, I'd rather have them overpay slightly for complete protection so they don't need to release a list. If they don't, then....idk

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PTFC could have not overpaid anything for anyone and still not lost any starters from their core- unless there's behind the scenes people-drama factoring in (again....) then trading Menges like that was Just. Plain. Stupid.

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It's not plain stupid if Menges wanted a change (hey look, this was what happened!), the team wanted to avoid the expansion draft to protect the players, and/or if they have a replacement CB lined up.

They haven't necessarily earned the benefit of the doubt so I understand being skeptical (I certainly am), but let's try to avoid visceral reactions to single transactions when the offseason has barely started and we have no context.

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What if this is all a ploy to get Rhian back in here (because her and Menges are still dating) and because she's apparently regularly still seen around Prov Park...Just gonna explode the rumor mill here lol...

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We'll know if there are rainbow shoes left in Menges's locker room stall.

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I kinda hope we don’t make a deal, especially since the reported price is now like 250K and the fact we’d have to do it with two teams. I don’t think we have anyone on the bubble worth that price.

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I stg if KK is one of those who made a partial protection transaction....lmao

Or any transaction, for that matter. It's so not worth it, esp at the highest price for protection.

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You know she made a deal to protect Beckie and Sinc! =)

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I would vaporize. *POOF*

I've just been raggin' on these 4 other clubs and praising KK for seemingly avoiding it...but the hope lives to be squashed another day lol.

(Also Sinc is a FA, thank god, so we at least don't have to worry about that.)

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I know. She'd protect her anyway!

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