Jul 6·edited Jul 6

Somewhat encouraging performance, if only to enter the break on a high.

- First game where I really recognized *the* Jessie Fleming I feel like I've watched for years. Covered an insane amount of ground as usual --she was playing as a second striker, 10, and 8 all in one thanks in large part to Sinc's nothingness-- but the quality and confidence on the ball was there the entire game too, instead of just in spurts. Dropped a few long diagonal dimes as well. Really, really good, clear WOTM.

- Roller coaster of a Beckie game: Horrendous miss, about 20 bad giveaways, but should have had a hat trick of assists and was dangerous throughout.

- Obaze is already quite good and will be very good. I'm pretty confident about that.

- That was a very Santa Clara poacher-Izzy goal (and the exact Beckie ball that Sinc was too slow to multiple times in the first half). Happy she got her first rose!

- SD's interim hasn't changed a thing. Someone rescue Jaedyn pls.

- Soph just can't get Girma lol, Naomi knows aalllll her tricks!

- Good on the ref for sticking with her on-field decision on the VAR check. Should happen more.

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To be blunt, she’s had to cover for Sinc most of the year and has been. The difference is that she utilized her passing skills more today than other games. Very encouraged by what we saw today.

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Not sure if anyone mentioned Reyes, but I thought she had a pretty good game also. She looked confident and was just plowing through folks lol…it was entertaining to watch because she was on my side of the field for the first half. She’s a tank! Still think she can level up a few parts of her game for me to call her an in-pen starter (Reyna- shoot lower and not right at Sheridan!), but thought she had a good game after a kinda poor outing against Utah. Having her and Payne battling for the start is a good thing for both of them.

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Reyes has played a 6 before right? I'd like to see her get a run out there during the tournament. Sam's at the Olympics and it's an opportunity to build some depth in the position.

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expect Payne will be gone and she will be needed to run the right back

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That 2nd half shot was almost precisely like Soph setting Liv up vs. the Reign earlier this season, but, as they say, Liv's got a really cultured foot.

Otherwise, I also loved Reyna's outing-busting up Wave excursions all night, good decisions, hustle, and fearlessness.

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Yeah she had Sanchez in hell for most of the game. Nice match from her.

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Not as important as on the field stuff, but Weaver was walking around after the game and wasn’t wearing a brace, which seems like good news! My partner (who’s an athletic trainer so this is kind of her thing) was quick to point out it could’ve been more related to a brace being uncomfortable in the heat than a true sign of recovery but I’ll read into it however I darn well please

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Jul 6·edited Jul 6

Well she's about 3 weeks beyond her D-45 (day 45) designation, so let's hope she's getting some warmup minutes during the break and will be BACK back by the next time we play a league game (I think v. Gotham maybe?) Seems like Liv should be back by then also based on what's been said. We desperately need people who can put the biscuit in the basket lol.

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She wasn’t playing to last years form when she was injured and the connection that existed between her / Kling was not as evident with the new FB’s. That said, she’s too good of a player not to have an impact,

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Morgan’s brace has been off for a couple of weeks I think

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At what point does it become more expedient to chant, “She’s NOT our keeper”?

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First of all some credit to San Diego: they have great defense and goalie and yes Naomi is the best defender that Soph faces. The problem I see with SD is their offense doesn’t take advantage of talent like Shaw, Sanchez, young Barcenas and Ali. I think Alex Morgan is suited to different kind of game than 10 years ago and huck it up to the li lightening fast little pony doesn’t cut it anymore. They lead the league in offsides and I bet Alex leads in fouls drawn.

Then their midfield, the Thorns ate their lunch. Especially Hina and Fleming. Coffey was great too.

The Thorns defense was great and yes all of them played well and Hogan was WOTM.

But the offense, unlucky and facing a very good defensive group. So three points I am happy and Izzy is a poacher and a good one.

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I'm hoping that Mackenzie Arnold was our "easy" signing, and it's the tip of the iceberg as far as front office happenings, and that there's a lot more big news to come.

Dreams, dreams...

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Jul 10·edited Jul 10

No idea who they'll be, but it's pretty clear that there WILL be signings of some variety this summer.....which I personally wasn't expecting a few weeks ago.

I also don't want to minimize Arnold's signing just because of our (very justified) goalkeeper fatigue. She was a finalist for the *Best GK in the world* award this year.

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Oh really? That's pretty awesome. Will watch AUS more closely.

Anyone know where Raso's headed? (not that we want her, just curious)

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Haven't heard any word on Raso, but very much hoping we don't see another Aussie signing here. Honesty, I wouldn't be surprised if KK went for her, esp now given there's another Aussie here (+ our GK coach.) Very much hoping they realize the limitations of a 30 year old winger, though.

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There's only been rumors, but PSG and Juventus are the two I've seen.

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A few attacking options I wouldn't mind looking at this summer (just players I like watching that might be good fits who could be --or not be-- attainable):

More attainable:

- Rasheedat Adjibade, 24 YO, Nigerian winger, Atletico Madrid, contract until 2025. (https://fbref.com/en/players/77448ed7/scout/365_f1/Rasheedat-Ajibade-Scouting-Report). Seems like an NWSL-type signing.

- Geraldine Reuteler, 25 YO Swiss winger, Eintracht Frankfurt (https://fbref.com/en/players/f64daf84/scout/365_f1/Geraldine-Reuteler-Scouting-Report). Did recently extend her contract.

- Clara Luvanga, 19 YO Tanzanian forward, Al-Nassr. Only seen a little of her for Tanzania during AFCON, but she looked the part big time.

- Julie Dufour, 23 YO French winger Paris FC (https://fbref.com/en/players/662d8aeb/scout/365_f1/Julie-Dufour-Scouting-Report)

Less Attainable:

- Louna Ribadeira, 19 YO French winger, Paris FC (https://fbref.com/en/players/fd4595fd/Louna-Ribadeira)

- Sara Ortega, 19 YO Spanish winger Athletic Bilbao https://fbref.com/en/players/4aefa99f/Sara-Ortega). Talented young Spanish YNTer.

- Rosa Kafaji, 20 YO Swedish winger, BK Häcken (https://fbref.com/en/players/fed58d3e/Rusul-Rosa-Kafaji). Almost certainly going to go to a big Euro club, but she would be the DREAM.

- Klara Buhl, 23 YO German winger, Bayern Munich (https://fbref.com/en/players/4d0c6dc5/Klara-Buhl)

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My takeaway from the KC-Orlando game has to do with attitude. KC, like all of Andonovski's teams, was constantly working the ref, pushing the limits of physicality and whining about calls or no-calls. (They also focused on getting Lawrence ejected, which backfired IMHO.) I know this is something of a universal plague, but few do it as much as KC, now and in past incarnations. It works, to an extent, but when you take this approach, you put your fate in the ref's hands. Orlando took their fate in their own hands, and their will (and specifically Marta's) carried them through.

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Targeting Lawrence (who was only playing because McCutcheon was sick) was a great strategy that worked perfectly, they just didn't have a plan B against a low block. Really missed Bia's hold up play and Dibernardo's ability to create imo.

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Yeah. Which is ironic because Vlatko’s FCKC had the worst disciplinary record in the league and by a huge margin. Bad Shea Groom was the stereotype Blues player, clattering and injuring opponents all over the place.

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If I were the ref, the first time Labonta gestured for a card, I'd give her one.

FIFA needs to stamp that out - it has no place and is both cringeworthy and unsporting.

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Shea Groom at FCKC! I always wondered if McCall Zerboni's infamous footstomp to Groom's back nine years ago convinced Shea to dial back the recklessness, if only for her own well-being.

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My recollection is that Groom did one of her trademark "going in hard" moves on someone (don't recall whom) and she was the one who got injured. I know she tore her ACL with Houston, but she broke a rib in 2019 and was out for some time. So, yeah, that was kind of what happened, only not from Z-Bone but from her ownself.

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Ah, thanks for the clarification.

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The heat frazzled my brain but here are some thoughts:

1. Best Fleming game we’ve seen. Still some adjustments she needs to make and watching back I think HAO’s takes in the commentary were absolutely spot on

2. I don’t mind playing Soph wide against San Diego because Girma is an awful matchup for her but we really need her in the middle again. She’s our best finisher. We created over 2xG last night.

3. Beckie did well to create the goal but two good chances that she squandered. That’s why we need an upgrade there.

4. Way to go Izzy! If she can create space in the box there might be a role for her. Too often we’ve not seen her do things she’s good at. Part of that is playing out wide; get her in the box more often, at least as a sub.

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Jul 11·edited Jul 11

Bella seems to have something to say about all of the "is she retiring?" talk on the internets. Just posted a pic of herself running in a Thorns shirt saying something like "first workout. Grateful for the comeback journey."

Def seems like a non-quiet way of saying she'll be sticking around.

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Haha yeah I cannot imagine the timing of that post was a coincidence.

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Jul 11·edited Jul 11

Def not...she's pretty online, she's seen the chatter. I appreciate the subtle info drop from her lol. Helps us narrow it down to 2/6 for sure staying lmao.

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Jul 10·edited Jul 10

Now that I've had a dog walk to think about it, I AM happy for this signing. It's always good when we upgrade any position, even if this first signing seems confusing at the present moment. No doubt it means that we're shedding 3 GK's. My guess? Bella is retiring, we're losing one of Kozal/Asman, and one of Hogan/Alvarado (prob Alvarado.) Macca is no doubt the #1. I kinda feel bad for Hogan (who seems to be rising up all of the GK metrics), but my guess is she remains the #2 and still gets the rest of the minutes for the other cups, ect... Having an int'l GK (esp from AUS) means she'll be gone for all major tourneys and int'l windows, and so having a strong-ish #2 with pro minutes will be good. I do wonder if Alvarado, Asman, or Kozal heads to the new USL because they're currently roster-building and start next month!

Do we have any int'l spots left now? Maybe one? They NEED to use that in the attack, and I hope they don't keep Dias so we can have 1 additional int'l spot to use at CB. We don't need Dias and D'Aquila.

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I would imagine, too, that despite our questioning of KK, she personally holds very high standards for the GKs in our club. So even if it's not our position of greatest need, KK feels like the Thorns should have a AAA caliber keeper regardless.

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Jul 10·edited Jul 11

Agreed. She's probably one of the best 15-20 or so established keepers in the world. Good upgrade, if not an *elite elite* player.

Honestly, this feels most relevant to Bixby. She's not going to have a place next season, which makes me think she might just end up retiring. I figure either Hogan or Alvarado are traded in the offseason, or both Asman and Kozal are let go- Both could be pretty easily bought out this season if necessary.

They do have one more international spot. I'd hope they use that on their biggest signing this summer and then re-evaluate on Dias in the offseason. Also, I'd hope Fleming or Hina can get a green card (Orlando has done this with some of their internationals).

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Could also see them keeping Bixby as the backup with one of the last couple of draft picks, and looking to move Hogan.

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Hogan is from Massachusetts and I’d bet she’d be thrilled to be the GK for the new Boston expansion side. That isn’t until 2026, though, so could be nice to keep her here and then send her to Boston in ‘26 for immunity from the expansion draft. In the meantime she can hone her craft here as the #2 and get those cup minutes.

Bella also posted something on her socials saying she had her first run postpartum (in her Thorns shirt) and was excited for the comeback season, so seems like she’s not really going anywhere…

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i mean she's out of contract at the end of the season

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Yeah, good point. I hadn't looked at the contract status of the GK's lately...better to move her on when we can get value, then.

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I suppose it's possible Bixby had already told the team she was going to retire after her maternity leave runs out.

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Jul 10·edited Jul 10

In non-Thorns --but Thorns-adjacent-- news, it sounds like there's a good chance Eryk Williamson is moved this summer. Would be a bummer (he's both a fun player that I think the Timbers have under-utilized when he's been healthy and a great PTFC community member), but he's obviously also been dating Hubly for quite a long time. With her pending free agency, I wonder if that will play into her decision this offseason.

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Also been wondering this today. Despite our occasional frustrations with her, Hubly seems like she'd be a pretty valuable trade piece, if a move to a similar location as Eryk can be negotiated.

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She's a free agent so we wouldn't be able to trade her unless she re-signs before the August deadline.

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Jul 10·edited Jul 10

If they agree to work within the Timbers scope to get her nearer to him (and Timbers, vice versa), I could see her being ok with doing a sign and trade so that the club can get something for her. I don't remember the exact details, but I remember KC did that with Cassie Miller (who was a FA) when she went to Gotham.

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Yeah, there would be no downside for Hubly if she did that right? And it could potentially be leverage for KK to work harder to get her placed, and a bigger contract.

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Ah, right. Okay.

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Jul 10·edited Jul 10

Was def my first thought also. I wonder if there have been these talks and they'll consider that when shopping him around...sending him somewhere with an NWSL market. I'd almost count on it, honestly. Don't they live together also? Sucks because she's one of Soph's last closest friends that are here lol. How do we get Girma so she stays forever haha. Would suck to lose her as she's a valuable #3, but I think she could be somewhat valuable for some other teams because quality veteran CB's are hard to come by.

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I was heartened to see Soph's boyfriend schmoozing with the Bhathals after the SD match. Keep that guy happy...

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Oh yeah? That's nice. Def offer him and Soph free flight to/from AZ as needed lol.

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Yeah, he and a guy who looked like he could have been his brother were talking to the family for at least 15 minutes after the game, and looking like they were having a good time.

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Love that!

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Given how much time she spends in Arizona during the season, I wouldn't be surprised if they already do lmao

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Jul 10·edited Jul 10

Seriously, I was only like half joking haha! I'm guessing there's something in her contract lol, considering they just bought a nice house with a pool in AZ. They better make it as easy as possible to get to and from AZ for her and Michael!

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Considering they are engaged now, I can only think it is a positive for her wanting to stay in the US.

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Still need to review but…

1) Agree w the consensus that Fleming was lit. Still would like to see that translate into goals, but her role in the buildups (and there were several fine ones) was critical.

2) The failure to finish is killing us. OPTA’s xG was over 2.0, AND the post-shot xG was as well, meaning that the chances were generating good shots, but the shots were not getting past Sheridan. Credit to her, but part of that is a) needing Smith back in the middle and b) still needing wingers who can finish.

3) I was not as impressed with the backline as several I’m reading here. SD also generated more the 2xG, and their PSxG was 1.9. They got better looks than a Stoney attack should have, but Hogan stoned them several times and they Stoneyed the others, so…

4) Bottom line is points are points, we needed and got them. I’m still hoping we emerge from this OG break w a new HC. We need to start the rebuild sooner rather than later.

And if you didn’t…the Orlando-KCC match is worth watching to see this year’s MVP favorites put on a show and to get a sense for how damn good Orlando is. Scary good. Marta is driving that club like a musher and Banda is a force of nature. Even as an enemy fan I was shaking my head with rueful respect. If one or the other club is not this year’s champions there is no cosmic justice.

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I didn’t see the second half due to other plans and when Orlando went down to 10 players I guessed, of the two evenly matched teams KC, would be the victor. Marta had other plans. Orlando is on a mission!

But yes Banda and Chawinga are just inevitable. Those two teams and those two players are a tier above all the other teams and players.

Investors in Malawi should invest in women’s soccer to get Zawinga and her sister on the international stage. It will be fun to see how Banda will impact the this year’s Olympics she is a force of nature!

Imagine the stories behind Banda and Chawinga. I only know that Chawinga’s older sister was beaten by her father for playing soccer and Banda is an Olympic class boxer. They both deserve Equalizer stories about their path.

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The Chawinga goal alone was worth the price of admission. She basically dribbled thru the KC defense and scored from a crazy angle. Like a tank with a sniper rifle.

I thought the PK was harsh. Franch went up for the ball in a perfectly reasonable way and her momentum carried her into the Orlando player. Looked like incidental contact to me. But…Orlando more-or-less created the situation by continuing to attack even down a player. Most teams would have sat in and taken the road point, but this group is utterly merciless. It’s hard not to see them as an extension of Marta’s will.

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The only chinks in KC’s armor are two former Thorns. AD is still good, but not one of the best in the league anymore and Elizabeth Ball who is replacing an injured Gabby Robinson is mistake prone, those were the two that Soph beat in the 2022 final. Otherwise that team is stacked.

Orlando has a lot of talent and kudos to Kielbj for recognizing that talent at the beginning of the year and picking them in the top 4. And yeah if the final isn’t these two teams it will be a shame.

Hines had to drop an attacker and put in a defender when they got the Red Card in the first half. When you have Banda and Marta, what more do you need?

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Ball was certainly the problem on the Banda goal. Like Sunny and her former teammate Hubly she does have issues w making big errors. 89 minutes of solid defense punctuated with a massive derp.

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Jul 6·edited Jul 6

Excited to see the lineups for this tournament. I'd go:




If Weaver (and/or Liv) is ready to go any time soon, it could actually be a pretty fun time. I'd love if Izzy started getting consistent time at striker and scoring a few cause I'm rooting for her, but I'm sure Sinc will start most games at the nine. I can't WAIT until she's gone next year- Even if the young ones aren't a massive improvement, I'd so so so much rather watch them play.

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Jul 6·edited Jul 7

Yeah, I'm excited...it'll be nice to have the pressure nozzle turned down a bit. I wonder if, instead of Kling, they can try Reyna at the 6, with Payne at RB. I'm still pretty hesitant for her to be in a central position that needs to be verrry clean on the ball, but these are low risk games worth trying something else besides Kling in the 6 (which has been consistently bad.) We could also try Müller, who I think has played in midfield (hearsay from...somewhere?) and who I think would actually be better than Reyes. Buuut I hate to remove her from LB, where she's been pretty consistently good. But it would also allow Reyna to play her more natural LB position. (Why not try both?!)

I'll also be really disappointed to see Sinc starting any of these games. Like, there is absolutely no reason in any of these cup games not to give those development minutes to our starved young forwards who desperately need them. Especially to just sit behind a 41 yr old player who can't do much and is retiring next season. I mean, if we win-cool, but otherwise forget the cup and get the players developed with real game minutes. Those players need minutes because once our int'ls are back, they'll be few and far between again.

And lastly, if they have a coach in mind already AND they're available- get 'em in now. I'm glad Gale got the win, but I really hope they're still out there looking/interviewing. He's been layin' it on pretty thick lately lol, and I hope it doesn't distract from the overall play when they're considering who they hire. I hope the Bhathals and the FO will really make use of this time to get some internal housecleaning done around the offices. Hire up. Send out scouts to the Olympics. Maybe give us more info about this training facility. Waive some folks/sign some folks. I listened to a recent Stumptown Footy pod episode and Phuoc mentioned that they plan to be pretty active in the summer market...that he was expecting at least 3 signings. Kinda surprising considering we're already over the limit and would need to shed multiple players and haven't been linked with anyone (and also, you'd think a permanent coach would wanna have input on any signings.) Well...haven't heard or seen anything yet and I keep watching some good Euro players sign contracts overseas...so I sure hope that's true! Side note- do you know if, instead of waiving certain players, we can change their contract status to an NTRP instead? For instance, rather than waiving Sheva, McKenzie, Asman, ect..., we can turn them into NTRP's and then also have freed up space on the roster. Is this a thing that can be done? Or like, waive them and immediately re-sign them as an NTRP?

Also also...did you see Tommy Stroot was linked to United? Booooooo.

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Jul 7·edited Jul 7

I personally don't see the Reyes at the six thing at all. I know she's done it in college blah blah, but nothing at all about her skillset screams "pro-level center midfielder" to me. At this point I don't really see a tremendous difference between her at LB and RB either, which is a credit to her. Müller's never played the six to my knowledge --she played on the wing on occasion for Freiburg-- but I'm sure she could probably do it.....but then Kling is at the other FB and I don't love that. I've seen Kling play well at the six and I know she *can* do it, so she'd be my choice, especially since the third midfielder is probably OWK and it would be nice to have a veteran presence next to her.

I'm sure Sinc will play, and probably play a lot. It sucks. There was a time (like, 2021) where I had some sympathy from a "respect for the declining club legend" perspective, but I've been on the angry side for a few years now. Idk if this is a hot take (and I'm not really a massive believer in Izzy's long term potential anyhow), but I think Sinc's presence *on the field* has had a legitimately detrimental impact on Izzy's growth over the last two seasons and it SUCKS. There's an argument the same is happening to Linnehan, and even Dias. Young players need minutes.

I was leaning towards waiting until the end of the year to make the coaching change unless they have a real plan to spend big this summer both because I don't really think a new coach is elevating *this* roster to a shield (probably already too far behind) or championship winning level, and because this team has had so much coaching turnover. Hearing from Phuoc that they expect to spend is really interesting. IF they make some real signings --and not just Payne/Obaze level signings, but a real attacking star-- then bringing in a new coach midseason makes a little more sense to me. I'd guess that if that happens, they're probably pretty close on a coach. Teams usually figure out ways to get around roster crunches- I wouldn't be surprised if they just buy out a few contracts if they end up making new signings (and yeah, they probably could do what you mention re: NTRPs if the bought out players cleared waivers after getting bought out).

I did see the Stroot thing, no idea why he'd go to United given the state of their women's side atm.

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Jul 6·edited Jul 6

Parsons was at the game tonight...let's hope the ambition is higher from the Bhathals and he’s just here to enjoy a lovely night of football lol.

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