not sorry I watched the US match instead. You had a week long halftime to prepare and the best you could muster was a 0-0 draw against one of the worst teams in the league? You're just not that good of a team are you? To be fair this applies to both teams in this case.

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I'm not sure it's a substantive upgrade to have watched the USMNT lose to Panama...hahaha

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Your pre match prediction was scarily accurate: 0-0 draw, more yellow cards than shots on goal, and a waste of time for anyone that actually watched it. If you had called the weather delay I would say that Marty McFly wants his sports trivia book back.

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I "watched" this match on my phone while out on the deck grilling burgers and drinking beer with my wife. Didn't pay all that much attention if I'm being honest, so I can't attest to the quality or lack thereof, but I guess a point is fine and is better than no points. They could have just called it good after 45 and saved everyone the trouble, but I guess the players will be happy that the flight to and from Denver got them closer to making platinum tier flyer status for the year or something. Maybe.

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As with any other industry it's their job to show up and put in at least enough effort to retain their jobs - fulfill the stipulations of their contracts.

Do you think we are seeing minimal job retaining effort here?

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I can't really comment on last night specifically, since I didn't watch all that closely, but in general this season I would say no, except in a few cases.

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I guess considering one of the higher profile players literally bailed for Columbia rather than show up for practice... Maybe there will be a mutiny. Need some action here!!

Interested to see what Saturday brings, see what's the vibe in the stands.

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My prediction of 17-15 and an epic thrillride was only 32 goals off, so at least I won.

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Watched the Capital Futbol Club vs. Ballard USL2 match in Salem. Much better.

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given two options:

1. attend game

2. have spleen removed with salad fork

i see most colorado fans wisely chose the latter!

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In other news, Santiago Moreno is back in Portland with his agent. Trades within MLS don’t require the permission of the player, so the fact that his agent is there makes me feel like they’re either negotiating his contract (which is the original problem), or looking for a way to transfer him outside of MLS. I’m leaning towards the former because that makes the most sense if his agent is in Portland, and I hope it is. I hope we see Santi back in the team Saturday because we need all the help we can get on the wings. This is probably too hopeful from my end but man I really want him to stay

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I don't get it. He's a Winger. The Winger's job is to score goals and make assists. He has a few assists and no goals.

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He leads the team in assists* and the entire team has been mediocre to poor the entire year. I trust his production last year to be a much better indicator of his talents than this year

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We need all the help we can get period.

From what I can tell a win on Saturday doesn't even elevate us out of 12th place... and it'll take another win, plus SKC and MIN losing, for us to even be close to ninth place.

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The US game drained me emotionally and I found myself not at all caring about this game as I was watching it, which was a very weird feeling. We had a week to rest and recover and play 45 minutes against the worst team in the league who is on short rest, and they largely out played us. We were completely wide open, there was such a massive gap between the front line and the back line, it made the midfield nonexistent. Most of the time I forgot Griffith and Paredes were actually playing. Bravo made some really great plays and one led to him leading a 3v2 break, but then he just overhits an incredibly easy pass and the chance is lost.

Mosquera didn’t look like he usually does, I really think that the Moreno situation might have a negative effect on him, which really, really sucks. Him and Moreno work well down that flank. A sliver of me is hoping that the “personal reasons” excuse that Gio gave for Moreno still being in Colombia, but I know that’s most likely bs. I’ll be surprised if he shows up for Saturdays game.

When almost every player looks bad on the field, that’s on the coach. This game wasn’t even Exhibit A of that, we’re at like Exhibit M or something

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I watched…someone talk me off the ledge.

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Blanco and Mora, the two guys coming back from major knee injuries, looked good. Blanco provided a spark and an edge and whipped in some crosses and created about three to four chances, showing why wing play is so important and what has been lacking for the past year, basically. Mora out there looks like Dad took over the steering wheel after junior has been driving through the mountains and nearly careening over the cliff. Those two alone give reason for hope.

Most folks on here say Blanco is done, and maybe they say, well, it was Colorado, or it was only 20 minutes, but to me, it looks like he's still got it. I'm not sure what his knee looks like right now, or how it feels, but his play looked good. Side note: I personally wanted Nathan to light it up, but aside from just general good build up play, he didn't get many chances.

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Agreed that Blanco at least looked like someone who had played professional soccer before.

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Blanco's participation level vs. salary DQ's him for me.

And even if he were to play for the League minimum, 10-20 minutes every 2 or 3 matches isn't helping anybody. Not even as a practice player/locker room presence. It's time to wish him a fond farewell.

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Blanco still has it; the problem is he only has it for 15-20 min at a time nowadays. As Bethany Rob says, that's both not worth the salary he's making and not worth the roster spot he's occupying. I don't want to see him playing more than a half, at the absolute most, at this point, and only then if there are no other options.

I love me some Seba, but it's time for him to call it a career. His body is shot, sports-wise, at this point and I really don't want the Timbers to grind him into dust on the off chance that he might rediscover some fleeting form that doesn't really do anything to help the team except move them from 12th to 11th - that's not good for anyone.

Once he retires, put him up on the ring of honor next to Valeri, give him a proper sendoff and let him collect all the accolades he richly deserves. But watching him limp around for 20 min a game isn't doing anyone any good.

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I don't have any intel, nor have I seen him live, so I'll take you at your word that he is limping around the field. I didn't see any of that on the screen.

Blanco creating chances by putting in crosses (with his left) or cutting back and cracking a shot (you could hear the boot hit the ball) reminds me of two things: one, that Blanco still has it. He was a guy who played major roles in getting to 2018 and 2021 finals and winning MLSIB tourney, and he has been sorely missed since being out; and two, what the heck, Gio? Do you not instruct players to do as Blanco does and did Wednesday night as a winger by crossing or taking shots i.e. being dangerous, or do you just let the players "do their thing" and not want to step on their toes?

I watch other teams and see guys getting around the corner all the time and it leads to goals, or crosses in and it leads to goals. It's sad that apparently a "washed up" Blanco can do it, but nobody else can or does.

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Jul 14, 2023·edited Jul 14, 2023

I think both of you are right, in a sense.

Blanco is still very good on the ball. He's got vision and he uses his body well to get into open space while dribbling. He can go both left and right and he looked dangerous with the ball.

Blanco also can hardly move without the ball. We still haven't seen him run -really run - this year. He provides almost less defense than a parking cone because the cone won't duck and get out of the way if it's dangerous. However, he moved pretty fast a couple of times while handling the ball.

I'm not sure he can get his feet to the ball without playing a defense like CO that just kind of forgot about him for a bit, which let him get dangerous.

**** DISCLAIMER (for some of you) ****

We ALL know that right now he's not worth his salary. Jesus, yes, of course we get that. But for the rest of this year, if we're tied or down a goal, could he be of some value in trying to score? At least this looked like a "Yeah, maybe he can help in a limited sub role for the next two months?"

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Jul 13, 2023·edited Jul 13, 2023

He's just coming back from major injury - maybe "limping" is a strong word, but he's absolutely not capable of playing 90 min as he was a few years ago, and even 45 is a pretty big question.

"He was a guy who played major roles in getting to 2018 and 2021 finals and winning MLSIB tourney,"

2018 was five years ago. That's an eternity in sports, particularly for a player with Blanco's injury history - he injured his ACL in 2020 and had several setbacks in his recovery. By his own admission, he was nowhere near healthy in 2022, and it wasn't until this recent recovery that he seems able to run without pain.

I still wouldn't want to rely on him for major minutes in 2023 - it seems like he's being slowly worked back into shape, and pushing that in any way is probably an invitation to disaster for a 35 year old coming off nearly three years of knee problems.

"one, that Blanco still has it."

Nobody's disputing that he "still has it", I don't think - there's still a decent player there. The bigger and more important question, though, is, how long per game can he bring what he still has. And the answer seems to be about 20 min/game right now; with 14 games left in the regular season, there's not a whole lot of time for him to get 90 min fit, even if he could (of which at 35, coming off all those knee problems, I'm somewhat skeptical).

As mentioned, I love the guy; it's just time for him (and us) to recognize it's not 2018 any more, and that at this point he physically can't do what he could do then for more than 20 or so min at a time. If this were basketball and he could come in and out of games repeatedly, sure, let him play as much as he wants; but in a game that allows only five subs, I'm not sure Blanco is the best regular use of one of those subs at this point.

I'm also almost ruthlessly not nostalgic about athletes I like - at least not until they retire. Right now, Blanco is an active player who can't contribute for long periods of time in a game, and the Timbers need a player who can. I'd love that to be Blanco; I just don't think it can be.

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"but in a game that allows only five subs, I'm not sure Blanco is the best regular use of one of those subs at this point."

Oh, yeah. I'd definitely bring him on. He changed the game vs Colorado. It was even (back and forth) and then he comes on, with Mora, and the Timbers are living in Colorado's third. Also, why would anyone not want to watch Blanco. The guy is pure entertainment from the way he interacts with other team's players, the ref, and of course, his general showmanship and ability. I wouldn't say that if there were better options. I say that because he looks like the best option.

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Talk me off of what pop-pop?

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ROFL copter.

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